It turned out the date was not set correctly. So the only thing I am still trying to figure out is what the record is actually showing me because I don't recall within the last week where I drove 141 miles without turning off the car. Here's the picture Aren't those "trip records", not trip a or trip b but actually times where I turned on the car, drove it, and then shut it off? I've since reset the "records" and now they're all blank despite me driving a bunch so I guess I just don't understand what that screen is suppose to be showing me. Also, I can set it to either monthly average or best and its currently set to show me best. Any ideas? Tapatalk is tha shizzle
Yep, that'll do it. I believe that's what you see if you have the trip clock showing the Odometer. If you have it showing Trip A or Trip B, I think it's based on when you reset Trip A or Trip B. Here are some previous threads (and I've posted my experiences in the second one, though I must say I haven't done that in a long time and will try to remember to try it again soon). Help with Past Record Display | PriusChat Past Record | PriusChat
I had the same issue as the OP. Records showing up for April '13 and I purchased my Prius C Two in July. There were about ~45 miles or so as my car had to be driven in from the north side of Chicago for delivery at the dealer I used. There were records from April that had me perplexed. Now I know why. Thanks for clarifying. iPhone ?
No. These are set to whenever you reset the tripometer A. If you move over to tripometer B you will see the same thing except for whenever you reset B. When it says from Start is the one that shows the records of when it is cut off.
Trip miles are actually the distance the car has traveled since the reading was 'zeroed' by pressing the v button on the steering wheel when that trip (AorB) was displayed and holding for a brief time. consult the owners manual. be careful not to do that when the display is showing odometer reading as it will switch to km/hr instead of mph and you have do the hold agin to switch back. You can select zero at any time. The display you show is oindeed the review of the lat three times you ran the engine and are reset by the igituion key.
that's makes no sense because i have never driven 141 miles in a row without turning the engine off. Hmm, what's weird is that 141 is the total round trip to my work everyday. Is this scenario possible? I got the car monday evening with a full tank of gas from the dealer. I drove it to work tuesday morning and then left work and as soon as I got near my home I refuled the tank to full so that I could see how much gas it took me to get to work, then I reset the trip A. I don't know, i am very confused about this past records thing
Since 141 is your round trip between work and home..... Any chance you did not turn the power off one day when you got to work, or when you got home? I forgot to hit the power button this past weekend when I parked at my neighborhood Kroger..... Luckily it was a very quick trip!
It doesn't matter about the power.... this is his tripometer, not his Since start screen... Why is this so difficult... There are 3 screens: From Start: this screen measures your MPGs from the start of this particular trip. Trip A: This measures your MPGs until you reset trip A.... Trip B: See Trip A only change letter to B.