Apparently this launch was one of three different teams being filmed by the Science Channel. The video shows the parachute prematurely deploying during launch and getting ripped away by the rocket exhaust (steam), but the flight continues towards its intended altitude. And then the ballistic descent, though edited to omit the terminal phase. 'Mad Mike' Hughes killed in homemade rocket crash in California
Dang! Now we'll never know for sure if the Earth is flat! I was so waiting for this expert's scientific discovery! RIP. Flat or not may the Earth bring you piece.
Where is the South Pole? Permanent research base, 'icecube' neutrino detector, all that stuff. It can't be all the way around the edge of flat map, it is one place. So, after putting a dot on that map, we might discuss travel times from places connected by air travel, Australia and Argentina. And compasses. And magnetic field strength.
Last time I flew in an airplane I looked out the porthole. The horizon was definitely curved. Why risk a 5,000 foot rocket ride when a safe(r) 35,000 foot ride will show you more?
The porthole is made of ground, round, curved glass. It's not an optically flat window. Everything you see will have some curvature.
Now there's a flat earther response! Seriously though, even with the poor optics of the porthole window, you can tell. But why could he not sit up front in a private plane, where the glass is optically better?
When you know inside somewhere, that the reality is not what you profess, best make your method of proof as arduous as possible. It's tragic when someone gets so backed into a corner that they end up killing themselves.
Ever look at a camera's lense? it's made up from several concave and convex pieces pressed together to Or that the Inventor is killed by his own invention. (Segway)
If you read the beginnings of this thread, you’ll understand why flat earth era, anti vaxxers and the like don’t believe anything they read, see or hear
We are only 600 years from the Dark Ages, not enough time for evolution to sort them out. Sometime I wonder if anyone is looking for the empiricist gene(s)? Bob Wilson