So you think retroactive incentives are better than present or future ones? Also, sharing what one learns can only happen with retroactive incentives? That never happens with present ones?
Just an FYI, the 2017 IRS form 8911 and 8935 are still in draft mode until Feb 23rd so filing will have to happen once they release it. It's been pushed back 3 times so far.
Cali just did the same stupid thing with plugin auto incentives .... bringing them back. We just filed our taxes, which forces us now to do an amendment. How good is that, trying to plan your purchases & debts for the year, & then a rebate comes after the fact? Even more exasperating - if its a tax 'credit' - you have to assure you are actually going to owe $$ that tax year to take a credit. Impossible to do after the fact. No carryover credit for personal - just business assets. (sigh) .
Ya, it's so messed up and not the way to govern, despite what one person on here thinks. I shalln't name names.
What changed in California requiring refiling? I know about the state rebate, but that hasn't changed that much from when I got a first generation PiP in 2012, and has nothing to do with taxes. Concerning tax credits, those whose income is primarily a regular paycheck from an employer or a retirement plan usually have a pretty good idea of roughly how much taxes they will owe. They may over or under withhold, but the total tax due is not that variable.