Wayne and is son installed my block heater today at the Toyota plant in Georgetown KY. Thanks for installing the block heater! I still owe you something as thanks! It was also nice to meet everyone. Wish we had more time to talk. Here are some pics
That is awsome. I sure hope Wayne didn't violate any UAW rules by doing the install on Toyota Plant property. How many Toyota employees stoped by to see what was going on?
Most likely: No one else saw what was going on. The install probably took less then 15 minutes with Wayne and his experienced helper
Re: Fire Engineer's DNA distribution tour I think what Wayne and his family are doing is a remarkable story and wonder why CNN or a morning show haven't checked in with them. Kinda of a Johnny Appleseed with screwdrivers. We had the pleasure of seeing them last summer here at 8,000 ft in the Rockies where my neighbor and I parked our two cars side by side for an easy double shot.
Re: Fire Engineer's DNA distribution tour I haven't seen a post from Wayne here at PriusChat since December. I hope everything is ok.
Re: Fire Engineer's DNA distribution tour I saw him at a MiHG meeting in Oak Creek, WI about a month and a half ago. He has been very busy with not much time left over for posting. We miss you Wayne and hope things slow down enough for for you to continue sharing your wisdom.
Re: Fire Engineer's DNA distribution tour I saw a post from him a week or so ago on one of the other forums, CleanMPG I think.
Re: Fire Engineer's DNA distribution tour I corresponded with him in early December about his (my!) long awaited Southern tour. He was hoping after the first of the year, but he wasn't sure if his schedule would allow it. It sounds as though he's been busier than he anticipated.
Re: Fire Engineer's DNA distribution tour I have been reading about this great person Fire Engineer's DNA distribution tour. This guy is going all out, my question is can people donate $5.00, $10.00, $20.00 or what ever they can afford to help cover this guys costs of driving all over the country. Or if there is some kind of account set up that we could donate to?izza:
Re: Fire Engineer's DNA distribution tour I think most folks are handling it individually or locally, even though he doesn't ask for or expect anything. He has made two trips to my area. First was to install my heater after stops in NC, when he had his wife and son with him. I bought the three of them lunch. Then he made his more extensive east coast swing (flying solo), with a stopoff for our local Prius owners' meetup and group EBH install. We took up a collection for him.
Re: Fire Engineer's DNA distribution tour Thanks for the quick responce to my question, I had no idea that how it worked. Best of luck to him.
Re: Fire Engineer's DNA distribution tour A lot of us either put him and his family up for the night (that's what I did even though I didn't have an EBH installed) or fed them (I arranged that with someone else who did have the EBH installed). I'm not sure if others have offered cash or not, but certainly doing your part to facilitate the trip and help reduce costs seems like the kind thing to do.eace:
Re: Fire Engineer's DNA distribution tour So, Fire Engineer, when you going to be in Vermont? As I posted in the new guy forum last night, my dealer said the EBH are not needed in the 08's. Efusco's response of, not needed but useful, is all I need to go ahead and get it done. So, coming to Vermont? Just kidding, I think I can do it myself. We do have some pretty detailed instructions here on site. It kills me that the dealers are not 100% behind this though. I would think that they'd be all for maximizing fuel effiency & a comfortable cab right from the start. What's the problem?
Re: Fire Engineer's DNA distribution tour Earthman: Welcome to the wonder world of Prii !!! I have an EBH here in the Mtns. of NC, I would think you could certainly benefit from one in Vt. I would highly recommend. Best of luck!!