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fuel system uses only water and air

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by RobertG, Jun 13, 2008.

  1. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    This thread reminds me of an old saying: "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It only wastes your time and annoys the pig."

  2. zeeman

    zeeman Member

    Mar 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
  3. zeeman

    zeeman Member

    Mar 13, 2008
    2008 Prius

    ha ha, empty space is not only in an atom, it occupies the minds of some people (hint, hint)

    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica]"The atom is the fundamental building block of all stuff, or what scientists like to call "matter". An individual atom is very small. In fact, the smallest type of atom, hydrogen, has a diameter of 10-8 cm. This means that if the hydrogen atom was the size of a soccer ball, then a soccer ball would be 6450 kilometers (4008 miles) high. "[/FONT]

    good luck in trying to change the shadows on the wall while sitting in your prisoner's chair:

  4. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    I can't resist asking about the JFK Assassination and the Illuminati. What about them? :tinfoil3:
  5. PriuStorm

    PriuStorm Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2007
    Davis, CA
    2007 Prius
    I live in a magnetic field (caused by high voltage wires that run near my house). How can I harness the force and create electricity for free so I can cut off PG&E?
  6. hill

    hill High Fiber Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Montana & Nashville, TN
    2018 Chevy Volt
    I read the comments. I laugh ... and I sigh.
    Two camps:
    Those who say: BS
    Those who say: No, wait, it might be something!

    I sigh, because the "no, wait" crowd sometimes invest in these things. But then, when they loose their shirts ??


    The "no, wait" crowd feal that the cops are supposed to drop their B.A.R.K crimes (burglary, arson, rape, kidnapping) and run these people down ... even though your money has already been spent. I'd rather you save your money, and let the cops solve the B.A.R.K. crimes. I don't say that in a mean spirit. We got scammed a decade ago, & it took over 2 years just to get 75 cents back on the dollar. So, you want to invest? Go ahead.
  7. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    You just need a big loop of wires to go around the high voltage lines. If you can, try to get a big iron donut (toroid) and wrap as many turns around that as you can fit. The donut and wires have to loop around the high voltage lines. Then just run the two free ends to your house. Try not to touch the lines as you are doing this.
  8. Mormegil

    Mormegil Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    2014 Chevy Volt
    It's not propaganda, it's basic chemistry. You can't turn water into water, and get extra energy. If you think you can, then it's no longer "basic chemistry" as you mentioned. Unless you are suggesting that big oil made up the study of chemistry, thermodynamics and the law of conservation of energy.

    Or were you suggesting that it takes no energy to get hydrogen out of water? If that were true, then you would be correct.

    You should also realize, people on this forum aren't pro-oil industry. That's probably a reason we're driving fuel efficient Priuses.

    Was this burning building doused with kerosene/jet fuel? Or was it a just the regular material burning. That would lead to a big difference in outcome.

    Nobody is suggesting the kerosene burning melted the steel structure, the suggestion is the heat weakened the steel (not melted), and that led to the structural failure. Steel can get brittle when heated without melting.

    Edit: I found the building you were mentioned. It was the Madrid, and it didn't burn for 3 days. According to a conspiracy website, ( The Madrid Skyscraper Fire - includes videos and photos ), the firefighters mentioned the peak temp was 800 degrees. Not as high as kerosene, according to you. There are 3 main points of difference between this sky scraper and the WTC buildings.
    1) The WTC buildings were struck by a fully (almost) fueled jet. The impact is believed to have compromised the rather brittle fire proofing on the structural support beams.
    2) The WTC buildings had a lot of floors above the burning area. That's the weight that overstresesd the now brittle steel supports, fell and pancaked the rest of the building.
    3) The WTC buildings were burning due to jet fuel, which burns pretty hot, weakening (not melting) the steel supports.

    Why is this strange? Scrap metal has to go somewhere. Are you suggesting the Chinese killed 3000 people to get cheap scrap metal?
  9. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    What a diabolical plot. Those people can't be trusted, can they? :evil:
  10. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Man, you definately got me there??? You asked a simple question and I gave you the simple version of the answer as it is generally understood by non-specialists (without going into details like borrwing energy from the future to fill "empty space" etc.). I truely believe you could be considered legally insane. Arguing quantum mechanics as if you yourself truely understood it. Woot!
  11. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    How are you doing with the singing lessons?

  12. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    Can someone explain how the "ether" works? Maybe we can use it as fuel. :madgrin:
  13. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    We tried that, but the ether drag killed our mileage. I'm working on a new quantum drive that should get around this problem. ;)

  14. PriuStorm

    PriuStorm Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2007
    Davis, CA
    2007 Prius
    Thanks for the suggestion! I'll give it a try this afternoon. :D
  15. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    Make sure to wear your rubber soled shoes! :target:

  16. MikeSF

    MikeSF Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    San Francisco
    2006 Prius
    If you don't know the fundamental difference between a force and a field then this really does not need to go any further.

