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Down to the Rapture

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Beryl Octet, Jan 31, 2007.

  1. Loveit

    Loveit New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
    Years ago when they built the new Mormon temple in Kensington, Maryland off of the 495 Beltway, I had the opportunity to visit it when it was first opened to the public for viewing. It had this exact mural on the wall, (minus Bush's face.) It was a very imposing, thought provoking picture.

    Yes, I believe like TJ does.

    Jesus says, "There will be wars and rumors of war, but the end is not yet come." Make no doubt about it, there will be an end, and a ghastly one at that. Anyone can be "religious" but it takes a supernatural power to live the life that Jesus calls His followers to live. When we are "born again" it is His life that lives in us to want to live the way He calls us to live. Jesus even goes to say, "Why do you call me Lord, and not do the things that I ask? Depart from me you evil doers." Let's leave it at that.

    Just because our bodies die, doesn't mean the essence of who we are dies, that's our spirit, and our spirits will live for all eternity.

    The bible says: "It is the goodness of God which leads men to repentance." As Christians, we are not perfect, but if Jesus is Lord in our lives, then we need to be a true representation of Him. I, for one, know that I am still a work in progess. "He is able to complete that which I've committed to Him against the day that He returns." "Occupy until I come again."
  2. hyo silver

    hyo silver Awaaaaay

    Mar 2, 2005
    off into the sunset
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(loveit @ Feb 2 2007, 02:42 PM) [snapback]384527[/snapback]</div>
    Our words, our ideas, and our love will live on. But we are very much physical beings in an earthly realm. Our every thought and movement require chemical processes that are not possible without a body. Life is beautiful and wondrous, but it doesn't last forever. To me, that makes it all the more precious.
  3. Loveit

    Loveit New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
    The Lord promises a new resurrected body just like the way His was resurrected and brought back to life.

    I agree life is precious, but energy never dies, it just conforms to a different form. So it will be with our bodies.

    Life on this planet earth is just a "dress rehearsal" for the real thing.

    Things that we see are temporary, but the unseen is eternal. Per bible.
  4. Loveit

    Loveit New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
    I'll give you one good example. Take a look at the Jew. They are God's chosen people. They are the apple of His eye. It was through Abraham that God made Him a promise, or a covenant with him. He promised Abraham that he would be the father of many nations, and through Abraham the nations would be blessed.

    To this day, no matter what has come up against the Jewish people, they will always exist. Nothing will ever wipe them out. Why? Because "God is not a man that He would lie" or in others words, break His promise to Abraham. It is through the Jewish people, just the very fact that they still exist, and will always continue to exist no matter who or how many enemies they have, this alone is testimonial enough to prove that God exists.

    History attests to that very fact alone. The pharaoh tried to kill all the Jewish boy babies. It didn't work. The Egyptian mid-wives had more fear of God than most people do today. Herod try to kill all the Jewish boy babies in hopes of killing the "King of the Jews, the Messiah." Hitler tried to exterminate all the Jews. None of them were successful in their atrocious act of genocide. No one will be today either. This alone testifies that there is a God in heaven.

    If you would take a look at Laban, in the book of Genesis in the bible, and read about Rachel & Jacob, Abraham's grandson, you will see that God blessed Laban tremendously because he blessed the seed of Abraham, Jacob. As a matter of fact, Laban did not want Jacob to leave his household, (along with his wives who were Laban's daughters), because of all the increase in his herds of goats and sheep. As a result Laban became a very rich man.

    The bible teaches that those who bless Abraham and his offspring God will bless. Those who curse Abraham and his offspring will be cursed.

    The land of Israel has bloomed and blossomed in the desert, where nothing ever grew before. The country is prosperous and abundance is poured out upon Israel. Why? Because God promised that He would do so. This land never blossomed under any other people. That's another testimony.

    As for this day and age, many Jews are returning to their homeland. Why? Because the Lord said though He was angry with them for a little while, (when they turned away from Him). but He would forgive them, and bless them and bring them into their own homeland once again.

    Every time the nation of Israel turned away from God, they were sent into captivity. That's another testimony.

    The six day war back in 1948 was a supernatural intervention of God on behalf of the Jew. Israel is the promised land given to God's chosen people. He chose them. They did not chose Him.

