Youse guys plant trees etc. from time to time. Or bury treasure or 'evidence' or whatever So here is how to dig a hole New research reveals how gardeners can dig for health, not injury | EurekAlert! Science News Maybe pretty obvious to keep back straight and bend knees. As you do picking up treasure chests etc.
Motion capture came from film industry and I feel it deserves wider use. Ballet. Macarena. No limits, really.
World's oldest noodles (so far) 4,000-Year-Old Noodles Found in China Millet is like 'grain one'. Rice seems nearly as old in cultivation, but they excel in different climates. Wheat - later bro.
Another view on bypassing antibiotic resistance by using weapons soil microbes are already using against each other: How Dirt Could Save Us From Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs | WIRED Style is a bit over the top for my taste, but none of the science is wrong.
We had a thread addressing lunar effects on earthquakes. I post 'the answer' here. Mostly because some scientific authors have sensse of humor. Once in a while, a journal editor 'colludes' and a gem arises: answer (i chained the URL because can't remember if gizmodo does that "verbose - I'll show you verbose" thing)
Followed a link regarding Silver in that article. I had no clue that Silver was anti-bacterial. Apparently in use for millennia by the Greeks, Romans and Phoenicians. Interesting, thanks for the post!
Silver and copper and various alloys can kill bacteria, and a few different mechanisms have been identified. Interesting stuff.
Learn a few tidbits about Guy Callendar's life: Meet the Amateur Scientist Who Discovered Climate Change | WIRED
Learn about 'the food thing', interestingly by the same author: Charles Mann: Can Planet Earth Feed 10 Billion People? - The Atlantic
So we have going thisaway: And the Mercers going thataway: The Mercers, Trump’s Billionaire Megadonors, Ramp Up Climate Change Denial Funding | HuffPost
Am Mus Nat Hist is lovely but many scientists wish that Mercer gang were not importantly seated: Open Letter from Scientists to the American Museum of Natural History | The Natural History Museum I'd sign this, but it is google based and, well, google X China is persistently a thing.
Study of anthropogenic ultrafine particle contribution to stronger storms and heavier rain events... Substantial convection and precipitation enhancements by ultrafine aerosol particles | Science
Ultrafine aerosol role may change our traditional understanding of how such things work. Ultrafines are (were) supposed to coagulate rather than hang out.
Here's more info on this study beyond the abstract... PNNL: News - Tiny particles have outsize impact on storm clouds, precipitation
Good for others. National labs websites are sometimes unavailable to me because geopolitical mumble mumble. In the science URL, click on "show all authors and affiliations" for corresponding author's email. Should anyone want a free pdf of the article. == Funny thing, Nature Publishing Group won't tell you that for their paywalled journals. Means you need to do a little search-engineering. They patched a paywall hole with some pretty weak plaster.
Without intending to distract from tiny particles. Botulin has snuck out via plasmids to other bacteria. We are advised not to panic
Perhaps I'm missing something but this reminds me of the 'cloud seeding' of the 1960s. Silver chloride if I remember correctly. Bob Wilson