Actually, our plan is to move to either Belize or Ecuador, and build what will eventually become a Reiki/Vegan/Raw Vegan retreat center... someplace like the Vilacambra valley, where there are a lot of expats, great climate, lots of sunshine and clean air, and tolerance for non-conformists. Daniel, you'd be welcome to come visit/stay/live, and maybe find love
It's always chilly and foggy. And my car would never make it up those hills. Cable cars are fun, though. Lots of nasty parasitic creatures in Belize. That's why I go to an island. One where they spray for bugs. As for raw food, according to the Teaching Company lecture series on Nutrition I just finished, some nutrients are denatured by cooking, but others only become available after cooking. A healthy diet should include both cooked and raw food. And I think you mean Vilcabamba.
Apparently different people have differing ideas regarding the definition of "miserable": 49" of snowfall and 17" of rain in Spokane annually, 113 days/year with measurable precipitation. Compare to 20" of rain in SF, 68 days/year with measurable precip, and no snow. Spokane Precipitation Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual Precipitation (inches) 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.4 1.3 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.0 2.1 2.4 16.5 Days with Precipitation 0.01 inch or More 14.0 11.0 11.0 9.0 10.0 8.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 13.0 15.0 113 Monthly Snowfall (inches) 15.6 7.5 3.9 0.6 0.1 < 0.05 0.0 0.0 < 0.05 0.4 6.3 14.6 49.0 San Francisco C.O. Precipitation Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual Precipitation (inches) 4.1 3.0 3.1 1.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.3 1.3 3.2 3.1 19.7 Days with Precipitation 0.01 inch or More 11.0 10.0 11.0 6.0 3.0 1.0 < 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 8.0 10.0 68.0 Monthly Snowfall (inches) < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 < 0.05 0.0 I think that SF is a great place to be if you are young, single, and have lots of discretionary spending power. I enjoyed living in the SF Bay Area from 1979 - 2000.
That kind of depends on your definition of miserable. Snow (for me) is miserable. There are districts (like the Marina) that are quite enjoyable; even when the poor inhabitants of say, Presidio Heights are suffering from foggy mist and being blown out of their homes. Well, you are starting to see the tolerant (pragmatic?) side of the culture south of the Rio Grande (as you have observed, they have their religious bigots, but there is a large group who believe in live and let live). If you don't advertise your religious beliefs, they won't ask about them and conflict is avoided. After a certain age, a 50+ inch waistband is almost expected; so, another potential issue becomes a non-issue. And as I posted earlier, being opinionated is almost expected. So, you may need to focus your search further to the South.
There are plenty of Prius cars in S.F. that make it up Lombard street (the curvy street that is on many postcards of S.F.). In fact, there was one postcard of Lombard street I saw a few years ago that had a Prius in the image. Worst case, avoid the really steep hills. Not all of S.F. is steep hills.
The point of a first date is to get a one-nighter so you can finally lose her phone number and forget her name. Failing that, at least try for a second date. Maybe it's the other way around, I forget. Anyways THE POINT is, you won't get either if you tell the girl your life story, argue with her, or tell her about how bad your ex-girlfriend was. Stick to easy subjects. What does she like to do, what's fun to her, what does she do for a living? As for my bike, it's not my fault! My dad is a biker. I spent far too many hours on the back of his bike as a kid. As soon as I was old enough, I got one of my own. Mom was upset, but honestly what the hell did she expect? Seriously, its hard to fall off a motorcycle, and forgetting how to ride a bicycle is a good thing. You have to countersteer for example (eg steer in the oppositte direction slightly to move the bike the other way). I think you may be on to something with the Porsche though. Another "attitude" issue here, although I won't disagree that Octavia is at least a little bit pretty. Never put a woman you're interested in on a pedestal, it's not comfortable for them up there. Truly drop dead gorgeous women are used to being treated a certain way, my advice is "don't do that". Women are flawed and ugly people just like you are. I treat a hot date as if she's one of at least four others I'm currently dating, and there had better be a good reason for me to waste any more of my spare time on her. Another piece of advice, the prettiest ones (i.e. the true 10+ knockouts) are truly the most insane. I'll leave that one hanging.
