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Down to the Rapture

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Beryl Octet, Jan 31, 2007.

  1. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    :huh: What does ones educational level have to do with this topic much less on a message board?
    Are you & others going to look down your noses at us because we are not in the same Caliber?

    PHD = Piled higher & deeper
    Bs = self explanitory

    Does anyone have the full list? :lol:
  2. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mirza @ Feb 9 2007, 02:33 PM) [snapback]387532[/snapback]</div>

    Jeez that was funny....!!!!!

    ...and speaking of Frodo...


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  3. huskers

    huskers Senior Member

    Aug 21, 2005
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Feb 9 2007, 01:02 PM) [snapback]387553[/snapback]</div>
    If I am going to buy into what someone is saying...then I like to know if they know what they are taking about. Therefore, knowing someones educational level gives me a direction to make that judgement (along with other things).

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mirza @ Feb 9 2007, 12:14 PM) [snapback]387518[/snapback]</div>
    So are you saying there really was an Adam and Eve? If not, why did Jesus die on the cross? Evolution also kind of gets in the way here. When one of you leaves this earth...give us a sign. It does not have to be anything big. Maybe the next weeks power ball numbers!!! B)
  4. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mirza @ Feb 9 2007, 11:14 AM) [snapback]387518[/snapback]</div>

    Its quite easy to get very self confident, arrogant and prideful "pride goes before a fall" when all is well but when it all hits the fan, you don't have power over your next breath or heartbeat, yet you speak such arrogance and confidence!

    I guess none of its real, till its real...

    So many false warnings about this and that everyday in the news.. we grow numb and don't believe anything till it hits us in the face.... I don't condemn you.. just pointing out human behavior.
  5. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Feb 9 2007, 01:18 PM) [snapback]387561[/snapback]</div>
    :lol: ROFLAMO! :lol:

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mirza @ Feb 9 2007, 12:33 PM) [snapback]387532[/snapback]</div>
    Oh Pot to Kettle, have you looked into the mirror lately?

    There are many with just a HS education, there are others that have attended Bible college. there are others that have higher degrees. Personally I couldnt give a shat, if your treating me for an illness I will be looking for credentials.......

    Good topic though. I think I will post it. But as anther poster has stated, on the internet a dog can be what he wants to be while on the net, however hes still just a dog.
  6. Loveit

    Loveit New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
    I agree with Windstrings.

    Some are ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of truth; having a form of godliness but denying the power there of.

    Coming to the knowledge of the truth doesn't just happen over night, and definitely not without help.

    But how can one miss something that they never had? They can't.

    But they don't know that. They are like little children which still require milk. But they must drink milk and begin to eat some solid food in order to grow. Children like to explore. They put things in their mouths. If it tastes good, they'll eat it. If it tastes bad, then they spit it out. But what's wrong with this picture? Antifreeze is sweet, but you drink it, it will kill you. Lima beans, (I don't like lima beans), to me they taste terrible, but they are good for you and provide minerals and vitamins for the body.

    So likewise, it takes a parent with understanding, and experience to be able to teach a child what is best and good for him. But if that child doesn't want to be taught anything, and wants to learn on his own by exploring his world, he could cross a very fine line that could put his very life in jeporady or harms way. And sometimes there is a point of no return.

    When a child is resistant to his parent's authority, and I am talking about a parent who loves his child and has his best interest at heart, that's rebellion. The father doesn't have to teach his child anything but he does so because he loves the child, and he wants his child to grow into a mature adult. But that takes time. How much time? It depends on the child. How mature he is, and whether or not he wants to learn in the first place.

    This is just an interesting fact: according to science, the body regenerates itself every seven years.

    Do you remember what you ate 3 weeks ago? Most of us would say, no. But does that mean what you ate didn't nourish you? (I am talking about good food.) No. It did what it is suppose to do. It provided your body with life giving fuel. If you eat properly, and exercise, and care for your body, just like you would a favorite car, then chances are your body will stand in good stand for quite a while.

    Now, if on the other hand, you feed it hap hazardly, and not nutritious food, it's like putting the incorrect fuel into a car which requires, say for example, high octane gas. Of course then, the car will balk and not run as smoothly as it should. Same thing with the body.

