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EV Miles estimate after Full Charge LOW

Discussion in 'Gen 1 Prius Plug-in 2012-2015' started by Bill3888, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. CraigCSJ

    CraigCSJ Active Member

    Sep 2, 2004
    San Bernardino, CA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Yes, I believe you are correct in your analysis of my driving. However, I try to end the 60 mile trips with no EV remaining most of the time. Would it be better to burn the EV miles going uphill? It seems to me better to burn them going downhill so the ICE is off for a longer period of time. My overall calculated MPG after 5,000 miles is 80, but since that includes lots of short all EV trips and some long trips only on EV, it doesn't tell the entire story of my 60 mile trips. A recent 200 mile trip starting with a full charge and not charging again resulted in the vehicle telling me I got 68 MPG which seemed very good to me. My 2004 would probably have been in the low 50's for such a trip.
  2. drinnovation

    drinnovation EREV for EVER!

    Dec 10, 2011
    Other Hybrid

    I was not suggesting that its not a good strategy to improve you overall MPG. I don't have enough experience to say one way or another. There are threads where people say you should use the HV as you suggest, and others that say its best to use HV uphill and "Stack" EV to use on flats and at low-speeds. Others say to just leave it in EV so it blends and even a few that suggest EV for the beginning/end of the trip and HV in the highway. People are still experimenting on what works for them, with a few doing more controlled experiments, but its not clear how they translate to others. I think the answer is it depends more on your driving style, terrain and temps, so different strokes for different folks. But if you've done experiments with/without it, then you know what works for you, then keep doing that.

    My comment was that by stacking, one can inflate the EV miles and/or EV percentage and that presenting that here may be a bit confusing for newbies who cannot understand why they cannot get that type of EV range from a charge. Given the thread and some of the other posters I was just trying to clarify why you might be showing 17 but they are only getting 10.. its at least (and maybe mostly) an accounting trick.
  3. priuskitty

    priuskitty PIP FAN

    Nov 18, 2011
    Clawson, Michigan
    2015 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I have had my pip since April 23rd. Filled my tank on the 24th after driving home from dealer in New York. 373.4 miles x 7.444 gallons = 50.16 mpg. Have 1250 miles now. with five gallons of gas left in the tank. so......876.6 miles/5=175.2 mpg. 90% of the time I'm using all EV since most of my trips are within 11 miles total between charges. My trip odo I reset every time I charge up. Most of the time it's at 12 miles. ( due to the fact I coast to the traffic light.) My EV at full charge with A/C off is 11.6 average. when I turn A/C on, EV range is 9.6
    Center fielder likes this.
  4. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    thank you for the sanity pk.
  5. Bill3888

    Bill3888 2012 vs 2006

    Aug 21, 2007
    Riverside, Ca
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Suzy I agree we're kind of in the same boat. Dealer had mine for three days and says nothing is wrong with the car. Say's they can't check the voltage or amps of the batteries but the scan show a full charge? Their 220v chrgaers would only get it to 9.6 also (same as my 115v at home) The Svc Mngr admitted he knew nothing about them and let me sit down with their main PiP mechanic and talk to him. He said about the same thing you hear here, that it's our driving habits and power usage for the A/C, lights, Nav system etc. They drove the car around their lot (probably in HV mode) and got the Estimated range to 10.2 and basically said that showed it was the way I used the car. I told him I drove it in EV and Ecco mode almost exclusively at that point and got 75 mpg on my first tank and 65 on my second both with trips of 200 miles on the freeway (at 75mph). So the milage I liked just not the ev range. Since getting the car back I useEV very sparingly, level or downhill and no AC. I drive everywhere else in HV and Never use Ecco. With the HV I actually get miles back ( well really only tenths of miles) on the Estmated range. So my bottom line is I think the Toyota Ads were a little misleading as I have been following this car for a year and never realized how sensitive the EV range would be. I'm not new to this either having bought my first Prius in July 2006. I'm not heavy footed or ridiculously gentle either. I'm now at 10.2 after a charge and hopefully it'll get better. I also live at the top of a 2 mile hill so it's HV all the way home!! Before I always tried to EV it home to run out the charge. If you want to compare notes without typing I'd be interested in what corporate says? The mech here says they can change batteries without a failure and corporate isn't going to go there! PS After my talk with their mechanic I asked him to reset the computers and this should set me back to factory and eliminate my "driving habits" from the computer's equations which should reset the estimate back up above 11. Says their is no way to do that?? Curious? that a computer controlled car can't be reset!!! Regards and good luck. Bill
  6. Bill3888

    Bill3888 2012 vs 2006

    Aug 21, 2007
    Riverside, Ca
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    YES I'm home now but have a real life and don't sit on this board every moment like some of you.
  7. Tracksyde

    Tracksyde Member

    Sep 21, 2011
    So Cal
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Disconnect the negative terminal on your battery. Wait a few seconds/minute(s), then reconnect. When you turn the car on (with a full charge), you should see somewhere around 13-14 EV miles.

