The Christian health care system is probably the largest in the world. Christians by and large contribute more time and money than any other non-government organization and even if one is found the majority of members would be Christian. Please name one atheistic organization of note that has an outreach reaching to 1% of what Christians give. Time to reevaluate your statement?
That's the difference between Christians and non-believers. Christians say "I'll blackmail you with this badly-needed food only if you become a Christian." Non-believers don't give a hoot what you do or don't believe, making non-denominational organizations like the Red Cross, UNHCR, Doctors Without Borders, etc. much more efficient than any Christian organization you can name. Time to reevaluate your statement?
Care to provide any citation for this? How about the UN? WHO, Doctors without Borders, Red Cross, Unicef? just to mention a few that come to mind!
Do you know which "Eye of the Needle" Jesus was referring too? I only ask because there is/was a gate in the wall surrounding Jerusalem called the "Eye of the Needle" it was low and narrow so that it could be easily defended and was left open all the time so that travelers arriving late at night would not have to spend the night outside the wall. It would require the camel to get down on it's knees and shuffle through the low gate to gain entrance. In like manner Jesus sought to show that a rich man must humble himself by stooping/kneeling to gain entrance into the City.
Sorry TREB, But it is incumbent upon you to back up your own statement that: Unless of course you have pulled this out of your own imagination. If you wish us to believe your rhetoric, then back it up,, pretty simple!
You asked for it . . . Who Gives and Who Doesn't? - ABC News There's more, for instance Catholic Hospitals, it's just hard finding lists to satisfy the curious.
Once again, you are moving the goal posts, and mixing you metaphors so to speak. Your first post mention Christians: And in the context of the conversation the suggestion is that is world wide. Now you post a "citation" citing US stats. Then you equate philanthropy with "liberalism" not Christianity as though they are mutually exclusive. Even if I accept your premise, which I do not, it is apples and oranges. I guess you get a failing grade yet again!
I've posted a Christian Medical System from one of the smallest Christian groups in the world, and yet you haven't posted one non-Christian medical system that is larger, I guess I win. Here's more about equating liberalism and philanthropy from Dr. Brooks book . . . Dr. Brooks was once a registered democrat and republican he's now an independent, IIRC. IF you would like to carry on a civil discussion about this topic I'd be happy to oblige, if you want to toss stuff In my face then so be it.
In 2005, Vice President Cheney gave 77 percent of his income to charity. He also shot a lawyer in the face, which I think should count for something. Trump that one!
I'm not the one asserting that anyone group is more philanthopic than anyone else! I'm so glad you are advocating violence, that is the kind of tone we are striving for in reducing the the rhetorical heat! I That would certainly be a first!
You challenged my statements and when I supplied facts that supported them you left them unchallenged, I win, without violence or rhetorical heat. :nod: By the it is also notable that the working poor give more of their money to charity than the middle class.
Uh, no you didn't supply "facts" that supported your original statement, So if you wish to keep score,,, I win. That said, it is not about "winning" but rather being honest and truthful with what one posts as "fact". And with that my dear TREB,,, leaving you to argue with yourself!
My original statement is below along with the facts. Of course deny the facts presented then run and hide once the facts are laid out, that's the icarus way. :wave: