<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Fredatgolf\";p=\"103061)</div> It is the motto of the school my daughter attends. It translates to: "They can because they think they can." I adopted it as my signature here because it reflects my belief that we can achieve any goal we strive, such as saving the environment, if we have confidence in our abilities to do so.
IsrAmeriPrius: Thanks. My favorite quote is, "I used to believe when someone thought a lot of me it was a testimony to my worth. I came to understand that when someone thought a lot of me it was a testimony to their worth." I used to know the name of the famous educator who said that, but I have forgotten. I believe it is so valuable, I would include it in my signature if I could just remember who said it. If you think about all the people who have thought a lot of you in your lifetime, it is almost always a person of the highest quality and integrity. Now I can appreciate Possunt quia posse videntur every time I see it.
Thanks for this post guys..alot you can identify in a person's character when you hear them speak, or read what they post. One thing that really got to me when readinig IALTMAN's post is the constant reference of "you" vs. "me/we"...as if it's drawing a line right between the blue and red. IALTMANN, your views, as skewed to me personally as they may be, are your opinion. The fact that you take the approach to refer to all of us as "you guys", and people of your beliefs and political views as "us" is disheartening. I was under the impression that we're all on the same team here. What's happening to you is the same thing that's happening to the rest of this country. We're being divided politically, and it's turning people against each other....much in the same way as the Civil War turned it's brothers against each other (an extreme comparison nonetheless, but figuratively the same reasoning)... The only other thing I can offer is, if you actually believe in our Media, no matter which political side they're biased to (and typically it's liberal, which I am), than you've got bigger problems at this point than you're letting on....just my .02 under the 1st Amendment, thank you for your service in VietNam, as my Father was a fighter pilot then, and I'm very proud of what he did, and very proud of what all of our soldiers did during that "other war we shouldn't have been a part of"....much like I thank the men and women who are fighting in Iraq and abroad for our country (though this is also the war I don't believe we should be a part of)....I support the troops, not the war. They didn't decide to ship themselves over there, it was GW that decided that for them. Dave.
Thanks Smika for the support, these guys say we're inflamatory, and don't even realize what they are saying Oh I guess this is not inflamatory: Your first quote- I'm still shocked that a Texas military man who feels there is plenty of oil (as he stated on another thread), would A) buy a Prius, and B) peruse a Prius site and get angry/emotional of the views of the vast majority of posters here. What did you expect to fing here, the NRA and fundamentalist preachers? Typically trolls try to make the forum posters angry/emotional while privately laughing at them, not vice versa. Just like like election, the electorate is stupid. I GOT NEWS FOR YOU GUYS: Prius is not owned by you, last I heard it is still a free country here. And just because we may drive a smart car...Guess what I know a sarge in the Army who has one, it is a question of free market and intelligence, and walking the talk, not just blowing smoke.. BYE YOU ALL bad mouth me and all that, I;ll still be here in 2006, and 2008 and we will see what the voters decide, you all do a pretty good CON job. Just keep on thinking you're smarter.....I am sure I am a minority here, never kidded myself, but I'll darned if I just bend over and take it. You all keep doing this, that is how we are making in roads. I would vote for the best man or woman, not just party or talking points, boy talk about talking points you all need to re-read your own posts..Anyway I'll dip in once in awhile, enough wasted time here.
Smika Oh the pro's ...and their talks, the whole problem with color is color, I look at people and not color. Yes if my brother had married a jerk, I would attribute it to the jerk not the color. These high minded posters here don't know racism if it hit them in the face, but the label is sure easy to pin. As for the rest of it, I am of the same mind with regards to the OIL., I said so in my posts, and I've been to the Middle East as a civilian. All these years and the money spent by the whole world, why is the POVERTY there so abject and as worse as anywhere ? Less then 5% have the wealth, the rest live in dirt, and I mean DIRT., schools and infrastructure is non existent, nomadic ways and early 14-19th century way of life is what they have. The Muslim faith in general perpetuates and educates the people ONLY to this level, only the rich ones make it to European and US schooling. It ain't what the US has done, the monarchies and non secular societies abound keep it that way through abject terror of bounds we have never seen. And the real problem is there is NO BETTER alternative, so this country and the rest of the world have to perpetuate this. We are so quick to condem this country for our "support" of all this, never realizing the alternative will be 10 times worst, if not non existent. The Prius is a wonderful example of good stewartship and a marvel in engineering, and technology such as this is a step in the right direction in terms of dealing with the middle east.
