Ok ok. I did not call anyone a liberal. I said you were spewing liberal rhetoric. "Republicans are only for the rich. They hate poor people." See, I just spewed some liberal rhetoric and I can assure you that I am not liberal. And we ARE on FHOP. Furthermore, I said I took it from Rush Limbaugh's website. The first line does push it a little and you can find fault in it. But the second 2 lines are pure fact from the IRS. As I said, you can even download a spreadsheet from the IRS to show this. I knew just mentioning Rush's name here would result in this. Depending on your definition of poor, the poor do not pay INCOME taxes. INCOME taxes are the highest (percentage wise) taxes paid by people who actually pay them. I do taxes for a couple of relatives each year. This particular tax return shows: Income: $17,259 Federal taxes withheld: $598 With non working wife and child plus the earned income credit, the total taxes returned were.....bom bom bom bom bommmmmmm!!!! $3,821 This was not cookbooking. Taxcut software and a straightforward return. No INCOME taxes paid. "Rich people don't pay their share". More liberal rhetoric. Everyone pays the into social security, but if you are "rich", you will never get your "fair share" back. "Rich" people are the ones that give the most money to charities and causes like cerebral palsy, breast cancer, scholarships, etc. Think about it.
Roryjr, you are correct, the initial post was scanned too quickly by me. I agree w/you. Our current Tax code is just a big welfare program. New Factoid- Schmika is right 99.9% of the time- source- myself LOL
Hanna Barbara did the opening animation for the 60s TV series Bewitched, while Fritz Freiling did the opening animation for the 60s TV series I Dream of Jeannie.
A son may be shorter than his father but is always taller than his mother. source: Columnist L. M. Boyd
Uh, how can you get a refund for more taxes than you were eligible to have withheld? That's not a refund, that's bullshit, just like the money I pay in FICA and will never see is bullshit.
roryjr and others: I started this thread for obvious purposes and do not want to see it hijacked. If you want to argue the theory and practice of progressive taxation, please start a thread (and I'll be right there, too). It's not difficult. Yes, rory, we are in FHOP. I misspoke. You knew what I meant. Point, roryjr. Score: roryjr 1, Jack 0. Feel better?
Factoid: it takes an average of 5 posts for a thread to get hijacked. OK, I made that up but it's probably not far from the truth. Staying on topic is not a human strenght. Seriously though, let's all relax, have a homebrew and get back to factoids. Start the new thread for the soap box that we obviously have a need for.
Really? "The Primordial Midget is a Midget at birth, generally of normal parents. Except for stature, he develops in sex and mind like a normal person." (Answers.com)
I'm just primordial, period. And here's my Snopes factoid for the day: A clause in the document annexing Texas to the United States allowed for Texas be divided into five different states.
Thank you. The word "girl", from the 13th to the 15th century, indicated a child or youth of either sex. Nothing is known of the history of "girl" before its appearance in Modern English, and it appears that no related forms exist in any other language. ...Webster's II (New Riverside University) See? There's hope for certain words one sees on PC, such as, er, "suckage". :lol:
There are 11,000 species of ants. The oldest ant fossil is more than 90 million years old. Ants are closely related to bees and wasps. They are so numerous that in some habitats - the Amazon forest, for instance - their combined weight is four times the combined weight of all other animals in the area. Ants have brains. The main nerve - similar to our spine - runs along the bottom of the ant's body. Ants smell, taste and touch with their antennas. Their cylinder-like heart pumps colorless blood throughout their body. Ants digest only liquid food or food rendered liquid with their digestive juices. Ants share digested food with each other. They can carry 15-20 times their body weight. Only the colony's queen breeds. Unfertilized eggs develop into males. The queen also lives much longer - up to 10 years, compared to worker ants which survive on average 50-150 days and up to 2 years in the tropics. Some ant varieties create no nests. Instead, worker ants link their legs to form a living fabric on which the queen resides and performs her functions. source - http://www.lingolex.com/ants.htm
A Laysan albatross tracked by biologists has flown more than 24,843 miles in flights across the North Pacific to find food for its chick in just 90 days - flights equivalent to circling the globe.
Some african butterfly's wings work like Light Emitting Diodes. "The way light is extracted from the butterfly's system is more than an analogy - it's all but identical in design to the LED " Pete Vukusic, University of Exeter http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4443854.stm
There are more than 1,000 chemicals in a cup of coffee. Of these, only 26 have been tested, and half caused cancer in rats. Dr. Bruce Ames, UC Berkeley, in Smithsonian Magazine 12/95 But hey! Do you want cream and sugar?