For the first time in our history, U.S. citizens have an aggregate NEGATIVE savings rate (the last few months). The average credit card debt of ALL credit card-holders in the U.S. is over $8,000. Now, to get teens and pre-teens in the credit-purchase mode, banks are pushing junior-version credit cards, automatically replenished every month from mom & dad's account.
Thank you for the correction. You are right, these conventional carriers are still out there. I thought the Kitty Hawk was retired and I completely forgot that the JFK was not nuclear. These two conventional "boats" are still steaming around on bunker oil.
Only the Rich Pay Taxes! The Top 50% pay 96.54% of All Income Taxes The Top 1% Pay More Than a Third: 34.27% • New EIB Numbers • IRS Excel: Latest Data Calendar Year 2003 • NY Times Buries Truth on Taxes: tscript, • CBO Report: Effective Federal Tax Rates Under Current Law, 2001 to 2014 • CY 2001 Posted Forever: here • Myth Buster: Democrats Get More Campaign Cash from "Rich" This is from Rush Limbaugh's website. Before you lose your cool, he gets his numbers from the IRS. If you go to his website you will find this at the bottom with links to an excel spreadsheet directly from the IRS.
This should say INCOME taxes...but the point is valid. Payroll taxes and property taxes are different. (Payroll taxes meaning FICA and Social Security/Medicare, etc)
The wealth of the top 1% in the United States equals the wealth of the lower 95%. So, who isn't paying their fair share??? :huh:
The top 50% of taxpayers are "rich"? So, if the "poor" are about 18%, that leaves a middle class of only 32%. Darn, where did that middle class go? Oh, Mr. Limbaugh borrowed them to make a point? Classic case of "figures lie, and liars figure".
I learned this at work today, also dder accients are relatively expensive comp claims, I think about $2000 avg if no bodily injury is involved, and way more if it is.
My apologies if you've heard this before, but I thought we could use a less 'taxing' factoid... An ounce of gold is heavier than an ounce of feathers.
None of you actually read any deeper into my tax factoid. You just took a piece of it out to spew liberal rhetoric. It is a true factoid.
Ah, there we go. We replied at the same time. Sorry for any confusion. No, scratch that. The confusion was intentional. An ounce of gold is heavier than an ounce of feathers, but a pound of feathers is heavier than a pound of gold.
How DID I miss that, you did say INCOME...sorry! And gee...I've NEVER ben called a liberal...that's funny. :blink:
Suggest you re-read the five words in your opening line. Starting off like that instantly puts people on the defensive, blatantly false as it is on the face of it. If there's further discussion, let's take it to FHOP.
Lake Baikal is the world's largest freshwater lake by volume (Superior has a little more surface area). It holds 20% of the planet's non-frozen fresh water. More than all of the Great Lakes combined!