Well, I've been on Toyota Techinfo and it seems it will be more involved thatn I thought. In the owner's manual it says to not even try to change teh bulbs yourself, as you may damage the car. When I checked the service manual, you actually need to remove part of hte bumper in order to remove the entire fog light housing first, just to access the bulb. Oh well. Wish me luck...
You don't need to remove any housing to change the bulb! Have you looked at the instructions at vfaq.net? http://www.vfaq.net/mods/Lights.html Just scroll down a little way to the Fog Lights section. It takes just a few minutes to do this.
What do you guys do when it's foggy? Just run into the back of each other?![/b][/quote] Um, well, ah, yes! At least once a year over here there'll be a news blurb about multi-car pile ups. These usually occur in area where there is dense fog. [snapback]42529[/snapback][/b][/quote] Yea.. may be a good Idea!.... might keep ya hoos! from tailgaiting!
Evan, you're a life saver (and not just because you do EM ). Thank you for that link. I imagine Iwould have figured it out, but that DOES make it much easier. Yes, now it should take only a few minutes. I figure about 30-60 minutes to run all the wiring, mount the ballast, and plug everything in.