Over the years I've been here on PC, it seems that 12V batteries in Liftbacks start failing in significant numbers at age 3 years, at the start of winter. That isn't the average, just the first wave. The age spread of battery failure is quite wide, as climate has a large impact, and usage may too. I'd be surprised if PiPs are much different that Liftbacks on this particular issue.
IMHO the best deal on a 12V battery is the Optima from Amazon for $159. And FWIW, I have a 2012 PiP with 95k and will be 5 years old come October. So I guess it's 4.5 years old now. Still on the original 12V. I suppose I don't really do a lot in ACC and usually have it in ready mode. If you spend a lot of time in ACC then the Optima is the way to go as it has more capacity than the factory battery. iPhone ?
I got my pip 04/12 so mine is 5 years old this month, only 27000 miles however. Your pip can't be 6.5 years old as they weren't available in 2010.
I got my pip 04/12 so mine is 5 years old this month, only 27000 miles however. Your pip can't be 6.5 years old as they weren't available in 2010.
just off the top of my head, zero pip 12v's have been replaced. but we get the advantage of charging it along with the hybrid battery. so that may prolong life, idk. there isn't much action in the pip forum lately, so people may be replacing their 12v without reporting here, who knows? it's also possible that yours is just defective, or the manner in which you have driven those 27,000 miles has affected it. how long are your typical trips, how many days in between, and what is your ev/hv ratio? what happens to the 12v when you charge the car?
Actually 37,000 miles, round trip to my office 5 miles mostly EV that's why I bought this car. During summer drive to the beach 270 miles round trip frequently
I have 36,600 miles. My commute is 6 miles one way My PIP will be 5 years old in 3 months. I do not drive to the beach very often. My 12v battery seems just fine Mike
After finding the car dead after a 2 week vacation, and having to jump start I decided to replace the battery.That uncovered a problem easily solved. Try leaving your PIP parked a few weeks and see.That is one circumstance stressing the battery. Better to address than wonder when it will happen again.
i leave mine 5 weeks every winter. 5 winters so far, still almost like new. what problem did you uncover when replacing? what is the picture of? you realize that is the hybrid battery charge, not the 12v?
Battery not yet replaced, ordered form Amazon will get it tomorrow. Only uncovered problem is no start after sitting 2 weeks. I now remeber two winters ago I left the car in an outside garage all winter when I still had a Suburban and the same thing happened. It's possible you have a better made 12v battery. Picture is the extended range after a charge after jump starting battery last week.
the battery going dead the first time is what weakened it, so it couldn't survive the 2 weeks. this is a known problem with these small 12 volts. one drain down damages them irreparably, and you are thereafter working with an unhealthy battery. mine isn't better than yours was before it went dead the first time.
It's not extended range. It looks like it just reverted to the factory range setting taking into account the condition of the battery and having totally forgotten your previous driving habits. And, as you've no doubt experienced (and others already said), that's not at all precise. When I backed out of the garage this morning, I had a predicted EV range of 11.4 miles. When I got to work 9.8 miles later, I still had 2.0 miles remaining. Drive it a while and I'm sure it'll change. Mine varies from 10.9 to 12.1 miles depending on my recent drives. Oh, and leaving the battery in a cold garage all winter (or hot sun all summer) with no maintenance charge will almost for sure be hazardous to its health and lead to an early demise. Even aside from the current that's constantly being drawn by the car when it's not running.
Disconnecting 12 V to reboot has a lot of advantages, but you will lose,some presets. Now with my prime I don't want to lose my entertainment and phone presets. On the PIP I didn't use them so I could reboot to 14V+ and did it often with a on/off battery switch installed. As for running down the 12V listening to the radio, etc. DONT DO IT, it's not worth the work you may have to do. Keep it in ready.
Sorry, but I don't understand what info you think the picture is telling us. It says 3.4 miles in a partially charged traction battery. What are you thinking this is telling us? What does this have to do with the 12v battery being drained or damaged? Note: As others have said...when you lose your 12v battery (via disconnecting or dead battery) the computer loses some info so it has no idea about your driving history. Because of this the estimated miles that your current traction battery state of charge will give you is based on a factory default and not your personal recent trips. Mike
I installed the Optimus 12 V battery ordered from Amazon. It was not easy, poor access cramped quarters. No wonder dealership was charging $400. The OEM battery has a fabric handle, the Optimus has a springy plastic handle that does not lay flat. It tents up the plastic insert and cover. Any suggestions? Was anyone able to push it down more completely? It's nice how the plastic inset applies pressure to the negative battery wire keeping it attached fully.