My C stays in Eco mode always. From what I understand, Eco mode helps you help yourself but never limits you. So if you’re trying to max your mpg, it should always be on and you should be driving in your own Eco mode as well - coast to a full stop, take off very slowly (without even using engine power if possible), and ease off the throttle to let the car cruise with the engine off. But let’s say you need to accelerate out of a dangerous situation - the Eco mode being on will never restrict the available power or the speed of delivery of that power. It simply ‘overrides’ any Eco function and you will settle back into Eco mode after you’ve dodged the old lady on a cell phone.
What I've noticed... With ECO on I have worse mileage than when it's turned off. And I'm measuring it "per full tank" (matter of a couple weeks of driving). And I'm changing it every fill-up (full tank with ECO, full tank without, then full tank with, etc.). My only "explanation" (based on self-analisys) - with ECO mode car feels weaker, so, I'm either pressing acceleration pedal stronger, or keep it pressed longer. Otherwise I'm driving about the same roads, with about the same condition, etc.
Ditto --- But I do use "ECO Mode" when it's hot outside and I'm running the AC wide open as it throttles down the blower.
I experimented with it when I first got the car and didn't see a significant difference in mileage either way. So I have been driving in ECO mode pretty much for 6 years straight. It's main benefit may turn out to be how it modulates air conditioning use based on power needs. I tend to leave my air on all the time so it goes off and on as temperature changes require and however the ECO algorithm figures the need for power. If I turn the air off manually I usually end up needing it for defogging the interior before too long, so I long ago decided to just leave it on. 118,000 miles later I am hoping my AC doesn't fail me anytime soon as I recall reading about the outrageous replacement costs in another thread here not too long back.
Yeah, I do on side roads. But most of my driving has been highway, and you just can't do that there without experiencing the whump, whump, whump air pressure thing to the point where it actually hurts my ears. Lately I'm doing more miles on slower roads so I may have to consider a change in habits.