OK, design polarizing, or not, I couldn't help but to notice that It will not have the greatest drag coefficient, good for a truck, but not model 3 good. 16" ground clearance Inefficient big wheels and tires It will be heavy But... the range will be 500 miles, in the highest cost trim, which will be $69K. It will be a couple of years, or three, before that 3 motor model will be shipping, but... 500 miles? I think there's going to be a new type of battery in the works, beyond the 2170's they're using now. The Roadster 2 is delayed, and that will have a 620 mile range. Coincidence? New battery chemistry is my guess.
i think 40k is the sweet spot for f150 sales the problem as i see it is that people don't want electric, and nothing in this truck is going to make them want it despite electric.
Are the 120 and 240-volt power outlets and an onboard air compressor worth anything in the truck market?
If you can feed an EVSE from a wind farm turbine, there is a built-in market. Add an electrified tractor and harvester, a totally electric farm/ranch with no electricity costs becomes feasible. Bob Wilson
Not really. Especially when you can buy a generator from harbor freight that only costs $100 and can be taken anywhere. As for the air compressor I don't know. Needs to be as good as what most people are using on site. If it's only good enough to air a tire then I'd say no.
I've never seen an electric tractor nor an electric combine. Both would need the functionality to run for hours on end. I know I've sat in a combine for 10 straight hours and this is Indiana. I can't imagine how long those things run out on the plains. They just switch operators and keep on rolling. Time is so critical to this operation that when breakdowns occur, they will fly a repair tech in on a helicopter to get it back into operation.
What I take from the posted interview, AND the rather failed reveal of the Tesla truck is that Elon Musk has a sincere passion for the projects he is involved in. That passion and enthusiasm, may sometimes leave him on stage with a electric truck with embarrassingly fractured windows, but it also leaves him standing in front of space craft that will bring break the mortal bonds of the earth. I think that's a fair trade off.
..... if he doesn't burnout. Even before the side glass window shatter, compared to Tesla prior reveals he was stammering & sounded unprepared & looking a little pudgy When comparing any before and after shots; Having that waistline paunch looks like he's not keeping fit as he's done in the past. Then again, maybe after watching my better ½ go through cancer, most likely from 17 hour self-inflicted stress filled work days, years on end, one might tend to read more into it than one should. Much easier to stay healthy then to get healthy. .
Blazing in public is like an unfavorable barometric pressure reading - on a broken barometer. It might coincidentally indicate storms - right now ... but it's useless for determining if things will get much worse for a long time, or get better. .
My take is that the glass was suppose to break at the demonstration. Had the glass withstood the steel balls the world would have glossed over the latest "Unbreakable Truck" and on to whatever new outrage and meme that would pop up next. Instead we're all talking about it. It's got press coverage that helped throw the truck out to the general public. It's also got a striking design that's abnormal which helped pushed it even further. It made people discuss it, we have people making fun of it, and we have people defending it, and all of this creates a bunch of exposure, whether or not this was an accident, then Tesla still benefited from it. Supporters will still buy it, detractors will still avoid it, but in the middle are people with no real strong opinions, now all these discussions have their attention and they may take a closer look. Some may even become interested to make a purchase. For the record I'm not in the target audience since I have no need for a truck but the exposure did compel me to take a look and while I don't like the styling, I do like the specs. So in effect, it did make me take a closer look at it.
besides being the brightest guy in the room, elon has a never give up attitude, and the focus and tenacity to see things through, despite naysayers.