    But whatever, this whole thread has passed it's prime a long time ago.
  17. zeeman

    zeeman Member

    Mar 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
    hopefuly you do not live too close too close to the magnetic field, as this is a health hazard.

    but, if you really want to recapture some of the energy that is going through those wires, on your own risk then you can get some insulated transformer wire of proper diameter, wrap it around high voltage power lines (without killing yourself) then connect both of the ends to a transformer that will downstep the voltage to the voltage of your appliance.

    or, as a quick experiment, to prove to concept and avoid electrocution or illegal action against you for wraping the wire around hugh voltage lines you can just make 50 turns or so of skinny insulated transformer wire that you would wrap around the wire that carry the "phase" or "live" wire, then connect a LED to the ends of the transformer wire.

    LED will light up once the circuit is under the load.

    that is how you can capture and put to use energy that is going through a wire.

    and, if you really want to understand how magnetic and electric fields manifest you can get a tri field meter like this one

    that measures magnetic, electric and radio/microwave.

    once you set the meter to magnetic and then you walk near your power lines, or even if bring the meter near any of the power cords in your house, or even inside your car withengine running you will have no doubt that any wire that carries any current (when load is on) is also creating an EM field.
  18. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    Thanks for your explanations, I didn't know, really I didn't!:rofl:
    Stop spouting bull droppings then and do it!! I suggest you get a huge engine and generator and install them in your garage, you can sell the excess power and make a million.

    Why do you need solar panels to charge super capacitors, why not just make hydrogen at home and inject it into the system?
    Apart from the sudden switch to solar powered battery powered hydrogen generator internal combustion engine loss on loss on loss system I thought you were talking a perpetual motion machine, it looks like a design for a good heater.

    My point was, although I knew what I was saying was total crap it had more truth in it than water being used for fuel.

    The concept isn't new, back in the 1800s they put water in a container, heated it by burning wood and coal, turned the water into a high pressure gas which was used to turn the wheels. Apart from the wood smoke the only exhaust was water vapour.

    So you see water was being used for fuel way back then. Don't tell me it's different because it isn't.

    If I can store and retrieve electricity in a battery with a 20 to 30% loss then use the electricity in an electric motor with a 10% loss giving a total of 30 to 40% loss why would I spilt water into oxygen and hydrogen at a 10%+ loss then burn it in an internal combustion engine at a 60 to 80% loss?
  19. zeeman

    zeeman Member

    Mar 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
    when did i say that what you implying?
    and how does turning water into water works?
    what is the trick?

    this is really going nowhere.
    read what i wrote.
    I explained to you that alternative methods exist and i named some of those methods.

    now, that is a real suprise!
    actually i bought my prius because i was hoping it will be faster than my twin turbo maserati! hmm, thanks for the information.

    i know that most of the people are not for Big Oil, but i I am honestly suprised how they are not open to the idea that
    A: supression of alternative energy and benefitial technology exists and has existed for a while
    B: they are unable to understand how deep the conspiracy goes. For example, they are unable to understand that oil prices are raised intentionaly, in order to lower the living standard of Americans so that Americans can be brought in the "global society"
    C: they do not understand why there is all of a sudden "green movement" and they are unable to link it with Agenda21 (Agenda for 21-st century that actualy is clearly describing this agenda)
    D: anyone who challenges their comfort zone, their current paradigm is considered a "conspiracy theorist" by their own programmed response.

    I can go more about this, but i am sure that what i wroe so far is way above their heads, although most of it can be easily verifieed, if one is to invest some time in reserching what the world that they live in is really like.

    and, only after 20 minutes and 30 minutes both buildings pancaked?
    oh, my that is some super hot kerosene that can do that.
    do you know that it is phisically impossible for kerosene to melt or weken the structre so that it can collapse in controlled demolition fashion?

    like is not possible for 757 to diasappear, together with wings into a Pentagone wall hole that is one third of it fuselage, all while flying 8 feet above the ground knocking down lampposts. period.
    Tomahawk, yes, 7 series boing - no.
    Maybe that is why all of the video tapes from surrounding buildings were confiscated by FBI, shortly after the hit?

    Maybe that is why we were told that all of the black boxes that are designed to withstand exteme crashes were pronounced to be"likely destroyed" hours after the crashes of those plaines. Maybe that is why those cell phone calls that were impossible to be made from high altitude, are not mentioned any longer. Maybe it has something to do with FAA officials destroying the tapes that are recording all flights? maybe that has also something to do with multiple drills, on same day when real terror atack happened, so that flight controllers did not know that one of those drills was not a drill but a real emergency?

    maybe that is why Firefighters who had reached the eightieth floor of the north tower reported they were eyewitnesses to fact much of the fire caused by burning jet fuel had by then largely burned out, although some burning and smoldering areas still remained. they had no slightest concern that fires were still burning at an intensity which threatened their own or others' safety -- certainly not that conditions were so severe that the very integrity of the entire structure itself was threatened! On the contrary: they indicated that conditions were controllable: that they planned to conduct survivors safely out of the building, and to then bring in equipment and personnel to extinguish any remaining burning/smoldering areas. so, are you saying that those firefighters did not know if the situation was dangerous or not?Is this what you want to discuss about?

    wrong! it did burn for 3 days! and that is according to major media networks!

    it burned out of control for one day, not half an hour like WTC.