You need to practice what you preach...you said it yourself, it's a free country just a couple of posts up. You know what? We're aware of that...it seems you are the only one who's fogging the issue on the point. You're not taking the cool, calm, collective stance like you seem to be self professed at. Are you going to include me in your signature line as well? That's ridiculous, and certainly not characteristic of the maturity a 50+ year old man should be displaying. You stated your views, how some of us translated or responded to them is one of the reasons America is a great country. We have the freedom to disagree. Yet, whenever someone else disagrees with you IALTMANN, you attack them personally, and with the same canned remarks that seem to be your weapon of choice. An intelligent debate consists of making valid points, not jumping from issue to issue, slandering, or defaming anyone's character. Are your views on this country and the party other than Republican that skewed that you're blind to your own ridiculous banter? Read your posts, one by one, realize the pattern you're putting out there. People aren't taking you seriously...you've got one person who remotely agrees with you on some point, and you pimp that like ammo. Wise beyond your years is one thing, wise with your years is another, and you sir, apparently lack the capacity for both. Here's a news flash, not everyone is going to like or agree with George W Bush, what a shocker there. He has done questionable things during his Presidency thus far, he has done admirable things with his Presidency as well....the former far outweight the latter, and it's only going downhill. You keep talking about the election results...the old addage rings true certainly for this case...trick us once, shame on you, trick us twice, shame on us. I seriously doubt that there will be a Republican President in the White House in 2008...and I hope and pray to God everyday that my prediction rings true. The ONLY Republican President I can look back on and admire for his character and efforts is Reagan, there will never be another Republican President like him. Bush can't touch it, and Bush will never be an effective President even like his father was in some cases. The chips are stacked against him, plain and simple. You're still going on with the "me" against "you" attitude, and quite frankly, it's sickening. Are you that blind to what's going on around you that you need to resort to insulting people? A lot of bigots typically make statements like you have, then retort when exposed by saying "well, I have black or ethnic relatives" or "well, I know a lot of black people", or "I see gays all the time"...etc, etc...your racist undertones when describing the black vote does you no credit, and I think you lost your stance in this debate after your 2nd post of the thread. It's becoming an uphill battle for you at this point, and the hill is getting steeper as you reach the top. Cut your losses, that's the only advice I can give you after all of this. Regards, Dave.
All I see is you doing the insulting Mr Senior Poster, and if they don't start it I don't bring it on, 50 or not I still got something
Thanks for this particular post. I appreciate the clarity, but I am sure IALTMANN considers what you said to be an attack on him. I have said it several times, I have no issue with his beliefs, as much as I disagree with him. His style is divisive and polarizing. He couldn't even see that he was making inflammatory statements and that continues to amaze me. Your description of that style I believe was helpful. I don't think it would make any difference in this case, but maybe if you could have been a little more generic. I don't know.
