7750 EV miles now 9 mos in still 90% EV range getting crushed heading into first winter - read was 11.3 today - high was 17.1 this summer
. Just a suggestion, every time the car is put in neutral it uses no EV, with your almost there ranges, in both directions, it may be to your advantage to glide in Neutral at every opportunity.
Slipped a hair drier outlet under the left floor battery vent, still got 13.9 charge, after a reboot. It was unclear to me whether the warm air (65) was actually circulating around the batteries. The left wheel well was about 60, that's where the air exits. Temps in Garage at the time were 55. Interestingly even the outside fender temperatures came up to around 60, so something good was happening. One of these days I will take the seats out to see if the warm air was actually getting to the battery compartment. Last time I did this on my 05, the seats had some sort of special bolts, they seemed normal coming out, but reinsertion was not, they appeared to be cross threading. I don't know why Toyota goes to such extremes. Back to hair dryer, I suspect that a 13.9 charge may be max for (my) PIP. While others may get 17. Or. 10. Probably has to do with how good the whole pack is balanced. Should anybody else try this hair dryer warming, be careful, make sure drier is secure, not Hot, just warm, use a thick extension and check periodically. My drier only consumed 256 Watts with 200 ma. 2 hrs = .05 ( 5 cents ).
I personally think charging the battery right before you leave (especially in a garage) will get the battery as warm as it needs to be.
"okay, coming out of retirement, 11,000 ev miles! " closing fast Mr. Bisco - 9,100 EV as of today That's out of 10,200 total so adding about 800 a month. Loving the spring like temps this weekend in MA - PiP charged fast.