Courtney Force #1 qualifier funny car at Pomona! Dad taught her well, she's gooood NHRA Mello Yello Drag Racing Series results
I'm surprised no one told him what he did wrong in the Prius drag run. You tried to drag with a Prius at less than full HV battery charge. Doing so reduces your torque and HP because the computer doesn't give you full power off the line unless you have excess charge in the HV battery to burn up. The Prius was designed for fuel efficiency so you have to trick the computer into doing things to waste energy if you want it's full performance profile. The process you want to add before you get on the line is called "force charging". Either that or make sure you start at the top of a ramp or hill before you descend to the drag strip. To quote patrick wong
One major down side to force charging is heat buildup in the inverter. Yes you can get a nice charge in the pack but if you start ramping up temps it does you no good. SPH-D710 ? 2
I made a similar post in 2006 after selling my C5, Trans Am and turbocharged Z71 then taking my Prius to the track. I LOL'd at the 17.6 1/4mile then I ROTFLMAO after refilling the tank the first time.
Huh. Sort of like the brake torque I do in the Vette to heat the tires...but in this case, I'm flooring it and holding the brake to charge the battery! I didn't care to go for a record time, I was in the money runs so I wanted consistency. However, it was so slow to react, compared to my Vette, that I couldn't cut a good light. It did run consistent 11.3's in the 1/8. I'd have needed to leave on the first yellow or stage deep...but in the end, I didn't buy that car for the drag strip so I won't bother. It was funny, in the second round I went against a 5 second was so funny to be nearly done with the run when he FLEW past me at the line doing 110 mph...he had to fall asleep waiting 6 seconds to launch after I took off!
I know how you's just amazing to not need gas once a week and dropping $80+ each time. My buddy in Sweden laughs at me worried about gas prices. He has a Vette like mine and just bought a Ford Raptor. He sends me pictures of his fill ups at $220 or so (in Sweden gas is $8 per gallon).
You must mean 5 seconds in 1/8 mile. Pro Stock motorcycle Krawiec's best 1/4 time is 6.730, nitro funny cars are 4 seconds in 1,000 ft. ... probably 4.6 in 1/4 (if they still did 1/4 mile)
Yes I was at my local 1/8 mile track with the Prius...I didn't want to put people to sleep at the 1/4 mile track. lol And it was far from stock Hayabusa...had extended swingarm, nitrous, bigger engine. Only thing keeping it on the ground was the 300 lb driver. It was a bad machine, I call those things widow makers and we have a lot of them down here.
Sounds like a Prius would make a good bracket racer. For those who don't know, Bracket racing is based on consistency not how fast you go. You dial in a time and see how fast you can get to it without going faster. Closest to the dial in time wins. One nice thing about bracket racing is you usually take home cash, not a trophy. I've had some friends take home $500 one evening finishing second.
Nah, the battery charge plays a big role in ET and 60' times. I found a pretty large range in times when I raced mine. A standard ICE car without traction problems and without a power adder would be much more consistent.
At our local 1/8 track it's free to enter "Dial-in for Dollars"...$200 to win, $100 RU, $25 (entrance fee) for semis. I thought the Prius might be a good bracket racer but it wasn't as consistent as I'd like it to be, I'm guessing due to the battery charge or lack thereof after hot lapping. Plus, it really doesn't react doubt I'd need to deep stage it and even then, it wasn't as consistent to react as I'm used to (and I normally race a manual car so that's saying something). Does anyone make a transbrake for the Prius CVT?