    And over a period of time, the body or the car which are not cared for properly, the lifespan of both the body and the car are not only shortened, but the quality of life for the body, and the performance of the car are severely affected.

    The same can be said for one's spirit and his relationship to God or lack of said relationship, will determine the lifestyle a person has; not only here on the face of the earth, but in the hereafter.

    But if one spends a lot of time just reading but not comprehending, then that person will not be able to put that information to very good use.

    But if the person is not quite sure about what he has read, then generally he/she will ask someone who has a little more knowledge about it.

    It doesn't mean that all the information presented to him/her will be totally accepted, but it should mean that he/she puts it on the back burner of their mind and let it percolate for a bit.

    Generally as time goes by, they learn a little bit more, and a little bit more. It's like putting pieces of a beautiful puzzle together. Eventually they will come to see the whole picture, which is the sum of all the parts.

    And with it will come the understanding that goes along with the knowledge of the reading material.

    Likewise, in learning spiritual things. Especially in having illumination, revelation, and understanding when it comes to reading the bible.

    It is the Holy Spirit's job to admonish and teach us about the things which Jesus taught. That's why Jesus said, the Holy Spirit will not come unless I leave to return to the Father. He will bring to remembrance all things that I have spoken to you. He will take what is mine and reveal it to you.

    Anyway, ask the Holy Spirit to teach and impart supernatural understanding of God's word for you, and He will.
  7. livelychick

    livelychick Missin' My Prius

    Apr 6, 2006
    Central Virginia
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(loveit @ Feb 9 2007, 07:45 PM) [snapback]387787[/snapback]</div>
    I have asked the Holy Spirit to get me through just twp sentences of one of your posts, and He hasn't helped me in the least.
  8. Loveit

    Loveit New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
    That's okay. But what do you want to know? The original post was pointing out a picture of the return of Christ, and those that love Him wait for His return at the end of this day and age as we know it. As you can see, the end of this age is not something I would want anyone to go through.

    It is one of the reasons why men/women everywhere should read the bible for themselves.

    In the bible there is a story about the woman at the well, she was a Samaritan, meaning that she was half-Jew, and half-Gentile. Samaritans were despised because of that very fact, something over which they had no control.

    Anyway, because she is part Jew, she has some knowledge and some understanding of the Jewish religion but not a complete understanding as we shall soon see.

    Most Jews had nothing to do with the Samaritans, and they would go out of their way to avoid the city at all costs.

    But one man, named Jesus, had an appointment in Samaria; at the well outside the city walls. He went directly to the heart of the matter. He was on a mission.

    The Samaritan woman went to get a bucket of water from the well in the middle of the day. The well in those days, were built outside the walls of a city. (Most cities had solid stone walls and wooden gates. Behind most gates were cisterns of some sort to quench the fiery arrows shot by enemies with the intention of burning down the doors to gain entrance into the city.) But in this instance the well for drinking water was outside the city walls.

    First, she was by herself. Why were there no other women with her? Most women travel in groups and talk to one another as they do things/chores together. Second, why was she going there in the heat of the day? Most of the women would go early in the morning, or later in the day when it was cool. What happened to this woman that she was by herself? Because this is not the normal custom, something is amiss with this particular lady. But what? We shall take a closer look.

    Jesus' disciples left Him at the well while they went into the city. Then the Samaritan woman comes to the well. Jesus asks her for a drink of water, and she is shocked to think that a Jew would speak to her. So she asks Him, why would He a Jew ask her a Samaritan, and a woman at that, for a drink of water?

    Jesus replies: "If you only knew the gift God has for you and who I am, you would ask me, and I would give you Living water." But she says to Him, that He doesn't have a bucket or a rope to draw water from the well so how was He going to give her a drink of water if He had no rope or bucket to draw up the water with?

    Then she asks Him, where does He get this Living water? And she asks Him if He is greater than her ancestor Jacob who gave them the very well at which they now stood beside? How can He offered better water than the water from this well?

    He replies that the water He gives becomes an everlasting spring of water flowing, bubbling up on the inside of a person so that they will never be thirsty again, giving them eternal life.

    With the little understanding she has, she wants that water. But she wants the water so that she will never be thirsty again, and she won't have to haul water anymore.

    But then Jesus says to her, go and get your husband. She tells Him the truth, I don't have one. He says that she has spoken truly but you have had five husbands, and you are not married to the one you are living with now.

