The 'fresh' water at the mouth is unlikely to be potable. Take a shower on the coast and some soaps will form 'curds'. Bob Wilson
There are other efficiencies to consider in a RO system. Household systems powered by the domestic water pressure are very efficient on electricity, and produce that dilute waste stream. They are just very inefficient in the use of water. A good system will only dump 4 gallons down the drain for every gallon of pure water produced. A bad one could use up to 20 gallons. A desalination plant chooses to use electricity to drive pressure pumps that result in more concentrated waste water over high speed pumps to move move more total water through the system to obtain the same drinking water output with a much more diluted waste stream. More than electric and water efficiency go into it a full plant design; membrane efficiency, available space, dispensing of the waste, etc., but a balanced system is going to end up with an actual brine in the waste stream. For example, the Tampa Bay desalination plant has outgoing brine that is over two times saltier than the seawater that entered the system. The brine needs to be properly handled in order to minimize the ecological impact. That includes diluting it, and this electrical generation system could be placed where that dilution occurs. It is also unlikely to to be fresh too. Depending on the geography and tides, the salt water can extend miles inland from the river mouth. To have such energy generation efficient, the plant will likely need to have a pipeline up the river to the point at which it is guaranteed fresh.
This could fit in 'diesel cheating' thread: Nitrogen oxides emissions: Traffic dramatically underestimated as major polluter: Traffic contributes more to nitrogen oxide emissions in Europe than previously thought -- ScienceDaily But I think it also has wider implications. So I will try to teach something Eddy covariance is hard to understand, so usual approach is to retreat to its simpler relative, eddy flux accumulation (EFA). In EFA we imagine a blob of air moving vertically over forest, crops, whatever. That blob has some concentration of CO2 or water vapor or whatever is being measured. At another moment airflow changes and an air bob is now moving upward (past the sensors), with different concentrations of whatever. Equipment measures air movement, temperature, and all those concentrations at high frequency. That equipment has mostly been developed very recently. This, along with fancy computer programs, has made EFA possible. Now it is done routinely at 100s of sites in US and possibly total of 1000 sites globally. Mostly they work on fluxes of water, CO2 and heat. But once you have EFA up and running, you can just add any other chemical measurement for which fast-response sensors are available. So, after paying (considerable) initial costs and getting at least one person onsite to work equipment correctly, a wide range of additional measurements can be done at small additional costs. This was done in the cited study for NO and NO2. Global flux-measurement community is (justifiably) proud of what they are now doing. It may be possible to convince some of them to do even more.
It would be difficult to obtain consensus on the topic discussed below. So, here is one perspective and perhaps others will get posted later: Saving Lives and Money: The Potential of Solar to Replace Coal -- ScienceDaily their link to article did not work for me but this one does: Potential lives saved by replacing coal with solar photovoltaic electricity production in the U.S.
US air quality has certainly improved over decades. Graphs of that are nice, but historical photographs are dramatic in a different way: Photos Of Pittsburgh's Air Pollution: 1940s Vs. Today
I fear that as air pollution history fades out of living memory, increasing portions of the population will believe that it never happened. Such denial has already been expressed in Congress, even before the most recent election.
Pittsburgh is an extreme example. Near field to iron works that have since closed, moved, or added emissions controls. In addition this was 1940 and war efforts predominated. All that said I was surprised by the 1940 photos. A compilation of such comparisons could make a very valuable book. Might not sell millions of copies, but it would still be valuable.
@183 - The Science Daily review of the Karl paper published in Nature doesn't fully characterize the conclusions of the paper. If you read the full paper, NOx emissions in Europe are significantly underestimated from traffic, and more rigorous enforcement of on-road emission regulations is needed. However, lower ambient NO2 levels are offset by higher ambient levels of ozone ("weekend effect"), as demonstrated in the paper ("What is the impact on atmospheric chemistry?" section). A 7-8 ppb rise in ozone is expected if NOx emissions are lowered to what is currently encountered on weekends (from increased enforcement) based on their evaluation of current weekday-weekend trends in ambient ozone and NOx. There also appear to be major inconsistencies in reports/studies of air quality in Europe. The Science Daily review along with many newspaper reports suggest that ambient air quality standards (AAQS), especially NO2, are routinely violated in many metropolitan areas in Europe. However, the most recent report from the European Environmental Agency ("Air quality in Europe — 2016 report," EEA Report No 28/2016) shows that air quality in Europe is actually quite good. According to that report, 16% of the urban population lives in an area that exceeds PM10, 8% that exceeds PM2.5, 8% that exceeds ozone, and 7% exceeds NO2. So according to that report, NO2 is less problematic than any of the other criteria pollutants, contrary to what other reports suggest. Trends in ambient NO2 seem to be decreasing as depicted by NASA satellite images linked in a post here on PC - . The eddy covariance methodology is certainly interesting, but this study enforces the notion that urban air quality is an extremely complicated nut to crack, so to speak.
