
Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by RBW111, Apr 13, 2005.

  1. icruise

    icruise New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Northeast PA
    Maybe better DIY with "quietcar.com" Removing the interior is simple until you get to the headliner. Square Footage wise it is much less weight. and weight does matter. You can order it online and it is cleaned up with water easily. So it is not so toxic!

    I just needed to replace my drivers window and I found only a clear piece of thin plastic with a Tar sealer, which does not improve the sound dynamics much.

    After this I am going to add sound altering devices which will keep the wt. down!

  2. auricchio

    auricchio Member

    Mar 31, 2006
    Cambria, CA, USA
    2006 Prius
    It's actually quietcoat.com, a product of quietsolution.com. Looks really promising, though I'd probably find a local shop to do the application.

    Since I'm only 200miles (3 hours) from the the QuietSolution folks, I could probably ask them for shop references in their area.
  3. tmorrowus

    tmorrowus Member

    Dec 30, 2003
    Check out the audio and electronics section and search for Be Quiet which is a cheaper brand of sound deadening that I used in my Prius.

    My take is that it makes the most sense to do the doors, but not the floor. The floor is already well deadened by various materials placed under the carpet.
  4. ecobuny2

    ecobuny2 New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Ken S @ Apr 27 2005, 03:40 PM) [snapback]85047[/snapback]</div>
    You can do it yourself! I bought a whole Dynamat Extreme set on eBay for about $130, and did it myself on two weekends. You can look at the instructions on my web site.


    Good luck! :)
  5. Presto

    Presto Has his homepage set to PC

    Mar 27, 2005
    Vancouver, BC
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tmorrowus @ Apr 16 2006, 03:23 PM) [snapback]240601[/snapback]</div>
    B-Quiet FTW. Dynamat is to sound deadening what Bose is to audio. Too expensive for what you get.
  6. CBarr31

    CBarr31 Active Member

    Sep 12, 2007
    Charlotte, NC
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    This seems to be a very old thread but I wanted to add my results and opinions to it.

    After reading a lot and looking at the sound deadner comparison found in this thread I decided to put Dynamat Extreme or Second Skin Damplifier Pro in my Prius to help with the road noise.

    I have a 2006 with 130K miles Package #7 and do not have any upgraded stereo components. Running on Michelin Harmonies, great tire, at 38 PSI. Road noise isn't terrible but was getting worse with Ema's age.

    I have used and trust Freeman Car Stereo for other audio projects on other vehicles so went to them. They use and recommend Dynamat Extreme so I decided to go with that one since they would be the one installing it, figured might as well let them work with their stuff since I didn't really have a preference.

    We ordered a "Bulk Pack" which is 36 square feet to do the doors, floor and trunk area. I didn't want to do the headliner because I honestly didn't think it would help that much and it sounded like a lot of extra work for them so I wanted to start here and add more later if needed.

    They had the car for a day to do the install and the total cost with the bulk pack and labor was a little over $500. The road noise is significantly less and is most noticeable by people on the other end of my phone calls over the Bluetooth. That was my major reason for doing it because I would often hear "Are your windows down? It is really loud." from the people on the other end of the conversation. The stereo, radio, DICE, etc... are all noticeable better but to say it is "Wow!!" better wouldn't be accurate. The Mark Levinson and Lexus combo blows it away but comparing them IS NOT FAIR considering that combo in the Lexus pretty much makes everything look bad, IMO.

    All in all although I have only had the car back for a few days it was well worth the $500 and we plan on doing the same thing to my fiancee's 2007 Touring. Since it is already noticeable more quiet than my car it should make hers even better. Of course that could be because she has less than 30K on hers and the touring suspension helps I think.

    One thing the guys at Freeman suggested doing was getting some spray in sound deadener such as "Mr. Gasket 11030" to spray in the wheel wells. Since this is where it sounds like most of the noise comes from now after the Dynamat Extreme install I went ahead and ordered a couple cans to try. I will post again after I have added this to let you know if it does enough to justify the $20/can price.

    That's my $0.02 for everyone out there, I hope it helps someone. Enjoy your Prii!!!!!!
  7. CBarr31

    CBarr31 Active Member

    Sep 12, 2007
    Charlotte, NC
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Ok, I sprayed my wheel wells with GMuff Sound Deadening spray from Summit Racing over the weekend to augment my Dynamat install and it seems to have cut down some more of the road noise.

    They used about 2.5 cans of the stuff at the shop that did it. I had Ema in to have the BT Skid Plate installed and had them spray the wheel wells at the same time. All that stuff is easier to do from a lift rather than a pair of ramps and for $80, worth it in my opinion.

    I still think I will try and get her a little more quiet and will probably have another bulk pack of Dynamat installed by Freeman. They can go back and do the inner walls of the doors and double up on the floor after getting any spots that were missed with the first bulk pack.

    At least Ema is now as quiet if not a little bit better than Myrtle, my fiancee's Touring Prius.

    Again this is just my $.02 on the subject so take it as that, no claims at being an expert.

    Happy driving!!!!

  8. CBarr31

    CBarr31 Active Member

    Sep 12, 2007
    Charlotte, NC
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Ok, another and final update to my Dynamat experience.

    I had a second Bulk Pack (36 square feet) of Dynamat Extreme installed in Ema a few weeks ago and it has made more of the "Wow" difference. She is significantly more quiet than before and I would say even more quiet than my wife's (married since last post, LOL) touring edition. Which is saying something conisdering Myrtle has 110,000 fewer miles on her than Ema does.

    All in all I will admit that this mod isn't for everyone and can be a bit expensive but at around $1,000 totally worth it in my opinion. When you spend as much time driving as I do all the little mods you can do to make the expereince more pleasant are worth it.

    The only place I could possibly add Dynamat Extreme now would be the headliner, which may get done some day but not anytime soon.

    Thanks again for all the great information available here on PriusChat. I hope my $0.02 can be as helpful to someone else someday.