    As far as the war(s), are concerned with Israel, watch out, seriously, because the Lord will stand to defend Israel with supernatural protection. He will not let anyone annihilate them. Why? Because then people like yourself would say there is no God.

    Many people will die in this final war, but the Jew will not be annihilated.

    Those who have made Jesus Lord and Savior will not be here for the day of God's wrath. That day here on earth is reserved for those who turn away from Him, those that do not believe that He exists. Look in the book of Revelation of the bible.The bowls and vials of wrath will be poured out upon all those who turn away from God.

    Even when Moses was leading the Jewish people out of Egypt, when some of the people grumbled and complained, the Lord did not spare them. He separated the earth, and those who were against God's chosen leader, were swallowed up in the crevice of the earth, never to be seen again.

    So, the bible tells us, if those who are made righteous by receiving Jesus as Lord, barely be saved, what hope do the lost have? NONE.

    If you ask why doesn't God do something about all of this? I say, He did. He became man in the flesh, as a babe, born of the virgin Mary. He was named and called Jesus, the Son of God, Emanuel. God with us. The angels sang: peace on earth, good will towards men. It was peace that God offer to man through His Son and His sacrifical death on the cross. It was God's good will toward man so that man might be reconciled to God. Jesus will take everyone's sin upon Himself so that we might have reconcilation with God. All we have to do is say yes, I will receive God's forgiveness for my sins by asking Jesus to bear them. It's that simple. Then God will send His Holy Spirit upon you, just as He did Jesus, so that you might live a life pleasing to Him not only now but for all eternity.

    Think twice my friend before making a decision that has eternal consequences.

    God cares about you and everything in your life.
  5. huskers

    huskers Senior Member

    Aug 21, 2005
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    That is not proof. That is an old story from an old book. After all that the Jews have gone through...I think they should ask for a re-count on that chosen people distinction. 6 million Jews killed by Hitler, 100s of years of being blamed for killing Jesus, ect.
    If God made us all...why does he need a chosen people? Is he playing favorites? How many people have been killed in religious wars over the years? All religions claim they know the way. We are really gullible as a human race. How have we survivied this long? ;)

    TJandGENESIS Are We Having Fun Yet?

    Aug 11, 2005
    ★Lewisville, part of the Metroplex, Dallas, in the
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(loveit @ Feb 3 2007, 01:22 AM) [snapback]384754[/snapback]</div>
    I cut up your response, so you can focus on your problem with convincing (anyone) that it's real.

    I'll wait.

    See it? There? I'll BOLD the word that you need to look at...

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(loveit @ Feb 3 2007, 01:22 AM) [snapback]384754[/snapback]</div>

    See it now? The one thing that fails 99% of Christians today, when it comes to trying to convince anyone that Christ is Real, that God is Real, is relying on a book.

    A book written by man. Perhaps inspired by God, but written and edited, by man.

    Edited, you say? How can that be? Well, I'll tell ya.

    Where is the Gospel of Peter? Of Thomas? Of Mary? Where is the Apocrypha? You know, that part of the Bible that was IN the Bible, the KING JAMES VERSION published in 1611, that by the time of 1726, is GONE? How do I know that? I have a Bible published in 1726. And a reproduction of the 1611 KJV, which, is a faithful reproduction of the 1611 manuscript, down to spelling JESUS, with a 'V'.

    Somehow, the editors in a little over 100 years, removed a section of the Bible. Did God call they up, and tell them, 'Whoops, I goofed, that section was not suppose to be in there'?

    See, those who make the Bible to be this Perfect Word Of God, well, they are wrong. For if it was perfect, we would not need umpteen versions. We would not have this question of where is the Apocrypha.

    The Bible, while an outstanding book, filled with rich knowledge, is not perfect. So to try to convince anyone that Christ is real, based on a flawed book, is saying that in turn, Christ is flawed.

    However. I believe Christ is real because of what I see around me everyday. When I feel the wind. When I call my dog, and he knows me, despite his relatively small cranium. Or my cat that knows her name, where the food is, and where the litter box is, no matter how many times I move the food, or move the litter box. It's intelligence that can't be explained by evolution. It's God given.

    I believe in God because the universe is really, really huge, and we did not just pop out of thin air. I believe in God because He has instilled in me a very curious nature. He had given me peace, when nothing else will.

