I hope you won the fight brother...I had a bout with it back in 94, not a favorite 3 years for sure, kicked it's butt though, as I hope you have.
Here's a prosthetic device that might help. The last guy that wore it got to be really big and famous.
Damn! Your first photo turned my stomach. I'm happy for you that the prognosis, eye and all, is good. "Doctor Doctor," reminds me of Major Major in Catch-22, another reminder of the arbitrariness/absurdity of life. Do take special care and get well soonest.
The bumper cars at Cedar Point is where my sadistic side comes out to play lol. I believe it was 3 years ago when it happened (I've been over 10 times in 12 years, so I start to lose track). Anyone that's been to Cedar Point and gone on Dodgem knows that it's a big open track and everyone is fair game - somehow, I think it's good I don't go to a psychologist lol. So being as how much luck is, one of the rides on Dodgem I just happened to choose the one car which had a bolt sticking about 1-1.5" into the side of the car. It was installed backwards, and had the nut side sticking into the car. One of the times I laid someone out with a hit, my leg flew up and managed to pick a fight with the bolt. It hurt, but I didn't think anything of it at the time because there were more hits to be had on the ride. After the ride was over, I commented to my friend that my leg hurt, and when I looked down, there was blood running down my leg. No worries, I'll run to the bathroom and rinse my leg off. It should start to dry and what not. After I wash it off, we start walking back to Dodgem and the blood starts running down worse lol. So, I felt it was best to go to the first aid unit so that I can get a bandaid for it because IMO it wasn't that bad. At the first aid unit, it's like 90 degrees inside, we fill out the paperwork which got some strange looks when I explained what happened and they send me to the back to get it taken care of. I get back there, and tell them I just need to clean it up and put a band-aid on it. Simple, right? Noooooo, they decide to put a gauze pad over it and wrap it in an ace bandage. Now, half my leg looks like I've had some sort of big laceration covered. Now there's a scar on my shin to permanently remember it. For those wondering, yes we've been called names, pointed at, had people try to get retribution on the ride, knocked hats off, glasses off, animals out of cars, given people whiplash, and I've even managed to be on the giving side of 2 of the worst hits against each other (somehow, I've managed to avoid them so far). And yes, there's even a short youtube clip from last year. Here it is for your amusement
I got a better look, through me one good eye, and they are indeed a plastic-based material. That didn't stop them from shattering into 6 or 7 pieces and cutting like glass. I'm going to Costco tomorrow to see if they can make me a pair of new lenses quickly. Trying to drive at night without my glasses is rather scary.
If there were a local store that had these in stock I would go buy one right now! It would be better than all of the crazy looks people are giving me.
While you're there, ask about contacts. I find they give me much better vision, especially when driving. At night, there's no weird reflections, and during the day, you can wear cool sunglasses. Well, maybe plastic ones that don't shatter. I wear glasses, too, but mostly around the house, rarely outside, and never for driving - I just don't feel safe in comparison. You've been through enough medical predicaments that you really shouldn't be squeamish about sticking your finger in your eye to put them on.
You don't keep an extra pair around? I've got like 4 or 5 of them lol. If you ever get sunglasses, go for the DriveWear lenses. They take out almost all glare, but don't totally darken everything like most sunglasses do. I love them, and have even worn them into the late evenings and been able to see OK. I keep glasses in my car, in my house, and on each motorcycle. They all rotate each year when I get my annual exam and new glasses - hey, insurance covers it so I may as well use it!
I wore contacts before, but they dried my eyes out too much. Not to mention, the glare off everything esp at night drove me nuts and gave me a headache.
And perhaps a clear bra to prevent future dings? Actually, that looks quite good for such a short time for recovery. iPad ? HD