Thanks for the link to the pdf manual. I saved it with my other pdfs. The KARR has a few more "bells and whistles" than the OEM system so I accepted mine when the dealer said it would be a major effort to extract it. In fact, they would have had to have a tech from KARR come out to do it. I just caved and took the system. I wish it had the TRACK feature, but really, what is the risk here of a theft? Maybe if gas got up to $7 a gallon we could worry.
Original or after market, I am not sure. In any case, I still can't figure out way when no one is near the car, as in my driveway, the horn beeps a couple of times, almost like some kind of warning. When I close my door and touch the locking sensor, the horn beeps once and the door unlocks. Then when I come back and grab the handle, the horn beeps twice and the door unlocks
That's by design. The KARR system has motion and shock sensors so if someone bumps the car a bit, it will send out warning "chirps". If hit hard enough, the alarm goes off. My car even chirps if there's loud thunder.
Okay, that makes sense, but mine does it when there's no noise, thunder, and no one has bumped it. Could it maybe have to do with temperature? As I am in Arizona and the car get's pretty hot.
Is it 4 short chirps from the horn, or 2 beeps from the horn? The chirps are the motion/shock warning sensors but the 2 beeps would be the unlocking function. If you are getting chirps with no obvious motions then it's possible the sensors are shorting. If it's 2 beeps from the horn, maybe your remote(s) are sending the unlock signal. Sometimes buttons on remotes depress inside a tight pocket. If you think the system has a problem - unfortunately KARR will only make house calls to diagnose and then repair...there is no KARR shop to go to. I almost had to do this and they quoted me about $100 to make a house call. They can be reached at (877) 909-5277.
Was working by the car the other day, no thunder noise are anything else for that matter, but it beeped 5 times. Maybe the next time I go to the dealer for my free check up's I should say something about it, or just have then turn it off or uninstall it?
Just put it in Valet mode which is essentially disabling it: Valet mode – with Prius on, press and hold for 5 seconds until solid blue LED Other programming options: Make sure Karr is disarmed (no LED lights) Turn Prius on Press and release Karr button 3 times Short LED light with 1 short horn Before 3 seconds, turn Prius off Horn will give a short-long chirp Within 3 seconds, turn Prius back on (now in programming mode) Horn will give a long-short chirp Press Karr button one time per option (there are 4 options) the Karr LED will flash the number of times per option you are on. Option 1 (one flash): wait ½ second and horn should chirp once (auto-lock with ignition on) Option 2 (two flashes): wait ½ second and horn should chirp once (auto unlock with ignition off) Option 3 (three flashes): wait ½ second and horn should chirp twice (passive arming and lock without lock) Option 4 (four flashes): wait ½ second and horn should chirp twice (active arming) Turn Prius off to exit programming. Get out and arm…LED should flash. Wait a bit and then attempt to disarm with fob. Valet mode – with Prius on, press and hold for 5 seconds until solid blue LED Valet mode off – within 3 seconds of Prius on, press and hold until LED off