    God is real to me as you are, or anyone. But not based on a book. Science writes books. Once Science wrote that the earth was flat. I think they were not right with that one.

    I love science too, don't get me wrong. But again, books are books. Some better then others. One's faith has to be proven beyond a book. One's faith is tested, by everyday occurrences, that have nothing to do with books.

    As a preacher, I encourage people to dig into the Bible. For digging into the Bible gets us closer to the truth.

    And the Truth is God.

    IMHO, of course.
  7. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(huskers @ Feb 2 2007, 11:45 PM) [snapback]384762[/snapback]</div>
    For the Bold quote: Yeah they might have had HANGING CHADS... :lol: :lol:

    You go Loveit! Preach it to em, tell it like it is!! :)
  8. Loveit

    Loveit New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
    The bible is not a flawed book. It was written by men as inspired by the Holy Spirit. It was given to teach, to equip, so that we might live according to His purpose and will for our lives.

    It is His revelation to us of who He is as God.

    But yes, it is wonderful that you know Him that way. I know Him in that way, and I pray that we would all know Him that intimately, for that is what He desires.

    The bible itself is not salvation, but it points to the way of salvation: Jesus.

    TJandGENESIS Are We Having Fun Yet?

    Aug 11, 2005
    ★Lewisville, part of the Metroplex, Dallas, in the
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(loveit @ Feb 3 2007, 03:43 AM) [snapback]384790[/snapback]</div>

    It is a flawed book. HIGHLY flawed, if one is honest. The Gospels? Disagree with each other. There are gaps in it. There are leaps of logic, for instance: How did Adam and Eve have TWO sons, but then, those two had children? Incest, perhaps? (Best if kept in the family).

    And I am a Preacher, a believer if you will. If I point out what is flawed, how much easier for those who want to put down the Bible is it for them?

    Pretty easy.

    So stop using the Bible as a crutch. Regard your faith as stronger then mere words. Challenge yourself to open up to Christ and His teachings, without having to rely on words.

    At least acknowledge that mankind has made a mess of what Christ, God, wanted in the first place.

    The Bible is not flawed...what I wish, sometimes, was that would be true. That would make teaching about Christ, and His ways, all that much easier. If the Bible was not flawed, then we as believers would just have to point at it, and say, 'See? Perfect. No mistakes in there. Each 'i' dotted, each 't' crossed. As it was written over 2000 years ago, not one syllable changed. Nada. Zip. Perfecto.'

    It would end all arguments about creation. But, since we have been handed a book, a hand me down book as it were, one that has changed over time, one that even recently, with newer discoveries, and better translation of the ancient tongues, changes still...we have to prove faith in Christ with sharper steel then that.

    I wish you well, since, if you are like the typical Christian, wrestling with the notion that the Bible is not, indeed, perfect, it will mess with your strength of faith.

    It will, if you are lucky, cause you to have more faith in God and less in a Book.

    If, however, you are like many I have talked to, you will no doubt be put off by my words, and ultimately pray for my soul or some nonsense.

    Pray all you want. It won't change things. I am freer today, then I was yesterday, and I will be freer tomorrow, because I dared once to open my eyes and heart to the very real situation: That the Bible is NOT the Perfect Word Of God.

    Peace out.
  10. Loveit

    Loveit New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
    The whole of the bible was written for our instruction, reproof, and correction. It is to help us live with one another.

    The gospels were written based on each of the authors perspective. Everyone may see the same scene, hear the same words, but come away with their own perspective. It doesn't mean that one gospel is inferior to the other. It just means, that with all of them you get a more complete picture.

    As for the other about the two sons, there were really three. Adam and Eve were not the only people that were in existence at that time. There were others on the face of the earth, and that's how they found mates.

    Read the bible again, and take a much closer look my friend.

    TJ, one quick question, if you will please.

    Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who was born of the virgin Mary, who was crucified and died on the cross to save us from our sins, and was resurrected 3 days later, and now sits at the right hand of God?
  11. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(loveit @ Feb 3 2007, 08:33 AM) [snapback]384808[/snapback]</div>
    I do.!

    I do have a question I have yet to have answered ?