    (Now we don't know why this is the case but we can surmise. Back in those days, it was very important for women to be able to have children. Children were considered a blessing by the Lord; and if you were married and had no children it was considered a curse. So who knows, maybe she couldn't have kids and that was all that was necessary for a husband to be able to say 3 times: "I divorce you.", and it was considered done.) The picture that we get here is that her life is kind of messed up; and it probably wasn't even her fault. The women wouldn't have anything to do with her, and who knows how the men treated her. She must have suffered very much because of it, and wondered what her purpose in life was. Would my life ever change for the better? Would she ever get out of the pit so to speak? Would she ever have joy? If there is a God, why doesn't He answer my prayers?

    She tells Jesus that He must be a prophet because He is telling her things about her life and what she did. So then she asks Him a question to which she has probably wanted an answer to for a long time. "Why is it that you Jews insist that Jerusalem is the only place to worship, while we Samaritans claim it is here at Mount Gerizim where our ancestors worshipped?"

    Jesus tells her there is a time that is coming when it won't matter where you worship the Father, whether it be at Mount Gerizim or in Jerusalem. Then He says, "You Samaritans know so little about the one you worship; while we Jews know all about Him, for salvation comes through all the Jews. But the time is coming when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth."

    Then she says, "When the Messiah comes, the One who is called The Christ, He will explain everything to us!" (So it is evident that she knows about the Messiah but she doesn't know Him personally.)

    He replies and says, "I am the Messiah."

    In the meantime the disciples come back from town and are amazed that Jesus is talking to a woman, and a Samaritan at that; but they didn't ask Him what He was doing.

    The woman drops her buck and rope, and runs as fast as her feet will carry her back to town where she tells the towns people all about "the Man who told her everything that she ever did!" Of course the people go back to see Jesus, this man, who told her everything that she ever did.

    Many of the Samaritans believe in Jesus because the woman had said Jesus told her everything she ever did. As a result, the towns people begged Jesus to come to the city and stay there with them. Jesus went with them and stayed there for 2 days. They listened to His message and believe. But they said they didn't believe just because the Samaritan woman said so, they believed because they heard Him themselves. He is indeed the Savior of the world."

    The living water which Jesus offers is the knowledge and revelation of Himself to people everywhere. He is no respecter of persons, meaning that He will just as soon talk to a "despised Samaritan" as He would to a Jew.

    But the point here is that, when we ask Jesus to be a part of our life, to show us how to get along with one another, and how to really live, then He gives us that understanding and it comes through the Holy Spirit. When Jesus ascended to heaven to sit at the right hand of God after His death and ressurection, He promised that He would not leave them as orphans. He promised that He would send the Holy Spirit to Comfort them, and to Help them. So they were given directions to go to Jerusalem and to wait until the Holy Spirit came upon them and filled them with Christ's very own life and power inside of them. This would help them live the same kind of life which Christ did when He walk the face of the earth with them for 3 years.

    The Holy Spirit makes His home inside of a person when that person asks Him to take an active part in his life; in his day to day living. He is the "living water". His presence is always there. When you have questions about God and your life, and what you should be doing or not doing, you can ask the Holy Spirit for His advice and He will give it to you. Now whether or not you take His advice, that is up to you. But one very important thing: the Holy Spirit will never tell you to do something which is not condoned in the written word of God. That is the plumb line by which all things should be held accountable.

    Just like the woman at the well, she says, when the Messiah comes, He will explain everything to us! And that is exactly what the Holy Spirit does, He explains the things of God to those who are hungry and thirsty to know not only about the things of God, but to know God.

    That is why the Samaritan woman and the others were so excited when Jesus came to them.

    And now, they would be fully able to worship with all their heart, (spirit), and their worship would be pure, true worship, and not just let's make believe we are worshipping. That's what Jesus meant when He said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!" So now, they know Who they are worshipping, and that gives them understanding as to why they worship Him.

    And in that way, they would always have "living water" to quench their thirst to know Him. That is what a personal relationship with Christ is all about.
  9. huskers

    huskers Senior Member

    Aug 21, 2005
    2017 Prius Prime
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(loveit @ Feb 9 2007, 09:52 PM) [snapback]387831[/snapback]</div>
    I don't think you have to worry about that. :rolleyes:
  10. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Ha!.. well remember.. even when Jesus was sitting before them in the flesh, he rarely ever answered with the answers they expected and often it wasn't until later that it became obvious.

