We need to do what they do in Germany. Have minimum speed limits for the lanes that way people cant get in the super fast lanes and go insanely slow. This would also force the slow drivers to the right lane. You would get a reckless endangerment or what ever for going 45 in 75 minium mph lane. In Germany the speed limit is posted on electric signs that change with traffic conditions. If traffic is wide open all lanes can be going rather fast. When traffic backs up the lanes get slower the further right you go.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ZenCruiser @ Apr 8 2007, 08:18 AM) [snapback]419791[/snapback]</div> I'm not sure how your Dodge Caravan could be ~5300 lbs. when empty. 5000+ lbs is in the territory of monstrosity SUVs like Tahoes, Yukons, Expeditions, etc. The highest curb weight I can see of any Grand Caravan at http://www-5.dodge.com/vehsuite/VehicleCompare.jsp is 4339 lbs. When they still offered an AWD Grand version for the 04 model year, that was 4400 lbs.
The Dodge Caravan weighs 3763 pound empty. grand weighs 4183 http://www-5.dodge.com/vehsuite/VehicleCompare.jsp http://www.dodge.com/en/caravan/index.html
I happily drive at the PSL in the farthest right lane possible, at all times, unless I need to pass. I P&G on roads where the PSL is 40 MPH or less, pulsing to 5 over the PSL and gliding to 5 under the PSL -- it is a very cool technique to increase mileage, one that does not endanger any drivers. I stay in my lane, don't weave or otherwise endanger my fellow roadmates, and generally mind my own business unless some *sshole tries to cut me off because they have unilaterally decided to ride my bumper at 20 MPH above the PSL while chatting on their cell phone. It is those drivers who endanger others, not those of us who stick to the PSL. Some people want everyone around them to behave the same way they do, and make the same choices they do. To those people I say go and join the religious right and be done with it. Adam1991 is obviously angry about something, but it has nothing to do with my driving. P&G on low PSL roads or driving at the PSL on freeways is only a risk to those who are angered by people who choose not to exceed the PSL even if that means NOT going with the flow of traffic. I generally don't blindly do what those around me are doing when I know that I'm within the law and they are not. It's the same reason I never succumbed to peer pressure as a teen, never allowed others on the road to intimidate me with their crazy dangerous behavior, and eventually bought a Prius even though everyone around me drives a Hummer or some hideously oversized tank of a vehicle. Different strokes for different folks, right? There is still no excuse for anyone cutting you off -- which is dangerous behavior -- for driving at the posted speed limit. I used to honk and flash at people who drove like I do today, but it's just not worth it. What is there to get so worked up about? That type of behavior on the road is unacceptable.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(PriusBoyAZ @ Apr 8 2007, 05:28 PM) [snapback]419936[/snapback]</div> See that makes since and is what I do a good 90% if the time. I doubt you would get all the way over into the left lane were everyone is going 20< mph over psl and then get mad because people are racin up behind you slamming on brakes and honking horns etc.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(cwerdna @ Apr 8 2007, 05:00 PM) [snapback]419918[/snapback]</div> Apparently I had one of the obese Caravans. Not sure where I got the 5300lbs. number - I thought I remember seeing it on the door panel - maybe it was GVW I was remembering, although 7 passengers would put it over that weight based on what you and IAO pointed out. My bad, thanks for catching that (and I feel a little less guilty about driving it). My point still stands, though, which was that even larger vehicles are subject to turbulence from passing trucks.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(PriusBoyAZ @ Apr 7 2007, 01:17 PM) [snapback]419443[/snapback]</div> there! I see you want a solar panel on top of your Prius. Here is the solution to your wish: www.solarelectricalvehicles.com. Many have already been installed. I'd love to hear your comments, especially if you get it installed (or take the DIY approach). --Bill
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(CheapChic @ Apr 7 2007, 11:03 AM) [snapback]419353[/snapback]</div> I didn't read the whole thread but... ...does anybody test drive cars before they buy them any more? I have absolutely no sympathy for this member, and they should loose a ton of money for doing something as stupid as paying $30,000 for something without thoroughly testing it out in situations they're going to use it first. Buying a car without driving one on your daily routine for a day or so makes zero sense.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SW03ES @ Apr 8 2007, 09:14 PM) [snapback]420037[/snapback]</div> I suppose you mean for "someone" to rent a Prius for a day or two. I can't imagine a dealership letting you tool around town and for many miles on the freeway looking for big trucks, slippery roads, big hills, etc. But maybe it's different now that there is a good supply of the cars. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SW03ES @ Apr 8 2007, 09:14 PM) [snapback]420037[/snapback]</div> I suppose you mean for "someone" to rent a Prius for a day or two. I can't imagine a dealership letting you tool around town and for many miles on the freeway looking for big trucks, slippery roads, big hills, etc. But maybe it's different now that there is a good supply of the cars.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(CheapChic @ Apr 7 2007, 07:03 AM) [snapback]419353[/snapback]</div> Hmm... Too bad it didn't work out for you. I took my Prius on a ~5000km road trip about 6 months after I purchased it. I was on many highways and freeways (60-70MPH) and didn't have any problems like you described. Stock tires, no adjustments or alignments. BTW: You will always take a huge loss trading in any new car only a few weeks after purchase - most cars depreciate by 20-50% (depending on the model) the instant you drive them off the lot. Doing a tradein at a dealer gives you even worse value for your money, you'd be better off doing a private sale.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ZenCruiser @ Apr 8 2007, 11:52 AM) [snapback]419837[/snapback]</div> NO NO NO. You are not supposed to inject a sensible and legal perspective into this discussion. Can't you see some folks are just going to be annoyed by your wise statements? You are supposed to yield to the irrational entitlement some people have that says "You have to keep with the flow or else you are a road hazard". To please these people, please say the following: Break the law! If other people are speeding, then it is OK to do it too!! If you drive at or below the speed limit then you are a hazard, bad, stupid, selfish driver! There. Now that I have said my piece, let me just say that I totally agree with you.
