I guess I should give Coldplay another chance. If Gwenyth can marry the guy how bad could his music be...?
Hey, Sam, and all you Neil Young fans, have you heard the 'latest' 1971 Live at Massey Hall album? That's the one my 19 year old liked so much. Some of his more famous songs, like 'Old Man' are performed live with commentary when they were very fresh.
Cake. Anything by Cake. I drive my friends nuts with it. Awesome fusion of stlyes and poignant whimsical lyrics. Lately I listen to a lot of They might be Giants since it's kids friendly, and Coldplay, which my wife loves. XY's a good album, the rest, ehhh. Other than that, I like a wide variety including Mark Knofler/Dire Straights, Gorillaz, Morcheeba, Martin Zellar, Phish, Soul Coughing, and the Animals (oldies but good). Sometime I flash back to Gear Daddies, Beastie Boys, and the Grateful Dead, from my college days.
Kid friendly? Funny, the kids around here have music called 'not safe for adults.' It was they who introduced me to Outkast; with one of those 'explicit lyrics' warning labels. Hey ya...:music: Coldplay's mellow, alright, but tends to be almost depressing after too much of it. I like 'Green Eyes' from the 'Rush of Blood to the Head' album.
They might be Giants is the kid friendly music I was referring to, not Coldplay. Coldplay is the wifes preference...Cause he's so hot....
Wow, haven't thought of that band in a long time. My favorite song by them is "Whistling in the Dark." I LOVE Gorillaz. I must have had Demon Days in my player for months - couldn't get enought of it What's your favorite on that album?
I actually listened to them in college quite a bit. Now they are all over the Disney channel, so the kids love em. We got them their new DVD's, so now I get annoying kids songs stuck in my head like: E eats everything QU robot parade etc. GORILLAZ! Actually I have that in my car right NOW. I like Fire Coming Out Of A Monkey's Head and El Mañana
Neil Young I'm going to have to check that out. My favorite Neil Young cover: Ian Tyson's (another Canadian) "Four Strong Winds" My favorite Neil Young reference and story: Joni Mitchell's (another Canadian) comments that her song "The Circle Game" was in response to Neil's "Sugar Mountain" and written to give Neil and her some hope. Neil had been bummed out because upon turning 21, he was barred from going to his favorite bar/music place because he was too old. Sugar Mountain was Neil's lament about that.
Depending on the mood I'm in, I listen to a little bit of everything.... Vintage Alan Parsons Project sounded really good this morning... I do need to get my sub hooked up though...
Keeps switching for me, but I think "Kids with Guns" is my favorite. Love Demon Days, too - that choir is so fine.
Demon Days is excellent too... For Neil Young, I always liked "long may you run". (edited, thanks Fibb)
I've been burning CDs for the Prius, lots of 70's and 80's Rock. Air Supply Aerosmith Boston Chicago Beatles (yes, I know they are 60's) REO Billy Joel 39 Special Queen .... and lots more.
Is that Long May you Run? as in (from memory)... We've been through some things together, trunks of memories still to come, lots of things to do in stormy weather, long may your run... Love playing that on the guitar..
Another Neil Young Honor Another Neil Young driving music honor: Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere is in my car's permanent collection of CDs.
oh man, i have a ton of burned cd's in the center console and i still can't decide what to listen to. i'm actually working on the car music thing right now, but i have to get some of this on my ipod first people are always surprised to hear what i listen to. today on the way to work i screamed along with david draiman to "down with the sickness"... it's an effective way to wake up. don't ask what you'd hear in my car on the days i'm hitting the road at 4am!
A driving mix! Why didn't I think of this before? Here's a driving mix I just made: Drive My Car -- The Beatles I'm In Love With My Car -- Queen Cars -- Gary Numan Always Crashing In The Same Car -- David Bowie Car Bomb -- Negativland Fast Car -- Tracy Chapman Brand New Cadillac -- The Clash Don't Push Your Foot On The Heartbrake -- Kate Bush Chevy Van -- Sammy Johns Hot Rod Lincoln -- Commander Cody & His Lost Planet Airmen Race Car Ya-Yas -- Cake Truckin' -- Grateful Dead Speed Racer -- Devo Roadrunner -- The Modern Lovers Road To Nowhere -- Talking Heads Take The Long Way Home -- The Bloodhound Gang Highway 61 Revisited -- Bob Dylan Convoy -- C.W. McCall The Magic Bus -- The Who Car Trouble -- Adam & The Ants A Gallon Of Gas -- The Kinks