I doubt that could get (or would get, considering the source) any more dome and gloom than the Monsanto GMO corn suits brought against SM (small to medium) farmers who just happened to have nature (usually wind) deposit Monsantos' genetically modified corn on their property (ies) and growing. Which also somehow managed to stay out of the mainstream news. Got hit with that statement by an activist about 10 years ago, before I'd ever heard of it, like it was my fault too. god help us.
GMO crops present many interesting aspects. Without passing judgement on the genetic literacy project. It would not hurt for folks interested in the topic to be aware of them GMO patent controversy 3: Does Monsanto sue farmers for inadvertent GMO 'contamination'? - Genetic Literacy Project
I'm impatient tonight, and not knowing the difference between what actually happened back in the 60 s and 70's when I was uninformed about everything, I dug up some details about the corn in question a decade ago. It is (the genetically modified corn) a registered insecticide. It kills the insect(s) that have caused the most damage to corn over the years of production. Now, if my understanding of the genetically modified corn, being a registered insecticide is semi accurate, my thinking is, sure, if this corn is used to produce ethanol for fuel, no harm no foul. BUT, if this corn somehow makes way into the food chain, that is a COMPLETELY different story. And since it has not made it into the general public news feeds, I still wonder where this has been and where it's headed in the future. Read anything about Big Pharma lately?
Hummmm, would it work on cockroaches and other insects often found in apartments? Formerly living in an apartment, my significant other was at war with the critters (and seemed to like the battles.) Bob Wilson
Do you mean one of these I doubt humans are intelligent enough to wipe them out. You know what they say about la cocaracha They will be around long after humans have disappeared or flown off to some other place far far away. AI, might on the other hand eventually become intelligent enough to eradicate the cocaracha races, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting though.
That isn't a GMO plant, or I should say, GMO technology. As it can be used on GMO crops. The plant seed is treated with a pesticide by a method that pushes the chemical into the cells. As the seed germinates and grows, the insecticide gets diluted through out the entire plant. Neonicotinoids are used for this. They are less toxic to mammals and birds. Flea treatments for dogs and cats use them. Will take a whole lot of corn to kill a roach, as an individual meal doesn't have a lethal level dose. They might be playing a part in bee species decline.
GMO corns produce insecticidal proteins from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Bt has been used as an organic pesticide for agricultural application for many years. I use them on my garden vegetable occasionally. It is certified organic, and safe to be used up to a day of harvest. I don't know if having this protein produced by GM corn is any more dangerous than applying the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) to the crop in the field. https://www.nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/use-and-impact-of-bt-maize-46975413/
I guess if the stuff is already in our poop, along with all the other high tech stuff we consume every day, a light dusting of it on our vegetables is not going to hurt much either. Oh great, now we don't just have to worry about our poop, but our seed as well.
Religion now? gotta love all gels ! forgot the "to all pro-vaccine messaging" part makes a big diff to us that only scan titles before actually reading the gobble de gook. Sorry, just want ya to know where I'm comin from.
Not SARS not MERS nor COVID, so disputes are of course welcomed. However, those who turn their backs on science may do so in as many fields as they choose. It seems a matter of concern. For those offended by #1550, or any post, the '! Report comment' button is there for you. Take a stand.
Politics and Religion, two of my most favorite topics ! ahhh the battle of the sects even more so Science probably doesn't care who follows and who turns their backs, as long a science still gets it's funding. Like all the rest of us.
"Atlantic tropical cyclones downscaled from climate reanalyses show increasing activity over past 150 years" Atlantic tropical cyclones downscaled from climate reanalyses show increasing activity over past 150 years | Nature Communications This is what the historical storm-track record says, but it is uncertain because some storms may have not been detected before weather satellites.