    To hear from God, you really have to want the truth... to have a love for it.

    What do I mean?.... often to test you, he will speak his answers through channels you don't repect to see if you will cling to the truth nevertheless or whether you want to entertain your own pride?

    What if he answers through your kid?.. your wife?.. what about your mother in law?... some guy on the street in passing you don't even know... maybe a billboard sign.

    Still unclear I bet eh?.....

    Hearing scripture quoted out of the bible is simliar to hearing Hymns that have been sung for hundreds of years..... the words are empty, repetitive, old news, and boring.......... Thats why God says "sing me a new song".. he wants "real" not form and ritual.

    The faith that comes by hearing the word of God is not the aforementioned.
    Its when God "respeakes" it to you!!!!... its the "spoken word" (Rhema word).. thats what makes it real.

    Have you ever read a verse you've seen for years and all of a sudden it floors you like you heard it for the first time?
    A billboard all of a sudden speaks straight to your spirit!!!!!

    You have to "wait" and listen.... how?
    Stop listening to everything else and silence yourself.... his voice is usually a still small voice amidst the loud clamous screams of the world.

    In order to hear a still small voice amidst volumes of loudness, you have to "block out" the loud to hear the quiet.

    God never competes with the loud clamous voices.

    Have you ever been in a crowd of hundreds of people like at a concert and all of a sudden your hear your mothers voice?.. your girlfriend?, your son or daughter?....as they call for you amongst the crowd?

    Thats how hearing Gods voice is.... once you know it, you can hear it above the loudness of the world... but you have to be attentant and be listening.

    God is always speaking, but we seldom hear and when we hear, we seldom interpret correctly.

    (Job 33:14 KJV) For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.
    (Job 33:15 KJV) In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;
    (Job 33:16 KJV) Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction,
    (Job 33:17 KJV) That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man.

    If you go to a church and its not "real" and God doesn't speak to you there.... get out quick and find one that does!.......
  11. Mirza

    Mirza New Member

    Jun 16, 2004
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Feb 9 2007, 05:40 PM) [snapback]387713[/snapback]</div>
    I do it all the time :)... but it's too bad for some of the arguments in this thread that I don't base my views on fictional literature :p.
  12. Loveit

    Loveit New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
    Amen! ^_^ You got that right, Windstrings!
  13. fshagan

    fshagan Senior Member

    Aug 24, 2005
    Noneofyourbusiness, CA
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TJandGENESIS @ Feb 9 2007, 01:54 AM) [snapback]387347[/snapback]</div>
    How can this be true? The Bible is the fourth person of the trinity, isn't it? ;)

    Don't you know that all those illiterate Christians ... the majority of people from Christ's time to about 1750 ... couldn't possibly be saved because they couldn't read the Bible?

    Certainly then, almost no one was saved prior to the 1400's, when the printing press first started churning out Bibles. Bibles were too rare. What about the people who CLAIMED they were Christians even before the canon of scripture was established ... those people up to about 325 AD. For over 300 years these folks thought they knew the truth, but they couldn't have ... it was not collected into a book! Ignatius, Polycarp, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Clement, Tertullian, Origen, Eusebius, and Didymus the Blind quoted them, sure, but there were no "complete" collections of the scriptures that these church fathers considered authoritative in any church.

    But then, the blind had to wait until the 1800s to be saved because braille wasn't invented before then! And of course, mentally challenged people who can't read are even today prohibited from the Kingdom of Heaven because they cannot read the Bible!

    [Note: the foregoing paragraphs are intended to be sarcasm, and do not represent my views, or the views of any one else here. They are intentionally over the top in order to have a little fun.]
  14. Loveit

    Loveit New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
    Huskers, when the Jews start to rebuild their temple in Jerusalem watch out! Because the man of lawlessness, (Satan), will attempt to make himself god by sitting on the throne that will be inside the 3rd new temple.

    The body of believers, which is the restrainer, (which is holding all hell from breaking loose), will be taken out of the way, or raptured. When that happens blood will run as high a horse's bridle for miles and miles. There will be such bloodshed this world has never seen.

