I’ve been running 15% for the last half dozen tanks and I have “maybe” only lost about 2 mpg. Completely acceptable loss in my opinion. The best part is it’s 6 to 10 cents cheaper per gallon. Definitely a win! Not sure why you say it’s more expensive though as I’ve never heard that from anyone before. In an earlier post I think a poster said it was 20 cents cheaper per gallon in his area.
Ethanol. It's an "acquired taste." Here in La La Land, I don't have a choice. Nothing we can do about it. It's ethanol, or ride a bike. No sense worrying about the engine or the MPG. And all the 87 octane (regular) is at, or very near $4 a gallon. It sure ain't cheaper here.
Same here. All gas in this area is at least 10%. Our gas however is going down. $2.61 for regular. The 15% mix was selling for $2.52.
I am not happy. My MPG dropped down to 51-52MPG. Ethanol reduces fuel economy. That is the reason why gas prices always go down in the fall. Because when they add ethanol 10% fuel economy decrease.
depends on region and subsidies. In the middle of corn country, it can be cheaper. Outside of there, and you have to add in the cost of shipping it. Ethanol can't be moved in the petroleum pipelines, so that means more expensive rail and truck. It is more than the ethanol content that changes in the winter blend. Butane and other compounds become part of the mix. People use straight or pure to describe gasoline without ethanol, but there really is no such thing. It is a witch's brew of various hydrocarbons that vary between refineries, petroleum source, and what the EPA dictates for the season and region.