Elon must have just loved Spaceballs. From that he got Ludicrous Mode, Plaid Mode (new Roadster), Flamethrowers, and who knows what else in the future.
No, just reminded me of my late dad's tales of the auto-Darwinian types he worked with in a cold & snowy University of Minnesota parking garage long ago. His colleagues drank Grain Belt to while away the time. He couldn't afford that luxurious life, so he studied. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Just happened to think of this woman this morning: Phan Thi Kim Phuc - Wikipedia I think she's making a life in Canada now?
Different item. Different delivery. There are actually protocols on the use of incendiary weapons that came into effect since the 1970's, and while the US is not a formal signatory on some of them, largely for technical reasons, we're effectively in compliance with all of them which is why the whole napalm thing.......pretty much isn't any more. Incendiary Weapons - Legal Status There's a certain nation that people are very interested in lately in Syria that is/was or was/is targeting THE most politically sensitive sites (hospitals) with the most indiscriminate munitions (incendiary cluster bombs) with great effect. That is most certainly a violation of the LOAC, but this is probably a subject for a political thread rather than Elon's latest side job. The reason (probably) that we did not sign the 1980 papers IMHO has to do with fuel-air munitions, which have clear advantages in modern warfare.......BUT(!!) also have the ability to be abused.....like the flamethrower which inspired Elon's Zombie-killing cousin. A New Kind of Bomb Is Being Used in Syria and It's a Humanitarian Nightmare | VICE News I think that it would be fun to use on fire-ant mounds - but @ $400 a copy, I'm outside Elon's market for a large Zippo lighter in a cool package. YMMV