I have physically witness and compared Enginer version 5 and 6 BMS there is no comparable difference from Version 5/6 DC to DC converter the version 6 has few if any pots(potentiometers)Version 5 has them Explain what is better specifically.......................
I'm no expert thou interested in the matter, my question is: how bad of an Idea would it be to rotate the cells arround from time to time, permutations anyone? 1 becomes 5, 16 becomes 4, 9 becomes 13, not a solution I'm sure and not for your average housewife either but can't hurt none can it?
I fitted "battery BMS" bms system to my kit and it improved voltages and range significantly. I got my kit just as the first BM16s came out and have as good or better range of assistance now than when the kits was new! I am considering when my battery needs replacing to go for 120Ah 48V pack of lifepo4s from china it weighs less than the boxed 80Ah from Real Force