Nothing to do with vehicles. The human brain is really good at pre-processing the image it receives from your eyeballs. It removes content that it deems wrong or unnecessary (like your nose) and also minimizes and filters noise from one sensor with less noise in the other (sun in your eye, squint and now you can see, etc). Also really good at object detection since that's what they're designed to do and have been I-training (not AI-training) for tens of millennia, fine tuning the software to know what is a real threat or hazard and what isn't. Plastic bag blowing towards you, probably won't notice. Bear running at you, probably will notice. This is also one reason why those "ispy" style books where objects are hidden in plain view in strange places work so well. Your brain filters so much, that when it gets to a jumble like that, it ignores a lot unless you're concentrating on it and sometimes will actively paint-out content you should be seeing because it deems it irrelevant. The brain is cool, and also kind of sucks depending on what you're trying to do. Right now, we're trying to make autopilot be better than a brain and it is. If you compare miles driven per accident or fatality, autonomous vehicles are way better than humans. At this point, take the keys away from the human and everyone would be safer.