What? And if someone said to you, two years ago: "Tony, you could get 70 MPG on a tank," would your response have been "Let's stick within the realms of actual possibilities."?
I guess I should post this here as well: I just bought a 2004 package 5 with 70k miles from a toyota employee. It's been serviced like clockwork and on my first fill up, and at the 200 mile mark, the MFD indicates I'm averaging 64mpg. Yes, I reset the odo when I filled up. Is this considered pretty decent, run of the mill mpg? I also drive as usual and don't really try to drive any more conservatively than I did with my honda crv. I'm pretty heavy on the gas pedal lol. I also drive up hill quite a bit. I'm a little disappointed that I'm not getting better mpg with all the talk lately about getting 100 mpg or more. But if I'm getting more than 700 miles per fillup I guess I can't complain too much.
Tony, sorry for being a little belated with this, but congratulations! Now, what took you so long? :bolt:
i got 70 mpg when i went up north last weekend. went 197 on 2.8 gallons. only went down 1 pip. figured out mileage the 'old fashioned' way, strange thing was that the car only figured that i got about 48 mpg. had a good tail wind due to a storm but i'll take it!
I suppose it is taking the wind out of your sails to suggest the car's calculation is the correct one? Still, if you only went down one pip and traveled 197 miles, you've really done well. That is about the same as my best "first pip" -- I was working on a 60+ tank then. Did you drive 197 miles after having hit the "Reset" button and then stop to get gas? What I'm really wondering by asking this is how you would know your car was saying 48 for the same trip.
guess i never thought about the possibility that i forgot to reset the screen after my fill up. i really did go 197 miles on 1 pip using 2.8 gallons. i filled up, drove north and filled up again the next day. that calculates to 70.3 mpg!
The math is pretty strong. The only question I have is whether you are certain your prior fill got you to the same point as your second fill. The MFD is going to be so much more accurate. Because of the bladder you'll never really be certain of filling the tank to the same point each time.
One thing is for sure. The remaining pips will click off MUCH faster, so don't expect to get anywhere near that for each remaining pip lol! The second one will usually click off fairly soon after the first one that seemed to take forever to disappear.