    How did adam and eve create their off spring
    there had to be some imbreeding some where?
    when & how did skin color change?
    Adam & Eve had three sons after being evicted from the garden of eden, where did the 3 sons find a woman to mate with if there was only Eve? Then if they did sleep with Eve & Eve had girls they would have been very young mates? (Its a sickening though if you think it through) :blink: (I do not know Possible GAP here maybe )? :huh: :mellow:
  12. huskers

    huskers Senior Member

    Aug 21, 2005
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Feb 3 2007, 10:33 AM) [snapback]384837[/snapback]</div>
    Seems like a lot of hanky-panky going on in that 1st family. Some may call it X-rated. What can you expect from someone who was made from dirt, a rib, and running around with fig leafs? ;)
  13. TJandGENESIS

    TJandGENESIS Are We Having Fun Yet?

    Aug 11, 2005
    ★Lewisville, part of the Metroplex, Dallas, in the
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(loveit @ Feb 3 2007, 10:33 AM) [snapback]384808[/snapback]</div>
    'Read the Bible again'? Seriously, you have no idea how many times I have read it, cover to cover. I have over 60 versions in my house, I have read them all at least three times.

    And yes, of course I believe in Christ having died on the cross and having been raised three days later, and now is in heaven.

    Born of a virgin? No. That was proven a long time ago, that was a convenient way to allow Joesph to marry a pregnant girl. I mean, come on. Joesph was already older; way older. The time the Bible was written, they need to protect him.

    Sitting at the right hand of God? No. God may not have hands, as we know them.

    I don't need to recite some dogma, to believe in Christ. You sound like a Catholic person, reciting the believers prayer or something.

    If that works for you, great. But for some of us, we can have faith and question the validity of the Bible, and the time it was written.

    For some of us, it makes us stronger in faith. If I was just to accept the Bible as being 100% true, because it says so, well, I would be then just as likely to accept anything, as long as the Bible says so.

    Which would put me in a compromised position all the time. For it's impossible to follow the Bible 100%. You can't.

    For instance, do you slaughter lambs any more to atone for sins? No, of course not, since Christ died, to cover those. SO, why do you tithe then? Tithing was a way for the pharisees to receive means to live; this is a condition that was revoked when Christ died.

    I could go on, and on, and knowing what I know, based on your posts, you will be convinced I am a 'false preacher' as the Bible will tell you, and pray for my soul, and denounce me to all of your other Christian friends.

    Hey, if that is what floats your boat, great. No matter. I have often said, I will be surprised by who I see in heaven.

    Peace out.
  14. Alric

    Alric New Member

    Jul 19, 2006
    2007 Prius
    Where do you guys get the energy to debate fantasy for which there is no evidence? I could replace the word "bible" with "Dungeons and Dragons Manual" and we would have accomplished about the same.

    Except that I can see how D&D would be fun.

    If this much energy were spent in understanding reality, most world problems would have been solved by now.
  15. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    Naaa never happen, becides I think we just like to argue, It gives the net a run through with everyone gathering online proof! :lol: :)

    My opinion is your a Nut. <_< but you seem like a good kinda Nut.. :)
  16. huskers

    huskers Senior Member

    Aug 21, 2005
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    If you go to your search site and type (the mysterious dying god) you will see many coincidences between the christian faith and that of the earlier mithras (along with others). If you take the time to look at this page of information you can't come away without questions/concerns.
  17. Wildkow

    Wildkow New Member

    Jan 24, 2006
    2006 Prius
    Well first of all the picture is not a picture of the rapture it's a picture of the second coming of Christ with the Pic of George and the title photoshopped. Next, there is no such thing as the rapture in the Bible.
    Finally, in response to TJ, the Bible is internally consistent with the concepts necessary for faith and salvation. Just because it doesn't explain every single step of the creation and its aftermath does not make it a "HIGHLY flawed" book. This kind of reasoning is akin to "God says but I believe" a kind of Pick and Choose" what I care to believe in or the points that make me comfortable and disregard the ones that don't. Not a good idea IMHO. An example would be the tithe example that you claim was revoked when Christ died. IF that is true can you explain how it was revoked? Without the Bible how can you defend this position or how can you defend it after claiming that it is from a "Highly flawed" book? It is true that you will find different dates claimed in different parts of the Bible for the same event and different numers cited also, but the Bible is not a Book of dates and numbers it is a spiritual book and within that realm it is perfect.

    God Bless

  18. Loveit

    Loveit New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
    No, I am not Catholic. I was raised as a Baptist. But I attend FourSquare Church, (whose organization which is headed up by Jack Hayford.)

