It's just because the display of the speed and such *is* a reflection- it is projected from down below- you can stick your fingers in there, where it's reflected from and you will see how your fingers interrupt the display (you may leave finger smudges that can be wiped off). The touch-tracer display (of the steering-wheel buttons when touched or pressed) that overlays it is the display that is direct-viewed, so there is no double-vision on that. That is how an overlay display generally works- one display is direct, the other is projected from below and is reflected off of a semi-reflective mirror at a 45-degree angle. Other markets, like the UK, get a heads-up-display of the speed on the windshield on their Prii, so the whole reflected-mirror system may be related to that- if there was a slot above where it's projected, I think that it would project on the windshield. (Which if that is all that it is, why are they "disabling" the HUD for the US market, when it does not sound like a cost-saving move?)
Never mind on the thought of maybe there just needing to be a slot in the top to project the speed display onto the windshied. This web page below shows the UK version with the HUD, and it's shown as being projected more in front of the driver. So, that means that the projection is just for the touch-tracer double display. Toyota Prius Pictures | Prius Interior | Prius Exterior | Toyota UK
I just took delivery of a 2013 Package 3 and my display is awful. It hurts my eyes and I am very very unhappy. This should not be like this. When I test drove I did notice the display but I had polarized sunglasses on and it made it look better.
It's a refraction caused by the thickness of the mirror glass at the 45 o angle. Wow ! Picky, picky, picky.
Weird. Our 2011 doesn't have this display double vision thing. Tonight while driving I changed the intensity to see if I could replicate the problem. Display stays sharp at all brightness levels. Certainly would want it fixed if the problem had cropped up.
I have this problem on my month-old car and it is very annoying. I think I will take it to a Service Center or to the dealer and see what they say.
First, I'd recommend cleaning the glass with a simple solution of white vinegar, hot water and a small shot of hand soap for doing dishes in the sink (it's what pros use to clean car glass without streaks). If that doesn't help, something is wrong with the glass. I've noticed what seems to be what you're talking about from time-to-time, but it's not there 99.9% of the time, so I think it can be the product of environmental factors in addition to the glass itself. It is present at various seating heights? Maybe at a different viewing angle it disappears.
It does vary in severity depending on the angle and distance, however it never disappears. Also, it is significantly more pronounced at night when the headlights are on.
I understood that this was a well known problem when the windscreen was replaced by a non-OEM screen. A number of drivers have been back to their insurers and insisted on the correct screen being fitted because of this and the insurers have complied.
I went to the dealership and they told me this was the case on all models and nothing could be done. They showed me the other Priuses in the lot and they were the same.