Sure do but don't fret..When Hyatt takes my name out of his signature I will do the same. I like the technical side of this chatroom that is the main reason I spend time on line at Priuschat.com, so shortly I will delete myself from discussion on this downing street memo..seems like we all know where we stand (not who we are...) the clarity is clear, when I am considered divisive that's BAD, when others are divisive on the other side, that does not count. This is YOUR DOUBLE STANDARD that drives away people. You do have lots of good ideas, just stop the INSULTS, Bush lied.., conspiracies, complaints and outright irresponsible acts and statements on your side and you'll see the divisiveness on both sides diminish, and who ever belongs there running things will get there, per voter's wishes. That all I want, the red blue crap is just that, there are other sides and opinions, you can't put me down and expect me to just sit there and take it, ain't gonna happen baby. I sure don't get it, down here in Texas, the tongue does work both ways, and you do reap what you sow. PS fyi plan to vote for the DEM governor next time, really have lost faith with Perry. Don't be too quick to pre-package people, you are violating your own premises and beliefs. As for the original topic post, I believe it is going nowhere is it not? If so do you still think a smoking gun is there ? Most Americans will be glad BUSH and 8 years are done, just like most 2 term Presidents, and GOOD IDEAS and SOLUTIONS, not class warfare and rhetoric will sell the American Voter as to who should be runing things. 2006 midterm elections will give you a taste of the effectiveness of your message. I still think it is wrong to try and sabotage the actions of this administration, but your world is going out and we will all decide which way this country is to go. I will respect the will of the voters, and would not sabotage that direction, hurting this country in the hopes of regaining control in 2008, I still say that is low, and reminiscent of the Vietnam era, and Move ON.org seems to relish such actions. Most Americans reject this course, THAT'S THE PROBLEM, most polls show that even with disapproval of the US Action and Bush dislikes, the current solution of staying the course is the desired action. And yes Bush gambled his "political future" on this, but he's had 2 goes at it and is satisfied with it all. In 2008 I would like to see McCain or Gulliani vs Lieberman or Bidden, and I surely would be undecided. I can only say if you find this about me: "His style is divisive and polarizing. He couldn't even see that he was making inflammatory statements and that continues to amaze me. " What about YOUR (all of you) STYLES, Look at yourselves man!!! ??????
Emily, can't have Bush for 4 more years, unless you want the brother from Florida. As for the terrorists, one would hope that Iraq might be strong enough to handle those problems. But you are right, the Terrorism has to be dealt with, regardless.. PS this was a serious answer, if you said in jest, well I am jooooooking. Ps HYATT take my name off your signature please and I will do the same off mine
I'm not letting this one ride, just like I didn't the last time you posted this falsehood ride. GW did not cut taxes. He shifted them. He shifted them to the future, and to the middle class. And when you include all the fees and charges and increase in local taxes and local fees, his shift in the burden to the middle class was quite striking. But most of his shift was to the future. Oh and by the way, most of the debt of these deficits has been bought by the Chinese. Now that should really make you feel safe. And according to a recent CIA report, an article in the widely respected Economist, as well as simple common sense, the hatred of Americans in the world, and the increase in the numbers of people in the world willing to do physical harm to Americans has SKYROCKETED in the last 5 years. And lets not forget, the first Al Qaida attack on American soil was in 1993. The second attack on American soil was in 2001. So the fact that there has not been an attack on American soil in 4 years means nothing. These are very patient people. And thanks to Bush, a rather large group of them are now getting some sorely needed training in killing Americans in Iraq right now. So your suggestion that these tax cuts were somehow good, and GWs sidetrack of the war on terror into Iraq were good for America is hogwash. Our economy is significantly more shaky in 2005 than it was in 2000, our American Army is stretched beyond it's capacity, and the hatred and willingness of foreigners to kill Americans is much higher. So GW, whose real game plan all along was to make America a corporacracy, has made real Americans less safe, less secure, and on shaky economic ground. GW is the most dangerous American President since Jefferson Davis.
Not to worry, Prius04 is very familiar with EmilyJohn, who btw is not female. The name represents both the male and female in the family. I don't know about Prius04, but I am glad you take such care to make sure he doesn't make a mistake.
Good you all stick together FRED, good way to run off future people. For my 10 cents worth, I accept all, and don't take it from the likes. I welcome the ones who come here, especially when in addition to making a commitment, they reject a CON job, from such peoples as yourselves. Tell me how to check and see if that HYACK has changed his signature, and I will do the same, otherwise my signature will stay there until kingdoom come.
Okay, IALTMANN, I owe you this. HYACK does not have you in his signature. If you check to the top right when the Quote button is used, you will see a tab marked "You". When one presses that tab, everyone that reads his message reads their username wherever the "you" appears. Interesting that you say kingdoom instead of kingdom.
Another one tricked by the ]you[ button. kingdoom!!! what a brilliant pick up Fred, and I suspect quite a-propos.
I am negotiating with Danny to fix it so that every time someone writes Prius04 it comes up IALTMANN. What do you think of that idea? :lol: