Referring to This is pretty dry stuff, but some may be interested in Aichi Biodiversity targets and their progress, From the 'Summary for Policymakers': "...challenges in implementing the Strategic Pan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and in reaching the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. At the global level none of the 20 targets have been fully achieved, though six targets have been partially achieved (Targets 9, 11, 16, 17, 19 and 20). Examining the 60 specific elements of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, seven have been achieved and 38 show progress. Thirteen elements show no progress or indicate a move away from the target, and for two elements the level of progress is unknown."
How to avoid lead poisoning: A better informed society can prevent lead poisoning disasters | EurekAlert! Science News
Chelation therapy is FDA approved to treat metal poisoning, which I hope you did not have. A prior blood test for metals is supposed to happen. Up to you to say whether or not it did.
Whomever that might be, it is not something to dabble in lightly. Chelation will send any cations with more than +1 out the pee hole. Bodies have particular interest in keeping calcium and magnesium on board.
yes - several tests indicated it would be advisable. We read up on all the possible side effects and weighed the physiological burdens against the (retuen of executive function / cognitive skills) benefits. That was a couple years ago. Since then i both got rid of amalgam fillings too. The heavy metal accumulation was from various sources and various Metals via are you working environment. Then they have to check afterwards to assure levels were sufficiently lowered. Normally I wouldn't have done it but the better ½ pushed the process forward.
Of great interest to all those ever involved with OTS: Costa Rica is producing a new corps of skilled tropical biologists. But many can’t find jobs at home | Science | AAAS
Of great interest to all those ever involved with OTS: Costa Rica is producing a new corps of skilled tropical biologists. But many can’t find jobs at home | Science | AAAS
I can do this here (probably ) Gene editing particularly in agriculture can contribute to food/water/biodiversity benefits. Draft Senate Bill: link It does not present a position on ethics or risks. These are among things that can and should be studied. Briefest overflight view of gene editing in agriculture: Euro is strong negative, US is most positive, and other countries are in between.
Deloitte, one of the world's "Big Four" accounting firms, said it had withdrawn the report from its website. Deloitte scraps report on climate change benefit for GDP
Concerning CRISPR, there is a new flood of science explainers in the media. Every one of those I've read does a pretty good job. I most often find otherwise So, read any of them and you'll probably do OK.
A brief history of grapefruit: Grapefruit Is One of the Weirdest Fruits on the Planet - Gastro Obscura
It really changes pharmacodynamics of many drugs. Around here there is only pomelo. It combines everything I don't like about grapefruit and lacks all the things I do. But busloads of fruit arrive from Xishuangbanna and people line up to receive them. Ever see Invasion of the Body Snatchers?