driving in EV mode

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by desertbriez, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. Per

    Per New Member

    Nov 17, 2006
    San Antonio
    Other Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ken1784 @ Jun 11 2007, 01:58 PM) [snapback]459654[/snapback]</div>
    Well with all the folks here that like to pulse and glide, I would think quite a few would like to see it.

    Of course, it would not as important as getting some decent seat in the Prius!
  2. ken1784

    ken1784 SuperMID designer

    Dec 18, 2003
    Yokohama, JAPAN
    2010 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Per @ Jun 12 2007, 12:01 PM) [snapback]459919[/snapback]</div>
    Thank you.
    I agree we want better seats. By the way, the drivers seat on the Japanese Prius has height adjust capability. :)

  3. Dan.

    Dan. MPG Centurion

    Sep 7, 2005
    Houston, Texas
    2007 Prius
    I've said it before, but the main use I see for the EV switch is not Electric-Vehicle mode, but Engine-Veto mode.

    If your after high MPG the best method regardless of mods is Pulse & Glide. P&G only works on a Prius II if the ICE cuts out on the Glide part. When the block temp is below 70 ºC the engine won't cut off, so you can use the veto switch (EV) to manually cut the engine.

    After your at 70 ºC, the engine will still refuse to cut out if you don't pulse past 55 kph (34 mph?) if you haven't transitioned into S4 (stages of prius operation).

    Presently my warm-up strategy is:
    1) Let the car idle in park for 1 minute to run hard duty recharge on pack (required for S1a prius stage)
    2) Flip on EV then put the car in gear (S1a prius stage).
    3) Accel to 10kph then disengage EV and use the ICE power-band to accel to 50kph
    4) Use the EV to kill the ICE, throw into neutral and coast down to 30 kph.
    5) Repeat steps 3 & 4 until I hit the highway.

    This morning this netted me a warm-up MPG of 82 mpg for the first 2 miles of my commute. This includes the gas burned idling in S1 to get to S1a. 82 is unusually high, but I've seen 70's fairly often. Before the EV, best warmup MPG was in the 50's so the EV easily netted me 20 mpg (1.5 - 2 oz gas savings). Overall savings for my morning commute of 15 miles is usually around 10 mpg (was in high 60's now its in high 70's).

    Next week I'll compare to runs I do without using the S1a stage and just using a normal rolling S1 transition.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ken1784 @ Jun 11 2007, 11:04 PM) [snapback]459942[/snapback]</div>
    In the Southern US states they also have a "comfy seat" package for the 2007 Prius. Must live in a coastal state on the Gulf of Mexico. I got it and it makes all the difference in the world.

  4. desertbriez

    desertbriez New Member

    May 20, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Dan. @ Jun 12 2007, 08:20 AM) [snapback]460133[/snapback]</div>

    that's just wrong.... we do way more driving here in socal and NEED comfy seats... [​IMG]
  5. Winston

    Winston Member

    May 19, 2007
    SF Bay Area, California
    2007 Prius
    Tell me more about the "comfy seats"! Are they made for you "wide body" southerners that eat too much fried food? :lol:

    Per, now you are dismissing some of the examples of saving gas as "minimal". Yes, they are "minima" but they are there. There was even a detailed example from someone that described their typical morning warm-up procedure which saves gas. The PCers have given you repeated examples of how the EV switch can save gas. However, your argument has evolved from.

    1. Show me examples of how the EV switch can save gas.
    2. Show me examples of how the EV switch can save gas "overall".
    3. Show me how the EV switch can save gas, but not with "minimal savings".

    There is no way to win the third argument. Since you can keep moving the bar that defines "minimal" to "not minimal". I would hope that you admit that the PCers have proven the first two questions.
  6. bmwquickspeed

    bmwquickspeed New Member

    May 11, 2007
    2004 Prius
    Ultimatly what I have gathered is that the EV button is going to serve a different purpose for different people based partly on their commute.

    I don't think that anybody should judge what a Prius can and can't do until you at least own one.

    When I first got mine my gas mileage was in the mid to low 50s now I P&G and have consistantly been getting over 70mpg and not just for one trip its for my whole gas tank.

    Once you learn how to P&G there is no reason for a switch to turn off regenerative braking feathering works just fine and if you are gliding down hill you can easily use the regenerative braking to keep from exceding 40mph and the engine spinning.

    As far as the seats I have had worse. Again how can you base the seats comfort on what you read. Buy a Prius and then tell us that they need better seats. I have made many trips to California from Arizona and neither myself or my passengers complained.
  7. Per

    Per New Member

    Nov 17, 2006
    San Antonio
    Other Hybrid

    It is not a matter of moving the bar. I think you are nitpicking words, and have a misperception of what I was after. Dan's post is the first one in this whole thread that is is actually helpful to someone interested in the EV switch, and I think his "engine veto" nomer is great. The original poster asked for input on how the EV switch can help, and Dan is the first on to give a comprehensive answer.

    A big thanks to Dan!

    I would also like to hear more about the "southern" seat, I haven't heard about it yet here in Texas.
    I don't have to spend much time in the Prius to learn about the seats--they do not offer enough thigh support for me. Raising the front of the seat by 1/2 to 3/4 inch would be real easy to do, and when I buy, I would probably do that as a stop-gap. Most likely I would get a RECARO seat for it, though--with heat, ventilation, and electrical adjustment. Comfort in a car is imperative for me. Prius seats as installed simply don't hack it.
  8. Dan.

    Dan. MPG Centurion

    Sep 7, 2005
    Houston, Texas
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Per @ Jun 12 2007, 02:37 PM) [snapback]460348[/snapback]</div>
    Yeah, dealers, by-and-large are not nearly as informed as PC members. I've sent you a PM that details what to bring up with the dealer. Once they know the marketing terms they can plug it into their option matrix and configure you a new Prius.

    Good Luck

  9. desertbriez

    desertbriez New Member

    May 20, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Winston @ Jun 12 2007, 09:51 AM) [snapback]460207[/snapback]</div>
    *gasp* now that just wasn't nice [​IMG]

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Per @ Jun 12 2007, 12:37 PM) [snapback]460348[/snapback]</div>
    ya..... you's all hijacked my thread! i just want to know how and when to use the silly switch!

    as for the seats.... twice now i've wished for better seats... for trips to work or even trips "down the hill" just to shop they've been OK... but after both bike ride trips they've been horrible! granted my legs are already upset with me for torturing them by pushing those little pedals for 100 miles up mountains, etc.... but they really ache sitting in those seats on the way home.... i didn't have that issue in the acura?????? so yes.... i'd LOVE to have better seats!
  10. silver-machine

    silver-machine New Member

    Apr 18, 2007
    Sheffield UK
    2007 Prius
    a..... you's all hijacked my thread! i just want to know how and when to use the silly switch!

    OK - lets pull it all together... you can use the EV switch to improve your mileage by switching to EV mode during the warm up phase to ensure that the warm up happens quickly. Otherwise the consensus is that EV is used to save wear on the engine for very short movements, or to be quiet, or to be cool.

    Or any or all of the above.

    Personally, I'd use the switch as and when you like ! What you shouldnt lose sight of is that no other car has it, so feel smug.
  11. desertbriez

    desertbriez New Member

    May 20, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(silver-machine @ Jun 12 2007, 02:21 PM) [snapback]460411[/snapback]</div>

    so when i leave for work in the morning is a given!

    and i guess the other opportunities will present themselves as i'm driving! (parking lots, etc)