My Prius handled rather poorly on the interstate when I first got it (i.e., speeds 70+). My dealer did a 4-wheel alignment for free, and now it is fine on the open road. It will never be as stable as my GTI was ... but it never will be. The Prius is on par with, say, a Corolla or Matrix. The OPs problem was alignment.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MSantos @ Apr 8 2007, 11:36 PM) [snapback]420060[/snapback]</div> :lol: I'm just a trouble-maker.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bill-psi @ Apr 8 2007, 11:07 PM) [snapback]420051[/snapback]</div> Every car I've bought they've let me have a demo for a day. The dealers have demos, and if they want to sell me a car they need to give me one for a day. Now, back when the Prius was insane (we bought ours in the height of it, 8 month waiting lists in DC. Of course we bought it in WV and only waited 2 weeks but thats another story) obviously dealers won't do that. But we did have a Prius demo for 3 hours from a local dealer and got to test it out all over the place, highways, low speeds, cities, we got to park it, turn it around, etc. You obviously can't be prepared for every contingiency but you need to have a good feel for the car in situations you often encounter, and you need to do it FREE OF THE SALESMAN. They'll tell you they have policies, you tell them they have a policy to sell cars and if they want to sell one to you they need to give you the car for a while alone. They will. Suddenly realizing the car is undrivable at above 50MPH (which is not true anyways) after you buy it means you DIDN'T DO AN ADEQUATE TEST DRIVE!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MSantos @ Apr 8 2007, 08:36 PM) [snapback]420060[/snapback]</div> Thank you SO much for your injection of rational thinking into this discussion as well. Slow drivers like myself -- and I define "slow" as going at the PSL -- belong as far right as possible. This is the rule I stick with, unless I encounter a driver slower than myself. I don't think it's right for some on this forum to label msyelf and others as "road hazards" when we are simply obeying the law.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(PriusBoyAZ @ Apr 9 2007, 12:59 AM) [snapback]420151[/snapback]</div> I agree, moving from Phoenix and cali to missouri there was a lot of road rage on I17 PHx and I 5 cali have been there done that also as a professional truck driver have seen a lot of foolish drivers. one guy actually wanted to try and run me off the road ( I in a tractor) he in his mazda miata lol lol hahaha I could only laugh at that point thinking how crazy is this guy, well they do know how to mess with trucks and that is to get in front and then slow way down to make us shift down, again I say lack of drivers ed or general common sense, and TAKE AWAY THE CELL PHONES WHILE DRIVING. I guess I will hear about that next post ( cell phones) they are nice but who needs to talk while driving unless emergency thats it for now just drive the way the laws are written should be fine but NOooo
What? Doing the speed limit in the left lane is a nono? OHNOES! I guess I better stay off the road then! Yep I tend to agree with all that staying in the right lane is the thing to do, but if you do, please at least do the posted limit, and keep it steady. Nothing ticks me off more than someone that is 2-3 MPH under the limit and then rubberbanding the throttle. Doing that is an excellent way of getting rearended. When I road tested the Prius I was allowed to take it on the highway for a short drive and didnt notice anything wrong with the handling. I guess I am just used to the way my CV LX Sport handles and the looseness of my F350, as the Prius is very tight on the highway, even with 45MPH crosswinds I noticed no problems, it handled exceptionally well, in fact I am really impressed with how quiet it is inside and how nice it rides. Yesterday I upped the tire pressure from 32/30 to 42/40, and noticed no change in ride quality or handling, but did see an increase in fuel economy.
Two trips from TN to TX One trip from TN to FL At least ten trips from TN to MI and two trips from TN to NY and 60,000 miles, snow storms, being the only in a car caravan that didnt get stuck going up a snowy mountain (ford explorer, chevy silverado), and alot of thunderstorms on the highway later and I can't say I have had any more swaying or handling problems than my old oldsmobile.
One more data point: I spent a good part of today at highway speeds in fairly robust cross-winds. I experienced a slight amount of buffeting, but nothing like being blown from one lane to the other. I have a Touring Edition Prius that with the exception of 205/60-15 tires and 15x6.5 wheels, is box stock. Could the 10mm larger tread contact patch (vs. a standard Touring Edition) have made a difference? Possibly; but I tend to doubt it - I have ridden in p-cars in a prior lifetime with much wider tires and cross winds were definitely not kind to them.