Hello I'm wondering if there is a recommended brand of elm327 scanner? I did a quick search and found nothing about a recommend scanner just that some of the eBay offerings are suspect. Also I'm coming from a VW/ Audi background so I'm hoping this will be as useful as the ross tech Vag com that I have.
Hi I am using OBDLink but it would occasionally lock up. There is a new less expensive version OBDLink SX but it seems to suffer from the same issue. OBDPros is supposed to be good but I have no experience with it. Sorry I don't really have a definitive recommendation.
I am using the cheap ELM unit off Ebay £9 in UK probably $12to $15 US with no problems at all. I suggest at that price it worth trying.
I have a clone from ebay here that accepts the following commands at 38400baud atpp 0c sv 08 atpp 0c on atz power cycling does not help but stays working at 38400 and does not change to 500k Says that it is Rev 1.5 which does not exist as far as I know. The at brd 08 seems to work by the spurious burst of chars which could be at 500k. you may have gotten one that works.
Yes it looks that way. I presume you are using stnterm to program your device, I can switch mine to 500kb using (at pp 0c sv 08-at pp 0c on-atz) then at new baud rate "500kb" switch back using (at pp ff off-atz) to 38kb. Try pairing the letters as I have, I know it should not matter but I find it makes a difference. Mine runs fine at 500kb rev counter is a bit jerky not smooth but otherwise OK, best of luck and let us know how you get on.
All the windows except the drivers window will not work in my 2008 priuus.I have checked everything. What is the problem?
You are posting in the wrong area, post in Forums/2004-2009/care-maintenance-trouble shooting, and someone will give you advice.
I don't know. You can try running the native Windows version or try to install cygwin and run the cygwin version. Good luck and please keep us updated.
Hi 2009Prius; Remember me? Finaly,I make priidash to work,but...when execute the control or gauge meter button to GO,both of them closes.I got an Obdlink sx,set at 2meg,really working at this speed.The issue is that the vehicle is not here,so there is no connection to vehicle.My question is ,what happens when the interface (obdlink) is not connected ?Can I do a simulation test under this circunstances?BTW,thanks for all of your help on complete my setup. I forgot,cygwin terminal read; Running in normal mode. setting COM state!
Glad to know you are making progress! If you press "GO" button but the car is not connected then at best nothing will change. There is a pure software simulation mode you can run to just test the graphics display: choose the "simulation" from the "run type" dropdown menu. Once you have the car connected everything should work fine. Good luck!
Thanks,but what I said is that the graphics and the control goes off from the screen.The displays shuts down and there is nothing to see,but the cygwin terminal indicates that is running and setting comm state...
Here is the xterm output; Owner@FRANKIEOMEGA ~ $ cd /cygdrive/f Owner@FRANKIEOMEGA /cygdrive/f $ ./priidash ********************************************************************** PriiDash(TM) Copyright (C) 2011 by TeamPrii at sourceforge.net This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License, with ADDITIONAL TERMS. For details click "About PriiDash(TM) ..." button in "Main Control" window. ********************************************************************** runUI() thread starting ... runUI() thread started runUI() started. xxxGauges > Go button pressed UI starting Running in normal mode. setting COM state! * Owner@FRANKIEOMEGA /cygdrive/f $
It looks like you were running the native Windows version of the exe file, not the Cygwin version. To run the native Windows version please use Windows command prompt. If you use X-term then make sure you run the Cygwin version of the exe file. Hope this helps.
I was doing some other tests,and think Iam on the same place when began.The only version of Priidash that seems to work is the vc_20111021 version.The xterm paste is the output for this version.A "bad address" is the response for the other versions I tried.I still a bit confuse on where to recompile the files of cgywin. For example;devel-cmake,devel-gcc etc,etc,are folders.The contents are .rar uncomppressed files.So what to do with these .rar files?They must still there as it,or must to be extracted to what directory?Iam trying to see the whole thing as a window directory tree.Maybe this will be the reason to get a bad address when execute the priidash.Excuse my inexperience.Iam learning too much on this forum,thanks to people like you.I still do not give up.........