    I don't call myself a Baptist.

    No, I don't want to argue with you. You have not said that He was the Son of God, only that He died and was resurrected.

    You don't believe in the virgin birth. So if you don't believe in the virgin birth, does that mean you are saying that Jesus was not the Son of God?

    Because that is the wonder and the miracle of it all. Because that was God's plan and not man's.

    God's ways and thoughts are so much higher than man's.

    If we are to believe in Him, we need to take Him at His every word, otherwise we make Him out to be a liar.

    "God is not a man that He should lie." If God's word is not true, how then can you believe that you will spend eternity with Him?

    To PriusGuy04, good question. There is a part, where when Cain went out from God's presence from the land of Caanan after murdering his brother, he found his wife. God did tell Adam & Eve to be fruitful and mutiply; remember they lived to be about 900 years old or there somewhere abouts. So it is possible he married at a much later date a sister, or niece. Back then, men didn't marry until they were much older than we are today. Much older. So given the time span of life that both Adam & Eve lived it was very possible that Cain's wife was blood related.

    Also, I believe that when the people were scattered across the face of the earth because of the Tower of Babel and God confused the language of the people, that the Lord allowed the physcial make up of men & women who were scattered across the earth, to be adaptable to the climate and environment in which they were now residing. As a result, their skin color became different.

    The thing is, is that each person on the face of the earth is made in God's own image, a reflection of who He is.

    As far as slaughtering lambs are concerned, everything in the old testament is a shadow of what was to come, and is forthcoming. It was to convey the purpose and meaning behind Christ's death. He was the ultimate Lamb Of God slain for our sins. Without atonement for sin, the shed blood of Jesus Christ, no person could ever come into God's presence. Man could never pay the bill for the debt of sin. God paid the bill Himself with the blood of His only begotten Son, Jesus. Because I allowed God to pay for my debt of sin, I am free to come into His presence as His child and have a personal relationship, knowing that I should not use the freedom that I have now in Christ to sin, but to know that should I sin because of my weakness and flesh, that when I confess it, my advocate has paid my bill in full, so to speak. Only when the Lord comes again for me will I have a new body to go with the new spirit which now resides in me. At that time there will be no more sin, pain, or death; and the evil one will be bound up and thrown into the lake of fire reserved for him and his cohorts.

    Now tithing is a totally different but just as important thing. The bible says that if we love the Lord then we would obey His commands. There is a two-fold purpose in it.

    In Genesis 14:17, Abraham fought a battle to bring back Lot, his nephew, from the kings of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, and Bela, he had help from the King, (of Salem), who was also the High Priest of God, Abraham bought Him wine and bread, and a TENTH of all the goods he recovered. I believe this is where we get the "tenth" of our goods.

    Now in the book of Malachi, we are exhorted to "honor" and "respect" God. One way we show that is through tithing. Look at Malachi 3:10-11. This is the only place that I know of in the bible that says to test the Lord in the area of our giving tithes to Him. "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do, I wil open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won't have enough room to take it in! Try it! let me prove it to you! Your crops will be abundant, for I will gurad them from the insects and disease. Your grapes will not shrivel before they are ripe, then all nations will call you blessed, for your land will be sucn a delight." We are to give our best to the Lord, not our leftovers, the blemished gifts, or ones that we don't want. But our very best. He did so much for us to reconcile us to Himself. We threw away our inheritance when we decided to follow after someone else when Adam & Eve fell from grace. (the devil)

    As a result, we become just like him, the devil. That's where man's "evil" nature comes from. It is also the very reason why we need to be really careful about who or what we worship because we will take on the reflection of what or who it is that we worship. That's why the bible exhorts us not to get into idol worship. Remember there is only one God, there is no other.

    What other God do you know of that would love you enough to lay His life down for you that you might live? and live an abundant life? Not any other that I know of. Sure there is pain, suffering, and all that; but we live in a fallen world.

    It is the goodness of God that leads men to turn to Him so that they can be saved, and live a new way of living, not only now but for all eternity with Him. Be assured my friend, there will be an END TO THIS WORLD as we know it and the Lord will create a new heaven and a new earth for those that love Him, where there will be no more sin, pain, suffering, or death. He promises that He will wipe away every tear.