I'm sure you are. I'm just saying that you are going to be VERY disappointed out there in the Real World Everything is a compromise, and sometimes we have to compromise TOO much
It goes to their head, and next thing you know they're on Seroquel and Haldol Yep, it goes to their head
I don't know where you're getting your stats, but Spokane is relatively dry. We do get snow, but nothing like the cold of North Dakota, where I moved here from. Two winters ago was pretty rough, with several feet of snow. Last winter I never even touched my snow shovel. But S.F. is always damp. I'll take snow over damp any day. Actually, they did ask me my religious beliefs, and most would not date outside their religion. Ana was the exception, but she was a nymphomaniac and a Gaudalupana (she reveres the Virgin of Guadalupe but hates the Catholic Church). The fellow repairing my electric Porsche had llamas. But you need pasture for them. Which he has but I don't. Yeah, but not too many Zap Xebras, I'll bet. The Prius is my alternate car for when I have to go farther than 30-odd miles. The pictures she has posted do not come close to doing her justice. I never do. Pedestals are heavy and I have a bad back. I'll leave that between you and Octavia, except to say that she is a "true 10+ knockout" and does not appear to be insane, unless you think that turning me down qualifies. Come to think of it, I've known a lot of 10+ knockouts who were not insane at all. I think I've known more misogynists who have nothing but bad things to say about women, than insane women. In North Dakota obesity is a much bigger problem than insanity.
Isn't that her choice to make? If she is okay with the results of her choice(s), and no one else is impacted, then it should be her choice to make. Others may be disappointed with her choice(s), but it is not their call to make.
Of course it is, and I wish Octavia nothing but the very best I'm just warning she may have a very long wait to find that short-listed candidate list
The good news is that Lake Tahoe is ~200 miles away from SF. You can easily drive to the snow when you feel like skiing in the winter, but you don't have to live in the snow, shovel sidewalks and driveways, deal with unsafe road conditions due to snow and black ice on your daily commute, etc. Well, if you have found your physical appearance to be a significant impediment to social (and other) intercourse, have you considered plastic surgery, weight control surgery, etc.? It sounds like you have a reasonable amount of discretionary spending power available (since you have posted on nice vacation trips in the past) and maybe that would help. (BTW, several years ago I worked for a corporation that had a significant office located in South Dakota. It was sad to see so many of the employees were overweight: many of the men were in the 300 lb range and the women were not that far behind.)
I used to think I was ugly. And Ana and her mom apparently thought so, though they reacted differently to ugliness. But I no longer think that. As for weight-loss surgery, there are so many side effects that it's only done on morbidly obese people who have failed to control their weight by other means. I just have a pot belly. All I need is to eat a few hundred calories a day less for six months or a year.
I agree, I wish her nothing but the best as well. However, I think the qualities that she's looking for probably won't work out. Hear me out a sec, people SAY that they want someone like themselves (same morals, characters, values, interests, etc.) That looks good on paper, but it rarely looks out. I don't know anyone who would want to go out with an opposite-gender version of themselves. Relationships thrive on differences. It's happened to me, (she rode a bike, had a degree in statistics/math, had similar tastes, a mean attitude, etc). Let's just say that things didn't work out with anti-jay, but we're still friends.
So, as I mentioned earlier, eHarmony sent me this offer: Communicate with your matches for free this weekend only. So I went back, lied on the questionnaire, and got accepted. They won't show me pictures if I don't pay, but I went ahead and tried to email a couple of my "matches." And then eHarmony said I have to subscribe to email my matches!!!!!!!!!!! After those lying cross-eyed skunk-eaters said I could communicate for free this weekend (through today, Monday) only! Well, that was a half hour wasted! I could have been listening to Car Talk instead.