That's one of the songs less likely to get flagged as inappropriate for pancakes (although it should definitely carry an NSFW/NSFFHOP warning). But yes, he's very funny. It's worth looking up some of his other songs.
Now that Switzerland is going to make it illegal to cook live lobster, or transport live lobster on ice, well I've been wondering why, exactly....must be a karma thing, na~must be a humane thing, na~must be a hoard the telomerase thing, na~well, telomerase gold, na
why can't you kill a lobster before cooking? i've heard the japanese chop them into nuggets and throw them in the pot in a couple seconds, does that count?
This would be a problem with the prized lobsters from Switzerland's extensive coastline. But New Zealand has had similar rules for a while. And here in New South Wales, it's not illegal to cook live lobsters, but they are covered by animal cruelty laws.
"we don’t have a flu season" Trump Evangelical Adviser Says You Don't Need Flu Shots When You Have Jesus | HuffPost
I suppose that's one way to get rid of Evangelicals. I would have preferred education, the side effects are less disturbing.
Not quite exactly. Loss of herd immunity has non-local effects. I know Evangelical Christians who fully embrace modern medicine. This thing may be out towards the edges. Even though people are awfully busy in Washington now, a White House message supporting immunizations in general and for influenza in particular would be appreciated by me at least. Don't see a downside. Nothing prior has driven the 'Trump base' away. Why would this? Do see an upside. America at large seems to be getting a bit lax on immunizations. It might become costly.
Concur.... It's a messier form of herd immunity, but perhaps people who have to rely on a White House memo ought to eschew immunizations. I always get tickled when somebody points to some obscure fundamentalist Christian who thinks that immunizations are contrary to religion, as being representative of the herd. It would seem that non-theists have their own 'herd immunity' when similar claims are made by "scientists." "Peer review" is supposed to thin out BOTH herds.......and it does. Mostly.
I'm sure that all of the Presidents have had both. I'm also pretty sure that "statistically" you can prove that one group is "better" than the rest, depending on what you want the results to be. Just remember that every group is well represented....
Whatever happened to the US "sturgeon" general? (to keep with the flu shot seafood bit)> I kind of forgot we have one -- or do we? It seems Koop was always in the news, but that was decades ago. It should be the surgeon general's responsibility to push flu shots.
Surgeons General appointed during Obama years Donald L. Weaver 2009 Oct –2009 Nov Acting SG for one month Regina Benjamin 2009 Nov – 2013 July Had won a MacArthur award, which is a pretty big deal. Substantial money comes with that, which she stopped taking when appointed. Outspoken on topic of lifestyle-related diseases. Had media problems because of support for abortion access while in office. Boris Lushniak 2013 July – 2014 Dec Acting. During Ebola crisis he deferred public comment to CDC Director. Vivek Murthy 2014 Sec – 2017 Apr Did a lot of domestic travel. Report on alcohol Drugs and health. Outspoken on opioid crisis. By these and other activities he seems to have ‘filled’ the role more than other Obama SGs. However he was also outspoken on gun violence and NRA did not like that. == I'd agree that both SG and CDC top staff ought to promote immunizations.
I saw this on the BBC today and thought you should see it: NHS to use new type of flu jab next winter - NHS to use new type of flu jab next winter - BBC News
Pretty much all of the North Alabama schools are taking Thursday and Friday off for the flu. There is some CDC data suggesting as Type-A wains, Type-B is kicking in. Yes, you can get the flu twice in one season. Bob Wilson
Some research on the impact of vitamin D level on the flu: Could Vitamin D Prevent a Flu Epidemic? - GrassrootsHealth My last blood test reported 99 ng/ml of vitamin D. I take 20,000 IU/day, plus about an hour of mid-day sun 5 days a week. All of the reported research is about much lower levels. My endocrinologist (since retired) put me on 50,000 IU/day, and I've since reduced that to only 20,000 IU/day. No problems, but I'd like to see more data on higher levels. There is a doctor in Brazil who is getting reversal of multiple sclerosis with extremely high doses (blood level in the hundreds).