where@59. Wherever you like. Seriously, we might do some wildlife-interaction educatin' here, even against a backdrop of indolent humor.
So there is in a tiny proportion of bats. RCO does need the gloves. It's the most horrible-sounding disease. I suspect it may have been part of the inspiration for zombie / mass-infection stories.
Dogs are by far the most effective vector of rabies to humans. Dog owners are supposed to vaccinate their pets. You know that. Human vaccine for prophylaxis or after suspected exposure is not a trivial one. However it is not the multiple painful shots to the gut we may remember from old movies etc. Remember Louis Pasteur? That guy.
I wonder why the inoculation has to be injected into one's arm. I asked one time, and was told it has to be. I'd prefer it be in my gluteus muscle. Sometimes it can make my arm a little achy afterwards.
do not know why one muscle is chosen over another for IM injections. I got gamma globulin to the butt shortly before a flight to tropics. I had some reason to suspect that it was a relatively large volume
From doctors I've spoken to, it's just a question of accessibility and convenience. It's a lot quicker, easier and less embarrassing for someone to roll their sleeves up than to take their trousers down.
Site selection for intramuscular injections appears to be an interesting topic and I wish some doctor our nurse would post on that. Basically, besides the muscle mass needing to accommodate the injected volume, there are nerves and arteries that need to be avoided. There may be cases where it is more difficult to figure out where those 'no go' zones are.
Bisco, pleeze. If you are an at-risk person, vaccination is recommended. It is a series of inactivated virus and immunoglobin injections. More painful than most other vaccinations, so they say. If you are not vaccinated and get exposed to rabies, then you get PEP. That is similar to the prophy series, and you will be carefully watched for rabies symptoms. This happens 30 thousand or so in US annually. If you get symptoms then they go all 'Wisconsin' on you. Medically indued coma and I do not know how many other kinds of injections. Survivorship is low. If you are in a rabies country with poor medical system, and get exposed to rabies, you die. == tl;dr Don't handle 'wild' animals. Don't handle dogs or cats that are acting really weird.
raccoons are the biggest problem around here, i doubt many people try to pet them. someone died in 2012 in massachusetts from rabies for the first time since 1935. it was a bat.
Kinda of a strange thread. Two things I would like to rant about -- effectiveness of the childhood vaccines is one of them I had my first tetanus shot in my early 20's after my hot-headed Dutch girlfriend bit me (no, not there!) Been having them every 10 years ever since. When my son was around 10, he got whooping cough -- how did I know -- I had it when I was a kid. Indeed, other than polio and diptheria, there was not a childhood disease I missed -- I had Chicken pox, mumps, measles (both kinds), etc. I had the sugar cube polio vaccine when I was very small, otherwise, I probably would have had polio....my dad DID have polio when he was a kid. So, son with whooping cough. Local doctor denies it is whooping cough. He points to my son's vaccine records and shows he was fully vaccinated against the disease...I don't care. I know what I know....but can't convince the doctor. A bit later, younger daughter comes down with it. I did not bother taking her in.... A few months later, big splash in the news -- hmmm.....whooping cough vaccine seems to "wear off." Same for the Chicken pox vaccine if I remember correctly. And, as for shingles, you do not need to be old to get. My wife (Swedish heritage this time -- I like the Nordic look), got a horrible case when she was around 26 years old. Anyway, vaccines are great. I just do not trust them to be a solid prevention measure. I do know that we purposely exposed our kids to chicken pox (that was --is?-) a thing people did. So I know they are immune to that. They are now immune to whooping cough. The rest....????
We had some good urban wildlife excitement here this morning. Wallaby hops along Sydney Harbour Bridge, surprising early morning motorists - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) @tochatihu , if you want to see the video, you might be able to get it in the ABC link. This is about 2km from our house. I've never seen a wallaby round here: you see them in the countryside all the time, but not in the city.
A doctor here insisted that I get Hepatitis B vaccination even though I don't fit the behavioural profile. So, shot, week and shot again. Later blood work showed no antibody at all. It flat did not work. Vaccination is about triggering immune system and it's tricky business. Sometimes works for less time than expected; sometimes does not work at all.
Vaccinations in general fall far short of perfection. To me they seem highly beneficial on balance and 'herd immunity' is a powerful logical position besides. Here and elsewhere there are voices of discord and that's just part of the deal with free societies.
rabies cases@78. I suppose these have 'broken through' PEP therapy, or were missed at that stage. Those would move to Wisconsin induced coma with low odds. Globally it is ~55,000 deaths with probably some under reporting. Rabies is far down the list of global killers. Got it.