I am attaching an Ubuntu executable that I just test drove this morning. I haven't figured out how to link the libraries statically so to run it we need to install boost-thread and fltk(1.1.10) shared libraries. Uh I just realized there would be a hard coded /media/Kingston/ folder for the log files for this Ubuntu version. Sorry! Sorry about the hard coded "F:" there. Please follow ccdisce's suggestion to change the thumb drive letter from "e:" to "f:". Go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Disk Management -> Right Click on drive e: -> Change Drive Letter and Paths. Also make sure to create a folder \OBDLog. The program does not create the folder - it just crashes if the folder is not there. Please let us know if there is any other question. Thanks!
Thanks for that. I see that it is linked to libboost_thread.so.1.46.1. The Ubuntu repositories on my two machines are only up to version 1.42. I went to Sourceforge to download the 1.46.1 source but it looks like another one of those software odysseys- 10,000 files in 285Mb, and I couldn't immediately determine how to compile it. Hopefully you can determine how to make the static linking... <:-| OK, I didn't know about the disk renaming tool. So I did that, and I have a f:\ODBLog folder. But no change, the program still quits with the same error message as before. For some reason on XP (SP3) the program is not seeing that folder, although it shows up just fine in Explorer. I'll keep poking around a bit, but that's the report thus far.
Did you connect to internet and refresh the repository info? I was just installing from the Ubuntu repository, not Sourceforge. It's OBDLog, not ODBLog. PC is kind of dumb to figure out our trivial typos.
Dang.....<headsmack>I have seen the same typo on some projects on Sourceforge</headsmack> OK, got past that point, now will try on car. Thanks.
Hi 2009, sorry, my laptop was down! But here are the log files. Part I is an example of what I experience about 1 out of 20 times that I run the program. You can see that all the way up until Line 1650 of the CSV file, I have several gauges not working, or working improperly, and then all of a sudden, the RPM column jumps to a random number in this case 16,878 RPM and gets stuck there. At that same line, several other columns suddenly get populated with data, albeit incorrect. The Part II file is the file after I pressed STOP/GO. The 16,878 RPM remains and all of the calculations and several other gauges continue functioning incorrectly. Need anything else? Also, whats your PP adress?
You are not alone - the inverter for my laptop's backlight has been acting up and today it finally died. I am using an external monitor now. I will take a look at the data later. To donate please go to PriiDash | Free Science & Engineering software downloads at SourceForge.net and click on "donate" (above the download button). Thanks in advance! While you are there please download the most recent version and give it a try.
ok i hope i have the right topic here. i installed the windows version also i have a elmscan 5 usb its a old model ( 2008 ) only 500k baud possible when i start the windows program and set the com port and baud rate and click in GO the program crashed before i was thinking the elm is not set at 500k but after connecting a terminal program i got a response with version number of the elm at 500k only so thats set to 500k for sure. when i select simulation ( i guess without a car connected? ) it also crashed. other people with the same problem?
Open a cmd window (Start - Run - cmd.exe). Navigate (cd) to the directory where priidash.exe is and run it so you can see if there is any error message. Most likely the F:\OBDLog directory is not there. Right now it is still hard coded so you need to have a USB key or memory card or hard drive partition with drive letter F: and create a folder "OBDLog".
Hey just threw you some cash...Did you have a second to take a look at my logs? I decided to try the program on another laptop, and I could not even get the program to run. The ticker would start but no action. I have become accustomed to knowing how to plug and unplug and restart to get the program working, but on the other laptop it just would not work.... Also, I downloaded the newest windows version, and immediately I noticed that the same problem (half of the gauges not working) was present AND as well as the output was jittery...It would display the information in a very fast "stop and go" type way. Every second of half second, it will freeze ever so quickly, then data will show, and so on and so forth, This does not happen in the older versions I am running.
Hi Thank you so much for the generous donation! I made a small progress trying to debug the problem you are experiencing. I took the txt file from the part 1 zip file and converted to csv files using two different versions of PriiDash: CygWin and Windows VC2010. The CygWin version decoded correctly but the Windows version got the same problem of all zero RPMs and then all 16768 RPMs. This is a big clue and I will dig deeper and report back.
Excellent well at least you've found the problem! If I knew anything about code, Linux, or the OBD Protocol I'd help.
I think I found the problem. Actually I think SteveDH suggested before but I didn't follow up. :doh: It turns out that the length of the message carrying RPM from your car is shorter than mine. I shortened the length check and it seems to work (decoding your file correctly). Please download the attached and see if it works for you. Thanks!
Hey! It works! Thanks so much! But I noticed a few things. It is very choppy, as I described the other versions earlier. Any idea why this might be? Anyway to apply this fix to the September release that is not choppy? Also, I think you have a multiplication factor of 10x on the MG1 and MG2 KW readings.... Could you tell me exactly what the following displays are? KW 1 and 2 (i know they are engine KW, but which is which) KWreq Efficiency (should eff1 always be 29-30%?)
