Well, it didn't bother me that much. I thought it might be useful to note here that some dealers charge for that service and that they might deflate your tires if you are not alert. I got an email today from the dealer General Manager and I voiced my concerns to him.
Not sure if this update has anything to do with music on entune. The normal music and snow scene that come on when you turn on the car has not changed. However, I don't get the ding, ding, ding... as I back out of my garage or a parking place.
I got the Entune Update on September 30th. I was just pulling out of the dealership parking lot after making an appointment to have my Bluetooth fixed, so I thought they had pushed something out to the car. But I asked, and he said no. I haven't used many of the Entune apps, but the ones I have used seem to work fine. It's my Bluetooth that is the one issue I have with the car. It usually connects fine. Music from my Note 5 sounds great through the system. But sometimes it won't connect. Other times it connects, the music counter is moving indicating that it is playing, but no sound even though the phone and car volumes are up. I've unpaired them and repaired them several times with no luck. A couple of times, old voicemails start playing at random times.
don't know if its related to the Entune update, using iPhone iOS11.01: this morning, a few min after i left the house, phone connected fine, music was streaming, tried calling my wife, call didn't go through and then the screen/head unit (I have the 7") rebooted, not once, i saw the warning screen when you first start the car showing up 3 times!! after that it looked like everything was connected again. But at the next stop light i turned the car off and on, everything was working as usual ... have not seen a single reboot ever in 6 1/2 months. Installed 11.02 this evening ... Anyone seen reboots on the 7" screen? Can't recall ever seeing a post about that, just the 11"
Album art still doesn't work for me. If anyone has any insight on how to get it to work, I'd love to hear it.
Oh, it works great . . . . BUT, you must be in PARK, WITH the parking brake on. I promise. Try it. INSANITY!
Mr. Comer, I had the same problem with my Samsung Galaxy S7 and Pandora. Just crank up the volume, way up on your cell phone and use the car's volume control on your steering wheel; that fixed it for me!! .
Correct, and it does not matter how it's connected or Android or Apple. If it's an iPod via USB, or cell via BT, you need to increase the music volume on the source device to about 98% (NOT 100%) and then use the vehicle volume as the master volume. (we learned this with iPod's via the AUX input in 2010) You can also improve the sound quality by adjusting the treble, mid, and bass UP one or two levels EQUALLY. The default setting in the middle is a bit weak. Move all three up one or two. You must do this setting change for EACH separate "source." IE, do it for radio, BT sources, and USB sources. It's sticky by source.
The phone volume doesn't seem to make a difference, at least over bluetooth, and I do crank up the volume on the car, all the way to max and it's still not quite as loud as I'd want it. In comparison it's about in the 15-18 range with the FM radio in loudness.
Make sure the music app is in the foreground when you adjust the phone volume. It's the media volume that needs to be turned up.
I've seen a few album covers over the years that might distract me if they were 11" X 18" but not at 300p x 300p. This is the most ridiculous thing Toyota has ever done.
Sorry, that's All I could think of. Some of the recent Android phones no longer have a "master" volume control and phone, media, system, and notifications all have separate volume settings which caught a few media users off guard. I know you're on an iPhone but it was worth a try.
No problem, I appreciate the attempt!! I'm not real happy about entune on the Prime -- it's the one area where the Prime really doesn't measure up. It's a good thing I love the rest of the car!