    But that won't be the end, the Day of the Lord's wrath will fall upon the face of the earth on those who do not believe but live only for themselves. This is where the bowls/vials of punishment are poured out upon the remaining inhabitants of the earth, according to the book of Revelation.

    And even then, these men will not give God the glory due to Him.

    But in the end, every knee will bow, and evey tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, to the glory of God the Father.

    When Israel became a nation in 1948, the believers sat up and took notice because a prophecy is about to be fulfilled.

    "This generation will not pass away, until I return again."

    Now, I would like to believe that the people that were and are still living at this time when Isael became a nation would live to see the return of Christ, or at the very least, the rapture of the believer is very close.

    Why? because if THE PEACE TREATY is ever signed, then the rebuidling of the Jewish Holy Temple will take place.

    Why is this so important? It signifies that the end is near according to God's plan and timetable.

    Well, the Jews walked away from God in their lives. They flattered God with their lip service and not from the heart. Get what I mean? And so every time the "nation of Israel sinned greviously" God would send them away into exile.

    But God promises them that He would not be angry with them forever. Why? Because God's name and reputation is at stake. It is through the Jew that the world would know the existence of God.

    The main reason God blessed the Jew with prosperity and all that goes with it, was so that the rest of the people on the earth would be blessed too. It was and still is God's purpose to bless the Gentile through the Jew in order that all people might know that God is a loving God.

    The bible says, those who bless the Jew, I, (meaning God), will bless. Those who curse the Jew, I will curse. (Again meaning God.)

    And so the Jews will return to their homeland and give their hearts to the Lord once more.

    And in doing that, Jewish law calls for the sacrifice of animals once again according to their custom and laws.

    For the Jew believes, the only way for them to have God be a part of their lives again, and to be blessed, they would have to make atonement for sin which can only be done by the shedding of blood.

    And so they will go back to the morning, mid-day, and evening sacrifices. That is a major reason why the Jew will not give up Jerusalem or Israel.

    The peace treaty will be signed, between Israel and her enemies, and the rebuilding of the Holy Temple will take place, and the sacrifices will begin once again.

    Then peace treaty will be broken after 3 1/2 years, and the sacrifices will stop.

    Satan will deceive many. He will go into the Holy Temple where a throne for the Most High God is reserved, and he will sit on it himself.

    This is called the thing of abomination of desolation. It is also called the desecration of the Holy place.

    These things will take place. I just pray that everyone's eyes will be opened to "see."

    God says that if He didn't shorten time, that even the very elect, the believers would not survive such an attack from the evil one.

    God promises to take the believers out of the world before He would let the evil one get a hold of them and corrupt them.
  15. Mirza

    Mirza New Member

    Jun 16, 2004
    Ahh if it isn't the Middle East... it's bound to rise up on any thread on religion........ self-fulfilling prophecies, anyone?
  16. Loveit

    Loveit New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
    That's what the picture was all about Mirza. The coming of Christ.

    God's prophecies: spoken by Him, fulfilled, and fulfilling by Him.
  17. Beryl Octet

    Beryl Octet New Member

    Aug 27, 2006
    Abingdon VA
    2005 Prius
  18. Mirza

    Mirza New Member

    Jun 16, 2004
    And self-fulfilling... ever notice how those most zealous to meddle in the Mid East are evangelicals?

    Let me put it this way - you have three main religions - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - all three of which are surprisingly similar - because some of the material from a later book or 'set of articles' was derived from the previous set! Muslims consider Jesus their prophet. To further make the point - the idea of a divine virgin birth came well before any of these 3 religions were on the historical scene. All three have an equivalent Antichrist and hero... for Islam the antichrist is known as "Da Jaal." For Shia Muslims, it's some crap like the 12th Mehdi or something - you can catch Ahmedinijad muttering something about it every once awhile.

    It's quite hilarious how much alike Christians and Muslims really are - it's rather comical seeing them fight.
  19. Mirza

    Mirza New Member

    Jun 16, 2004

    Attached Files:

  20. Beryl Octet

    Beryl Octet New Member

    Aug 27, 2006
    Abingdon VA
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mirza @ Feb 10 2007, 12:45 AM) [snapback]387908[/snapback]</div>
    Yes, two faces of the same coin. May God have Mercy on us all.