The Windows version is slightly choppy since it only gets about 1/2 of the data for some reason I don't quite understand yet. If you find it very choppy please zip and upload the log files (you know the drill very well by now, right? ). MG1 and MG2 KW are new. Let me double check. The 2 engine KWs are what people found by trial and error. We don't really know exactly what they are. KWreq is supposed to be the requested power. Efficiency is just KW divided by the fuel consumption (converted to correct energy units of course). I think Toyota tuned the engine operation curve very well so the efficiency is generally very high and does not change much no matter what we do to the gas pedal (except flooring it I guess). Also the peak overall efficiency may not coincide with the peak engine (only) efficiency.
Here is the csv log from a 20 minute trip today. (I renamed it to .txt) As far as I could tell from the odd glance at the readouts, priidash was giving me reasonable data as far as RPM, ICE temp, and other temps were concerned. But I am not really understanding what the log data is telling me when I import it into the spreadsheet. I am mostly interested in inv1T, inv2T, mg1T, and mg2T. Those columns don't seem to track with what I was seeing on the screen. This drive was on a very hilly road, steep ups and downs, lots of regen braking, slow speeds, twisty turny, lots of electric only mode, and an overall mpg of about 52. (If you have been to East Maui, you know what I am talking about.) At the end of the trip, priidash was giving high temp >50C for mg1 and mg2. The gauges were yellow. Given that the trip was pretty electric intensive but also a bit slow so not much air flow, I can believe that they might be getting hot. The car gave no indications or codes, and drove fine. So I don't know if what I was seeing was real or not, and how much to be paranoid about it. My laptop was sitting on the back seat, so I don't know how much noise I am getting into the system. I was using my OBDLink SX at 2Meg data rate. As I say, the main gauges looked to be smoothly responding, so the GUI seems like it's working OK. What do you think?
Thank you for sharing your experience and I envy your climate and location! The yellow warning lights for the inverter and MG temperatures were set at pretty low (very conservative) levels. So no worries just yet considering your driving condition. Here is what I would do: turn the car to IG-ON by pushing the power button twice without depressing the brake, then open the hood to check if there is healthy fluid movement in the inverter coolant reservoir and to listen for normal sound of inverter coolant pump. Once that's confirmed I would collect data for several weeks to establish a baseline for the inverter and MG temperatures. Then after that I would be able to tell if there is abnormal high temperature. I don't think noise would be an issue unless you add a very long extension cable. I plotted the data and everything looked fine except the second half of the trip. It looks like the OBDLink SX got into a lockup problem that has been bugging me for a long time now. See this thread: https://www.scantool.net/forum/index.php?topic=5027.msg21917#msg21917 for more details. To confirm this could you please zip and upload the corresponding logxxxx.txt file? Thanks!
No need to envy the road. It is notorious, and hard on the equipment, human and metallic. It has advantages and disadvantages. In reading through the CSV log, I see that a number of the columns do get stuck at one value after a while, except for mg2T, which continues to climb from 0.0 to 5.93. So that one seems to be reporting something proportional to the actual temp. Odd. What are the units? The other temps inv1T, inv2T, mg1T, seem not to be on the same page at all. The whole log file, even zipped, is still 2.7Mb. I truncated it, leaving the first few minutes, then continuing later before the point at which most of the data seems to go static, where the .CSV line number stays at 701154. I did notice that things seemed to lock up, similar to what you are describing on the OBDLink forum, and did restart it after shutting off the car. The log file shows that no data is being read. Too bad, I hope they can figure that one out.
Thank you! The log file did confirm the same lockup problem (starting after 847.148139 sec mark) as I see in the OBDLink devices. invTs and mgTs are in C.
I was able to take priidash out for a longer drive, and looked at the .csv files again. I was particularly interested in the data for inv1T inv2T mg1T mg2T. During my drive I saw the data on the temp gauges moving around from 40C to over 50C, pretty much looking correct and where I would expect them to be. So it looks like priidash is getting the right data on the screen. When I look at the columns of the data in the .csv file, the values are quite different. Here is a representative piece out of the file: inv1T inv2T mg1T mg2T 999.9 0 6713.3 40.47 999.9 0 6713.3 40.48 999.9 0 6713.3 40.49 999.9 0 6713.3 40.5 999.9 0 6713.3 40.51 999.9 0 6713.3 40.52 999.9 0 6713.3 40.53 999.9 0 6713.3 40.54 999.9 0 6713.3 40.55 999.9 0 6713.3 40.56 999.9 0 6713.3 40.57 999.9 0 6713.3 40.58 999.9 0 6713.3 40.59 999.9 0 6713.3 40.6 999.9 0 6713.3 40.61 999.9 0 6713.3 40.62 999.9 0 6713.3 40.63 999.9 0 6713.3 40.64 999.9 0 6713.3 40.65 999.9 0 6713.3 40.66 999.9 0 6713.3 40.67 The numbers for the first three columns are obviously not right. the mg2T data is about what I would expect. There is intermittancy in the data also. Sometimes inv1T starts showing reasonable numbers, sometimes inv2T will show numbers from ~.5 - 1.5. What could be happening to get such discrepancies between the displayed data and the logged data? Note, this is also happening in the files which I attached above, but I can also attach new files as well.
It's strange since the logged data in the csv file should be a sub-sample of the displayed data. I looked at your log20120108_003345.csv again and the temperatures looked OK. Could you please zip and upload both the txt and csv files that exhibits the problem? Thanks!