Agree, both US and Europe have good air quality now, with some important exceptions. So while we're at it, the "air pollution photo book' ought not be limited to US.
New dam approved for upper Colorado River. A rare thing in recent domestic history. With 'fish bypass' if Trout Unlimited can raise the funds: U.S. issues permit for large dam on Colorado River headwaters -
Nematodes damage crop roots and are difficult to control with chemicals. A non-harmful plant virus has been 'weaponized': Drug-delivery method holds promise for controlling crop parasites -- ScienceDaily This does not seem to be entirely without risk, as there are many closely related mosaic viruses and some of those are harmful.
In the mid-1960s, our family took a vacation drive from Oklahoma to Maine and passed through Pittsburgh. About 50 miles on either side, the trees were distressed and sulphur dioxide was strong in the air. The sun was orange/red when it rose enough to be seen. Dreadful place back then. Bob Wilson
A general consideration of antibiotic-resistant bacteria: BBC - Future - How we can stop antibiotic resistance Is more doom oriented than one might have wished and does not point out recent aspects of progress (which we have touched upon elsewhere). But I was disappointed by one part in particular and I hope readers don't mind me hammering on it. Too much... "when humans use antibiotics to kill off bacteria, in some cases, those bacteria can respond by spontaneously mutating their genes" First, in a dictionary sense, a spontaneous activity can not be a response. Second, it is not a response at all. Such mutations occur at rates determined by other factors. A 'sea of antibiotics' places bacteria so mutated in environment where they have a selective advantage for survival and growth over their unmutated peers. I would have hoped that BBC author (and by extension, readers here) would have absorbed that much from coursework and outside reading. So, I ask a serious question: Do you guys not get that? No shaming here; just trying to get a handle on science knowledge in our particular population. There are mutagenic chemicals that increase mutation rates. You'd guess that from the name. However, as humans 'do' DNA and RNA in very similar ways to bacteria, you'd do well to avoid exposure to such chemicals. Certainly they have no place in medical therapy.
Yah, I have the impression of BBC as a 'learned' source where writers (and editors) look over their English for clarity and usage. This article slightly nicked away at that impression.
Ocean fishing is constrained by few rules. The whale thing, dolphins vs. tuna, sea turtles vs. drift nets, and shark fins. All those things you've probably heard of. It is news when many of the largest fishing companies agree to abide by UN sustainable fishing guidelines: Nine of world's biggest fishing firms sign up to protect oceans | Environment | The Guardian
We often refer to domestic US statistics on employment in renewable energy, so here is a global look: Global Green Energy Job Count Approaches the 10 Million Mark | Greentech Media And the following is quite repetitive of points we have considered before. But hey, I thought I saw that downed horse move a bit. Just one more flog... Solar Energy is Revolutionizing Markets While Trump Tries to Prop Up a Dying Coal Industry
I must point out a paragraph with an oft-repeated but misleading theme: "The process of making solar panels shares traits with making microprocessors. In 1965, Intel’s Gordon Moore predicted that the number of transistors that could be crammed into the same-sized chip would double every 18 months. Essentially, it meant that manufacturers could relentlessly cram more capability into smaller spaces, so now the total amount of computing power that NASA relied on to get Neil Armstrong to the moon can fit in your Apple Watch. A similar dynamic makes solar panels better and cheaper: Technologists can constantly reduce the thickness of solar cells and use less silicon per watt, driving down manufacturing costs while increasing each cell’s efficiency." The Moore's Law of transistors and computing power simply doesn't apply to solar cells. The former have shrunk their physical area by a factor of ten, then a hundred, then a thousand, then many more times. A similar size shrink of the later simply can't work, because sunlight has a fixed flux density. The large collection area is a requirement, not a dispensable annoyance. Sure, there are improvements in collection efficiency, in wafer thinness, and in cost, but these are in no way comparable to Moore's pattern of shrinking transistors by many orders of magnitude.
I suspect we'll continue to see advances that might not be as fast as IC transistor density, a different physics, but significant none the less. A lot of solar spectrum is not being converted to electrons and there are challenges getting the electrons from the junction(s) to the bus. The art of making solar cells and systems is still evolving. Bob Wilson
Yes, solar cells are continuing to improve, and costs are falling. But PV performance hasn't shifted anywhere near the orders of magnitudes we have seen with computer processing power. And there is no theoretical room for it either. Here is the history of PV efficiency: (Full size chart: A comparable Moore's Law chart would have a logarithmic vertical scale, not linear. Commercial silicon single junction units are currently in the 16-21% range, with a theoretical cap of about 32%. Lab units have beat 27%. Other materials could hit a cap of about 34%, gallium arsenide has been pushed to about 29% so far. Multijunction types, currently pushing 46%, still have theoretical room to approximately double. This doesn't put a floor on prices, which have fallen much faster than efficiencies have improved. But that rate is still not comparable to Moore's Law.