I'm faxing over my marriage certificate to them now because I forgot to change my name on the account. I feel like adding into my cover sheet that they need to update their employees information. 2006 Prius is the last one she had qualifying? For real? I think I am staying home anyway and using the toll thing as an excuse. I have a ton of crap to do here. I am going to mail in for my Green Pass the day that I get my registration card.
Can anyone help me figure out if I get a Green Pass from one EZPass issuing authority will I get discount on other EZPass issuing authority as well? eg. If I get Green Pass from EZPass NJ, will I get discount at New York Port Authority bridges?
In New York, we can get the NY Thruway Green Pass, the NY-NJ Port Authority Green Pass and other special discounts that we apply for all programmed into one green colored EZ Pass transponder. In New Jersey, I don't know what the deal is, and the NJ EZ Pass website is confusing. For instance, the NJ EZ Pass website mentions a NJ Turnpike green pass discount, but doesn't seem to say anything about the NY Thruway Green Pass or the NY-NJ Port Authority Green Pass. If I were you, I'd call and/or visit a NJ EZ Pass service center and see what you can get.
Just a heads-up, for those of you who don't know about the Green E-ZPass program in New Jersey. E-ZPass transponders work on toll roads from Maine down to Washington and New York over to Illinois. A direct quote from the web site: Vehicles that obtain at least 45 miles per gallon and meet the California Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (SULEV) standard are eligible for the discount. Further on all Priuses are listed, as well as things like full-electric cars, Honda Insights, and so on. On off-peak hours one can get a substantial discount with the Green E-ZPass; certainly on the bridge tolls to Manhattan ($8 via cash; $6 with E-ZPass; and $4 with Green E-ZPass), and apparently a 10% discount on the Garden State Parkway. One gets charged $1 a month to have an account with these things, but a single account gets one as many transponders as one has cars. Off-peak works out to be not during 6-9 a.m. and 4-7 p.m. weekdays, 12 to 6 p.m. weekends, and during holidays of any stripe. The E-ZPass web site now talks about the Green E-ZPass program. In the past there was no direct information there to be found. In order get one by mail, they need a signed affidavit and a copy of the car registration. Alternatively, one can show up at one of the two service centers, one in Newark, just off of I-78, the other down in Camden. I went to the Newark one; they did want my PIN number for the account which, by accident, I happened to have on me. Otherwise, they took my registration, made a copy of it, had me sign an affidavit stating that it was my car and nobody else's, gave me a serious look, said that this transponder stays in my car and doesn't get traded around, took my old transponder, and gave me one colored green. Cool. Painless, and no actual money changed hands. KBeck