Thanks that's much clearer now. Could you please Confirm the missing dll is exactly "cygboost_thread-net-1_43.dll" Go to PriiDash - Browse Files at and download the previous version, 20110726 (the directory said 20110627) version, and run the precompiled file as you did. I am still puzzled why it would be looking for a dll. I thought the precompiled executable are self contained with all libraries compiled in statically. I could be wrong though. Sorry this is causing so much trouble. Hope we will get it working soon.
Hello Again, I'm pretty challenged by all this program installation so thanks for your patience. I started over by installing cygwin and priidash (cygwin version only) on another computer on which they had not previously been installed. Yet.... I still get the same error message. I proceded as in the above post in launching the program. Thanks
I get the same error from the 20110726 installation. Thanks for bearing with me. Tomorrow, I'll re--do everything to do with cygwin. I know I'll get it eventually and am really looking forward to the utility of Priidash. I am very grateful to you. I just need for now to get some log files to analyse the hv battery and this is the cheapest way to do it as there is one for $399 out of an 04 with 113K that I hope to use Good night!
OK. Search your cygwin\bin directory for that file. If it's not there then run the cygwin setup program again (no need to uninstall). Make sure that when the page comes up that asks which components to include, the item "lib/boost" is checked (selected), and don't deselect any item that's automatically added by the setup program. Don't deselect any previously already selected items either. Hope this helps.
I was thinking along the same line last night. Why on earth do they number the dll file to make it backward incompatible? So did you find a file in the cygwin/bin directory that has a name something like "cygboost_thread-mt-1_46.dll"? If so then try to rename it to the missing filename: "cygboost_thread-mt-1_43.dll". If that still doesn't work then we have to re-compile. Another idea: I attached the "cygboost_thread-mt-1_43.dll" file (inside a zip file). Download the zip file and extract the dll file and put in the cygwin/bin directory. See if that works. Sorry wrong file. Removed.
Yes the cygboost_thread-mt-1_46.dll is in the directory along with a number of other _46 files. The original boost file can still be installed from cygwin, if you know to look for it in the libs folder and then toggle the selection from the new to the old file (version 1.43.1-1). So, maybe you should revise your installation instructions to reflect that location. I'm still looking for a way to add ver 1.43 to the installation. Here's what I have tried. I used the cygwin installer to: 1. install cygboost_thread-mt-1.43.dll in the cygwin directory. Cygwin seems to have a preference for the later version of boost and this failed. so the I tried. 2. to remove boost ver 1.46. It did not offer the option. So instead I 3. use the file manager to remove ver 1.46 from the installation folder then tried 1. again. priidash is now up and running and I am going to take it for a test drive. also I 4. pasted the file you sent into cygwin/bin. (It had the wrong name so I renamed it.) priidash didn't run. So, Everything should be okay and I"m going to see how it works.
Thanks to milleniaman who brought up the issue of Boost dlls. I just uploaded to a new release that contains a pre-compiled executable in the zip file that resolves that issue by statically linking to all libraries so no need to depend on specific dlls at run time.
What a great utility...geez, thanks. I am having currently two problems: I am running the windows version first of all and it was running great for about two days, except i was not getting any reading other than "999" for the MPG' one point I was getting readings for one trip but that was it....Currently, I cannot get ANY readings for no apparent reason...I restarted my computer and it worked for about 10 minutes (minus the MPG's) and then it just stopped showing any readings and now after reinstalling the OBDLink drivers, reinstalling PriiDash, and restarting numerous times, I cannot get any readings other than theticker clock....Any suggestions?
Most likely there were communication errors with the OBDLink device. Look in the f:\OBDLog\logxxx_xxx.txt files for error messages. Were you using the most recent version 20111021 posted by SteveDH some posts ago? Did you remember to set the COM port baud rate to 2M on the OBDLink side? What are the OBDLink LED lights showing when you try to run the program?
so originally I was running the 10/21 version and I then got it to start working again with the 9/27 version last night and its running since, but still 999 on the mpg. My baud rate is set to 2mbps and I have no errors in my log files....The OBDLink device is flashing very fast green and red lights when its working OR not working. Hope this helps
Also, there are a few other gaugues I noticed are not working such as one of the Effcy gauges as well as the fuel calculator
That's strange. So the 10/21 version no longer works but 9/27 version does? If you see very fast flashing lights on the OBDLink unit then it should be working. I am not sure why some gauges are not working. You are testing with the car in READY mode (not IG-ON mode), right? When the ICE runs the MPG still says 999?
Now, both versions are working again...As far as the MPG, it only worked one time for no apparent reason-the niight I got it working, but its never worked since. It always just says 999 or 0 depending on the ICE. Also the fuel calculator does not display anything....
There are two MPGs: average and instantaneous. I assume it is the instantaneous that is jumping between 999 and 0, right? What does the average MPG say? And do the ODO and the Trip meter update when you drive some distance?
Yes the instantaneous goes between 0 and 999, the average is stuck at 999 the odo and trip meter are working fine....Any ideas? I am also still having the problem of random shutdowns where the program freezes and I have to do a combination of plugging/unplugging the OBDLink, turning the car on/off and restarting priidash. I don't know if the problems are related...
From time to time I also experience the OBDLink lockup and the program appears to freeze. Next time when this happens (and when it's safe!) take a look at the OBDLink device and see if you see the same as I see: the busy blinking lights no longer blinks, only one solid light in the middle. If that's the case then the only work around I found so far is: click stop/start button in the program, unplug both the USB and the OBD cable, then plug both cables back, then click the start/stop button in the program to restart. At least there is no need to quit the program or turn off the car. Now back to the MPG problem. Could you zip one of the logxxxx.txt file (not the csv file) in the f:\OBDLog directory and upload here for me to take a look?
looks like I'm causing 2009Prius some headaches. I have seem the 999 ave mpg issue for average mileage, but its never hung around long enough for me to track down, but the csv file showed that somehow the distance or time value had become corrupted.