    You'll lose your Trip meter data and EV Driving screen data. You'll also need to reset your clock. But your navigation settings, radio presets, and the monthly MPG totals will still be there.
  8. CraigCSJ

    CraigCSJ Active Member

    Sep 2, 2004
    San Bernardino, CA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Upon reflection, I don't think I was "stacking" as you describe it. Stacking increases the projected EV miles. When I travel at 60 MPH going a little downhill, most of the time it takes energy from the battery. Indeed, that is why I was doing it, because I wanted to use up the battery before arriving home. However, doing that increases the projected EV miles because it takes just a little energy to move the car downhill. I think that is a more efficient way to use the battery, rather than using the EV going uphill.
  9. LenP

    LenP Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Morris County, NJ
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I also live at the top of a 2 mile hill so it's HV all the way home!! Before I always tried to EV it home to run out the charge.

    I can guarantee you that this is what was causing your EV mileage to drop so low. You may have been draining your traction battery down before getting home, but you were also doing it over a very short distance. Hills kill the battery range quickly. I use to force my PIP to stay in EV all the time when I drove up a very steep hill, but my EV mileage kept dropping. Once I manually changed into HV mode for the climb, or just stepped on it hard and use the gas for a short time, my EV range started to climb again. Remember the car's computer makes its estimates on how far you travel using up your batteries charge, not just on how much energy you used total. If you use up the last of your charge going 5 miles on a flat surface rather then going up hill for 2 miles, the car's computer would start to set higher. It will take time, but your EV mileage will start to come up. Where you drive as well as how you drive both effects EV mileage. A little bit of gasoline at the right times goes a long way to save EV range, and give you the best over all efficiency for your PIP.
    Andyprius # 1 likes this.
  10. drinnovation

    drinnovation EREV for EVER!

    Dec 10, 2011
    Other Hybrid

    Thanks for the feedback and added data. Actually stacking increases actual EV miles as well as projected EV range. It using the HV/EV switching you dont' use the EV and then can generate extra power on the downhills. But yes if you are using at high speed downhill or using EV it for flats then its not doing much regen (except maybe at stop signs), which is less like stacking, more of a power-shifting. Have you measured the impact on overall MPGe?
  11. CraigCSJ

    CraigCSJ Active Member

    Sep 2, 2004
    San Bernardino, CA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    No, and I am not sure how to calculate it. I do keep track of the KWh that the car tells me it uses, but I do not measure it from the wall. I started to, but purchased the wrong Kill a Watt meter and the plug would not fit. Also, I am not sure the car's figure would help me as it rounds off and each trip is only 60 miles. Between trips there are lots of short EV trips.

    On a related topic, I know you drive a Volt, but have you heard of a way to erase the set point established by the PIP when the EV/HV button is pushed to go from EV to HV? I have the feeling that on a long trip, slowly using the battery in HV mode might really help mileage.
  12. stu lb

    stu lb Junior Member

    Mar 11, 2012
    Long Beach
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    Excellent idea to have such a gauge!
    Andyprius # 1 likes this.
  13. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    it really is a measure of capacity. when it's full, it's full. it's only when it's not full that it's difficult to tell what % of full it is.
  14. Hmmm, sounds just like the gas tank.
  15. For most, if not all rechargable batteries, there is a min safe point and a maximum safe point. Which is about 20 - 80 % on both the EV portion and the HV portion of the battery total. To drive them to these safe, by design extremes is generally healthy for thier best operation. To go beyond these extremes is bad for the batteries. This is supposedly impossible because Toyota designed it so. However, how do you know that your house current is OK? How do you know that your charging cable has no problems. How do you know that that Total DC charge emitted from the lit-ion batteries is up specs ( at thier various RPMS ) How do you know with respect to the AC emitted from the inverter is also up to spec based again on RPM and load ranges. The head Toyota service mechanic has a computer that should be able to read all these parameters AND give you a hard copy and explain the details. You may be dealing with people that are in no way knowledgeable about the Prius in general, even less a PIP. If this line of logic is not followed then they are just trying to blow you off, by test driving your vehicle for two days, they are pretending they know more thaan you do, and they don't and when they return the car and tell you everything is ok, you are then left between a rock and a hard place and you must then take thier word for it ( until next time ) If you remember Generations 1,2 and 3 had enormous 12 Volt battery problems, they could not even check the 12 Volt batteries. This went on for years and for thousands of customers. Finally, with the PIP they fixed that problem. It took 15 years tho! If you don't face the problem you can't fix it. It is up to the customer to force the issue. Good Luck. To all the techies, should any of my line of logic be erroneous, please feel free to correct me. I'm tough.
  16. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    what did they do to the pip 12v?
  17. Oh I had assumed you knew about it Bisco, what they did was BRILLIANT! Each and everytime you plug in, the 12V is charging. I think that a 12V problem anymore will be very rare.
    Tho not impossible.
  18. priuskitty

    priuskitty PIP FAN

    Nov 18, 2011
    Clawson, Michigan
    2015 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    good to know
  19. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    that's interesting, is it the same 12v as the non pip?
  20. As far as I know, elements that are identical are identical with the identical electrons, neutrons, protons and other other a assorted invisible minutia. You can't take 12v from your non-pip and put it in your pip tho, Page 187 of the owners manual prohibits electron transferability. On a trip you can stick a small capacitor in your pocket to be use it in a emergency. ONE FARADis just the right size. ( All kidding aside, I really don't understand your question. ) So what is your question ? Andy.
    priuskitty likes this.