Bats and birds do not fly so they can spread zoonotic diseases, it is collateral damage. But spread they do, and bats being mammals means they offer more human similarities. Rats and their kin travel at < 1 km scale but they love city life. In US, no prompt disease as such kills better than influenza so this thread had the right start. But if the goal is to have US people live long, then other lethalities merit greater attention.
Let us all gang up on bisco and say that his living longer will not cause any crisis. Accumulated elder wisdom has been (I say) undervalued since hunter gatherer when elders were 40-50.
I fully agree that under most unusual circumstances it is possible to reach age 71 without learning anything of value. But the center of mass for humans is not there.
... and taking of going off on tangents, I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it: Black Death 'spread by humans not rats' - Black Death 'spread by humans not rats' - BBC News
Na, condescension is rude. As I simply point out three inexpensive, unobtrusive ways to fight the flu, it seems if one doesn't use chemicals, they advocate quackery, fodder of a drama queen. Facts vs drama, funny stuff, very emotional
Tens of thousands die from just the "plain" flu in the US each year. Considering chicken pox can be fatal, it is a poor option over the vaccine.
Woke up with malaise and a GI problem, both ends. No cough and mildest of fever. Nap time is calling my name. Bob Wilson Summary: Shingrix is more effective than Zostavax in preventing cases of herpes zoster (shingles). Shingrix contains an 'adjuvant', boosting vaccine effectiveness while Zostavax does not. Shingrix is NOT a live vaccine, unlike Zostavax, which is live. Shingrix is given via an intramuscular injection while Zostavax is given via a subcutaneous injection. Shingrix is given as a 2 dose series, with doses spaced 2 to 6 months apart. Zostavax is given as a single dose. Shingrix is recommended for all individuals aged 50 years old and over. Zostavax is recommended for healthy individuals aged 60 years old and over More information at the referenced article. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
They love different city life, though. There are your uptown rats, with their museums and their fine dining, and your downtown rats with their gritty determination. (In case that doesn't work for some .... DNA Shows New York Has ‘Uptown’ and ‘Downtown’ Rats - The Atlantic) Uptown rat She's been living in her uptown world I bet she's never had a backstreet rat I bet her momma never told her why It doesn't rhyme, but there you go.
It's a while since I've seen it, but didn't that involve a rat getting ideas above its station? Perhaps an aspirational downtown rat unaware of his genetic limitations.
It set aside all medical reasons why rats would be better apart from humans. A tragedy except that rational humans know all that stuff, and can enjoy an imaginary world where all that does not matter.
I listen to an excellent film podcast ( BBC Radio 5 live - Kermode and Mayo's Film Review), and last year people were invited to write in about people who said "That would never happen" etc while watching films about things they were experts in. Someone went to watch Bee Movie with an apiarist who was outraged throughout by the inaccuracies in bee behaviour. This week, someone wrote in about the original Jungle Book: she'd watched it with her zoology classmates. Apparently they got angry about Indian monkeys having prehensile tails when only New World monkeys have them, and about vultures hanging around in groups when they are generally solitary hunters. It was only near the end that someone mentioned, "Oh, and also, they're all talking."
On the subject of the upper half of such offerings... Have you seen Zootopia (Zootropolis in some markets)? I think that's been my favourite kids' animation of recent years. At the risk of getting this thread moved into FHoPolitics (so I'll keep this vague), the allegory was very apposite to the current political situation. But also the animation was fantastic, especially the little details; the acting was great; and the script was nice and tight. All in all, a really excellent film. I do think kids these days are lucky with their films: kids' animations these days really are excellent.