do love me some irony - & therein lies the irony. or is it a mere coincidence - the political party getting union backing (& union's reciprocity backing that political party) didn't happen to see fit for 'SOME' corporate goings on .... & yet it's all polutical hands on deck when corporate governance goes against the political status quo. or - perhaps I'm just 3 shades of jade. .
I have no idea. If my day job was an investigative reporter maybe I'd find out, but as it is I just go by what I read. Many jump to conclusions on one side and say this must be what happened Mike
Yet jumped to the conclusion that it wasn't what happened and defended that here. The letter comes down to telling the board to do its job and make sure their CEO is keeping the public company's business from their private ones, and to ensure the CEO isn't anything to hurt the company.
if she wasn't singling out musk, i could appreciate it more. but corporate bad actors have been a fixture in american business since there's been american business. go after many (most) of them and i'm fine with it. of course it's politics, she's not accomplishing anything, that's the definition.
So that gives Tesla's board and Musk a free pass? We haven't gone after all the bad actors so let's not after any.
Stockholders vs Government Government proves deceit on stockholders, a Ponzi scheme, it should be shutdown. Stockholders know what they want, government hands off. The classic case is Enron whose perfidy was well documented. Send the corporate officers to jail . . . done. Contrast with Tesla. I have a 2019 on my driveway with 140,000 miles. Elon-time, schedules are what happens when at the cutting edge of technology. Working 50 years engineering and operating system programmer showed that to be the case. Bob Wilson
A similar thing happened with batteries which bid up the price and expanded supply. The one-by-one, the unprofitable EV makers are going out of business or curbing production. This oversupply now leads to significantly more affordable batteries. I worked at different companies after the Marines: ComNET - Washington DC. General Electric - N. Virgina, Maryland, Huntsville. Boeing - Huntsville SAIC, CSC, Wang, SAIC - Huntsville and retired Unlike the Marines, I choose where I worked and who I worked for. Tesla is not the Marines. Having read his biography, his social skill and history are understandable. Not defendable but 'insights gained.' Bob Wilson
It's far from yet to be determined whether Musk's activities are benevolent or malignant. As mr B points out - some corporate decisions have been malevolent or righteous from the get-go. Then there is an "investigation" that's obviously for bad reasons. That's what makes the whole thing stink to high heaven. Actions under the clean air/water at come to mind. There are provisions for when the g'vmt fails to do their prosecutorial jobs (I dare not say WHY - because it's a wrong forum, right?) whereby citizens, environmental groups etc can take NECESSARY civil action against corporation's bad actors. Necessary because in essence - g'vmt inaction would otherwise shield bad corporate leadership from punishment that was obviously apropos. Believe it or not, the people with prosecutorial/investigative power DO sometimes have very very bad motives. .
ah la Henry ford. Guy changes the world, yet his ideology fell towards anti-jew, & Nazis - ooops! so sorry mr T/B i done did it again. But isn't the subject matter a crossover much like environmentalism - where both sides have underlying/ulterior motives & 'experts' & profiteering that each side can justify? .
It seems few on the pro-Elon side can bother to actually address the points in the letter beyond saying"mind your own business" and deflecting with GM superfund sites. Well, GM was able to pollute on their properties because people minded their own business. There is crossover and then there slipping politics into every thread when the chance arises. It isn't that hard to not do that, and a dedicated politics section for actual discussion instead of taking quick shots at the over side.
Agree on the politics being slipped in. Unfortunately in America that's typical. Noticed there are two threads on Musk currently featured trying to provoke or get reactions. One on Fred's House of Pancakes and one here. While I am not a fan of this individual I do support this line of thought on Politics Mark Cuban Says He Would Have Used A 'Magic Wand' To 'Get Rid' Of Both GOP And Democratic Party, Considers Potential Antitrust Lawsuits Against Both Parties ( The Father of Our Country said long ago when our country was being formed that Political Parties are a huge mistake George Washington on Political Parties | Teaching American History Some grasp on to Political Parties or individuals like Musk as a way to define themselves rather than standing on their own two feet. Their individual identities become blurred and actually merged with the Individual or Political Party they identify with. President Washington recognized that danger very early into the game. Once individuals give in to that human weakness discussions of the Individuals or Political Party they align with then become attacks on their own persona - then - well welcome to the USA 2024.
There is history of brilliant engineers with feet of clay. I would add Edison who screwed Nickola Telsa. Neutron Jack Welch who turned GE from a fortune 50 to 69th. Bob Wilson
The Hunter I was hearing about was found guilty of not checking a box on a gun form. He is going for the next trial for not paying his taxes he has paid with the late penalties. I still am surprised by Reagan and t on a gun rights t shirt when Reagan said this: "There's no reason why on the street today the citizen should be carrying loaded weapons."
Mace and Greene and others will not apologize or be held accountable for treating Hunter, a citizen, the way they did.
I guess I should have previously added that the accuser should have done at least some investigation to show that there was some improper behaviour ...otherwise we'll degrade into a society where every politician on one side makes spurious accusations against companies on the other side just to score political points. It is bad enough already. Mike
Trick question, I guess, because I skimmed the letter and searched for GPU, Nvidia, datacenter, chips, hits on everything. It is mostly aboard board oversight and Twitter purchase...I don't see anything about GPU sales being diverted, do you? Mike