    Venezuela fire was burning for 17 hours, and that bulding did not collapse either.

    Madrid building was smoldering/burining for 3 days, with one day was burning very intensly. Even i we accept that it was burning one day -- it as about 40 times longer
    than it took to melt WTCs and bring them down.

    neither of those foreign buildings collapsed and neither foreign building was designed to take multiple airplane hits, unlike both WTCs. Why did both went down, so quickly and in perfect control demo fashion?

    was that building hit by an airplane as well? Was it also hit by an airplane that also did not have any Muslim names on passenger list? If hit, were the hijackers also Muslims with heavy duty PAPER passports that can withstand 875 degrees, temperature of kerosene at its peak heat? Man.. that is some special paper… they should have used that super heat resistant passport paper for I beams and girders in WTC buildings ..wink.. wink.

    architect of WTC skyscrapers has designed that each of those buildings can take the multiple airplane hits.
    the biggest airplanes of that day..
    did you hear that -- multiple hits by big airplanes! Those other buildings in other countries were not designed for that, were they? Can you imagine how much stronger WTCs were?

    pancake bullshit theory, to put it in simple terms, and here is why:
    Why don't you explain then to me about 9/11 Basement explosion by witness Phillip Morelli?

    9/11 Basement explosion witness William Rodriguez


    WTC Witness Interview Explosion Heard

    is that enough people talking about something that you already know subconsciously?

    those explosions were heard/felt/experienced by the people who were in the basement or people outside the building, just before the collapse. yes, BEFORE the building collapse. what do you think that means?

    ok, so what you are saying is that those people who are using 5000 degree acetylene cutting torches to cut the I beams are pure idiots, right?
    because, according to you they can just dose the I beams with kerosene and building will collapse when, for example, need to bring a building down! like in a controlled demolition. According to your logic, controlled demolition experts should best dose the building with kerosene and then wait for it to collapse in a perfectly controlled demo fashion because steel is gonna melt and no hard work of weakening the structural integrity and installing timed explosive charges and protecting surrounding buildings is needed.

    you should patent that process and become a billionaire overnight! because, nowadays it takes weeks to weaken the structure then knock down the buildings at enormous costs and time spent, not to mention risks of collateral damage.

    for your information:
    Hardened steel such as that used in the WTC beams and girders needs temperatures of approximately TWENTY-EIGHT HUNDRED (2,800) degrees to actually melt, and temperatures approaching 2,000 degrees to turn bright red and soften.

    so, this is why to cut or soften steel you need 2,800 or 2000 degrees respectively.
    anyone who used a cutting torch should have an idea how crazy is the story of 875 degree kerosene melting the steel in WTC (at optimum air/fuel ratio).

    And, you have not answered how/why did WTC7 collapsed the same day even though it was not even hit!
    And, if you really want to find something interesting about WTC7, just check out who occupied that building. Yes, check out who was the tenant!

    No my dear, i am not suggesting that Chinese did it.
    Have you heard of forensinc evidence?
    you do not sell the scrap to anyone, you keep it so you can find the clues, if you do not know who and how has done it.
    but if you do know who has done it and why and you try to coverup -- then you get rid of the evidence. Yes, you hire a company, say company named Controlled Demolition some time before the actual event.

    Everyone but Americans already knows who really pulled 9/11 and why.
    Only clueless and fearful Americans do not know/pretend they do not know the truth.

    But, one of this days even fearful Americans will have to face the reality, as their country is being purposely destroyed.
    You think fuel price is the only “conspiracyâ€

    Oh, my… only if you knew what is in the store
  20. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    Yeah, you wouldn't expect sound to travel through a steel structure, wouldn't think the sound of a 300 seat jet hitting 3/4 the way up the building might sound like a car crash 2 floors above you, for crying out loud!

    Your mind will fill in the gaps when you don't understand what just happened. Some people believe in a giant being that made the universe because they don't understand it.

    If a structure has already been weakened by a jet hitting it, and the floor is already overloaded having a jet sitting in it how hot do the beems have to get when they are already beyond their design load how hot does it have to get to soften the steel, not make it red just softer to a point where that already bent and over stressed steel breaks?

    You know you picked the wrong forum to spout this crap, I dumber than a box of rocks but you my friend are the master and leave me in the shade. There must be a spot in the **** hall of fame with your name on it. Someone much smarter than me will come by soon and debunk your debunking effort. That is if they don't split their sides laughing.
    My goodness.:frusty:

    I live in Australia and I believe I was watching live on TV as the second jet went into the second tower, I don't think it was made up, people living in New York would have noticed the building still there if it was. I think we know what happened.