Bonnie Bennett from Vampire Diaries drives a Prius too! She's a witch. Bonnie Bennett and Toyota Prius / Coolspotters
Go to South Park Studios | Kenny, Cartman, Stan & Kyle | Watch Full Episodes, Clips & More . You can watch every episode from #1 to the most recent. Enjoy!
Rebecca Hall drive a Prius in "The Town" and she was having a discussion with Ben Affleck about the Prius in the movie.
Wow! That Black Prius really makes Gwyneth look good! Love the wheels on it. Are they an option over there across the big pond? Or is Gwyneth into moding?
Fact: The South Park "Smug Alert" episode shows a Prius v, many many years before the car was designed. See it at 8:08 in.
I think they're either spec or a dealer fit option as quite a few of the gen2's have them. I'm hoping she drives the car because she likes the fuel economy and emissions rather than the free access to central London CCZ. [ame=]London congestion charge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
The 2012 got a lot of airtime tonight on Modern Family! Maybe Toyota should make the PA system standard
The Medical Examiner of NYC drives a Prius - saw it on the NBC Evening News last night. The Commonwealth of Virginia Medical Examiner drive a Prius (saw it on VA-288 a week ago or so.
Don't forget the short-lived series The Goode Family. [ame=""]The Goode Family S01E01 Pilot 1/2 - YouTube[/ame]