An owl decoy fooled the starlings for 2 minutes. They were so bad, digging holes in the siding, pulling shingles of the roof I finally figured a way to get the away. I ran a pair of fence charger wires, (the hot and the ground) 1" apart on the window sill where they would roost. The first one landed, and to the thunk of a guitar string sound, the horrified starling flew off shrieking at the too of it's lungs. It was several years before I saw another one. Did the same thing,, and now ten years on, the starlings avoid the house. They are still around the yards and the barn, but no longer the pests they once were. Clearly, the communicate with one another, and carry on the tale! Icarus
We have fake owls and they do nothing once the offenders smarten up. If the bird is stationary most of the time, they figure out it is not a real bird.
Sounds like you could use a turtle or two Bra... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I would have loved to see a bird's nest in my home. I spend four hours every Wednesday evening playing 'mother bird' shoving food down throats of tiny baby birds.
Don't worry.... If you only feed them for four hours, once a won't be doing it for very long.