    The whole book of Malachi is basically a call to people everywhere to give God the honor due Him.

    I mean, many say that they trust Jesus as Lord and Savior for eternity, but many will not trust Him with their money. Now that says something.

    God promises that those who come to Him, He will not turn away; but they that come to Him must believe that He is.

    The evil one would have you believe that there is no God, but don't be deceived. God will reveal Himself to you if you search Him with all your heart.
  19. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(loveit @ Feb 3 2007, 07:38 PM) [snapback]384966[/snapback]</div>
    Thank you, for the answer 'Loveit'.... :)

    My wife and I both Tithe 10% of our checks, and we continue to reap the benifits. We did not tithe for the first year and could barely make ends meet, then we started again and people are surprised to see what we drive and the home we live in on what we make and we still have some left over. ;)

    I go to a non-denominational christian church, used to a church of god but it disbanded and became non-denominational. I try to go every Sunday, but I may miss a service or two a month. :rolleyes:

    I have to say its pretty neat when republicans, democrats & independents can come together and worship and leave their politcal parties at the door and everyone enjoys the time spent.... B)

    We believe when we die we will go to be with the Lord in Heaven.. The best part of that beleif is no one can take that away from us! :D

    Im not really trying to start an argument with TJ either, but rather I try to explain my views of how his replies are recieved/taken as I read them.. Oh and I have never heard a Preacher/Minister/Rabbi/Priest/pastor, tell someone not to use the Bible for a crutch or that it is a "Flawed book", that would make most people seriously doubt the speaker. :huh: :mellow: <_<

    I look at what has been said, in the other posts on this thread and it almost looks as if all 60 different versions of the bible have been molded into one thought process. Thats great if it works for him.. :)

    Peace out to you friend.
  20. TJandGENESIS

    TJandGENESIS Are We Having Fun Yet?

    Aug 11, 2005
    ★Lewisville, part of the Metroplex, Dallas, in the
    2005 Prius
    No, I am not Catholic. I was raised as a Baptist. But I attend FourSquare Church, (whose organization which is headed up by Jack Hayford.)

    Oh oh. Well, now I know of your problem. Jack Hayford, now, he is one of 'those' preachers...all about how the Bible is 100% correct. At least now I know where you stand.

    I don't call myself a Baptist.

    Neither do I. I call myself a Follower of Christ.
    Because religion sucks.

    No, I don't want to argue with you. You have not said that He was the Son of God, only that He died and was resurrected.

    Opps, sorry. I thought it would go with out saying; of course I believe He is the Son of God. Not WAS, like you wrote. IS the SON of GOD.

    You don't believe in the virgin birth. So if you don't believe in the virgin birth, does that mean you are saying that Jesus was not the Son of God?

    No. I'm just saying the men who wrote the Bible could not have the Son of God be born to (what was then seen as) a whore. Mary was pregnant out of wedlock. Joseph, he stepped up, and married her. But the writers of the Gospels, they were trying to start a business, I mean, a church, so they had to make the back story 'clean' for the locals at the time. Anyone with a shred of knowledge of the area and time of the writing of the Gospels knows that a whore could not be the mother of the Son of God. It would not have flown at the time. It might not fly even today. Although, it would have an easier time being bought today.

    God's ways and thoughts are so much higher than man's.

    Really?? How do you know what GOD thinks? I mean, even CHRIST HIMSELF said He did know the Father's plans. How arrogant, to think you know what GOD thinks.

    If we are to believe in Him, we need to take Him at His every word, otherwise we make Him out to be a liar.

    Well, no. See, if we take Him at every word, then He is a liar. BIG TIME.

    Let's see. He is perfect, according to the Bible. SO, why didn't He see man messing up, and have to essentially wipe man off the face of the earth with a 'flood' ? I mean, He should have seen that coming, and just scrapped the whole thing in the first place...The Bible is filled with wonderful fairy tails that are meant to convey a message. Never have been sure what the flood is suppose to mean, at least, not in the way Biblical scholars want me to buy.
    But hey, if you buy that, then you buy a man was swallowed by a whale…oh, you probably do.

    "God is not a man that He should lie." If God's word is not true, how then can you believe that you will spend eternity with Him?

    See, I believe what I believe because I have FATIH. Not in some book, but in GOD. And Jesus. What He said in the Gospels, well the truth of HIS words ring to my soul. Not what man wrote.
    Christ, if you will, speaks to me that way. Not with words, but with the Holy Spirit. I don’t’ want someone to think that I have conversations with God, because I don’t. People who say they ‘talk’ to God are usually nuts. Or Pat Robertson. Or both. But I do have peace in my heart from what Christ gives me.

    God did tell Adam & Eve to be fruitful and mutiply; remember they lived to be about 900 years old or there somewhere abouts.

    :lol: Oh my goodness, you don’t really believe that? Unless a year was a month back then, no way did they live to 900 years. People knock me for believeing in God; well, at least I don’t believe in 900 year old men. Unless they are Mel Brooks. (a somewhat dated reference to a classic sketch of his with a similar title)

    As far as slaughtering lambs are concerned, everything in the old testament

    There is another problem. OLD TESTAMENT is just that. OLD. As in, not the current. Testament is another word for covenant, and that is a way of speaking of a contract. The OLD Testament was voided free and clear with Christ and His NEW Testament. His NEW CONTRACT with us. Which requires no tithing, or slaughtering of lambs, or doing any of the ritual cleansing…sheesh, Why do modern Christians NOT get this? How can they claim forgiveness due to the ultimate lamb being slaughtered in Christ, but still want to live with the old deal, the old contract? If you were a football player, and just got a new contract worth millions, would you still want to get the lesser money of the old contract? Of course not.

    Now tithing is a totally different but just as important thing. The bible says that if we love the Lord then we would obey His commands.

    IN THE OLD TESTAMENT does it say to do that. It also says, as I mentioned, to slaughter lambs for sins. If you want to, say, have sex with your wife, there are other commands in the OLD Testament you need to follow as well. Oh, and while you are following those old ways, make sure you stone anyone caught having sex out of wedlock…Wait a minute. You mean you don’t do those things? Then why tithe? I never tithe. NEVER. BUT! I do give of my services, my work with other churches, for free. I feel if one is called to be a Preacher, one should try to do it for as little, or no, pay at all. For if I believe that this is a calling, then God will protect me, and take care of me. Which He has. Like I said, never tithe, yet, I work for free, and still somehow manage to own a house, two hybrids, you know, stuff. I am very happy with my lifestyle. I may not be Diddy rich, but I am happy.

    We need to be really careful about who or what we worship because we will take on the reflection of what or who it is that we worship. That's why the bible exhorts us not to get into idol worship. Remember there is only one God, there is no other.

    Now, on that, we agree. I don’t worship money, or streets paved with gold, or mansions in the sky. I want to be the last one in the door. I want to be in the worst place in heaven, for the last will be first, and the worst place in heaven is better then any place here.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Feb 3 2007, 06:03 PM) [snapback]384933[/snapback]</div>
    Well, better to be called a nut then some other things.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Feb 3 2007, 11:36 PM) [snapback]384997[/snapback]</div>
    OR, make one think, maybe he is not full of it, like 90% of the evangelists out there.
    Well, here is the deal: If it works for you and your wife, super. I don't tithe, as I mentioned, and I am fine, at least when it comes to money.

    Wealth is not all one needs, but it helps. I do have cancer, and never smoked, but again, that is alright with me. It's in some sort of remission, and frankly, the less time here, and the sooner I finish, the better.

    To answer someone, was it you? No matter, to answer someone who asked or something, how can I have read each of my 60 (+) Bibles more the 3 times a piece, is I have read them over my life. And some, more then others. The Message, for instance, I have lost count of how many times I have read that one. I do read fast. Faster then I type, which is a Bad Thing, since it leads to many spelling and grammatical errors, but this is the internets, right?

    Look. If one wants to believe in the Bible, wants to have comfort in that, great. ALL I AM POINTING OUT, is how easily one can take it apart, how that is accomplished, because it is a flawed book. WRITTEN BY MAN, and MAN is flawed. Not God. MAN.

    What fascinates me, is that a book of origin well over 2000 years ago, is still hotly debated today, and how it has so much that is the Truth if one cares to look.

    Many reading these words, will, no doubt, think I don't find any Truth to the Bible. Not so. But I find that the Bible is, on a whole, 30% correct, maybe 40%. Which is astounding, given the age of the manuscripts.

    It really is remarkable in that sense.