I meant everything I said, but if you end a post with "No offense ", you can't be offended. Them's the rules.
Cool, ya F&^(%* *&))^^) *&) C( &)_*&_) S%$&%&# A$*((!!!! and ya mother wears army boots! No offence Adding a :roll: can't hurt either :target: :bolt:
Nothing a good chain saw, over sized claw hammer and 15 lb. sledge hammer could not remedy. When you hear the first thud, immediately get out and retrieve the chain saw from the trunk. Just before starting, put on your Freddie mask- On second thought, you probably handled it just right.
it took a while, but i have trained my kids that when they start out a conversation by saying "No offense, but...." the world rightly hears "get ready to be offended." Your approach simply changes that to "you know i just offended you, right?"
This will help a little... PriusChat Shop : Toyota Prius Body Side Moldings - $122.00$119.00 :rockon:
A few weeks ago, I was driving in SF with the family in a rush to get somewhere on time. Stopped in traffic, a guy on an old cruiser of some sort slowly passes by us on the left as he splits lanes (which is basically legal in CA). I can see he's having trouble negotiating the tight space with that big fat smelly hog. He's riding really wobbly and he hits my front quarterpanel with a noticeable thud. I yell "Hey, not cool!" and fully expected him to run off. Or be an donkey about it, fitting my preconceptions of harley riders. But we both pulled over and I took a look at the damage expecting a huge dent on my heretofore pristine prius. It looked like it his brake lever had only scratched the paint a couple inches, no dent or major damage. He was very apologetic and willing to give me his info. In fact he was so obviously remorseful, I decided to just tell him forget about it and we went our separate ways. If he had been a dick about it like your range rover friend, I definitely would haven't been so forgiving. Fortunately for him I was in a rush too.
Right or wrong, the conversation started out in a confrontational manner by the offended person. This other person may have been a normally timid person but by confronting them and putting them on the defense they may simply have become agressive in defending themself (reguardless of their correct or incorrect position in the matter). I'm sure as he drove off calling you an A%$ hole that he felt like he was the one that ended this potentially violent confrontation. He may have been thinking all along, I'm sorry I did that but I don't really want to "Duke It Out" here in the parking lot with this angry person. Bottom line is, if I don't want to fight I don't start one, even if the bully kicked sand in my face.
Can't say as I blame you, but again, if he had gotten off the bike and took a chain to your hood (or person) would you have been happy about the outcome? If you truly just said, "Hey, Not Cool", then that is at least a not too aggressive conversation starter. It may be the words that follow that leads to the next step. In this case the guy stepped up. If he hadn't would it have been worth the possible outcome?
Are you the same guy asking how can he carry an easily accessible gun in his Prius?? Now that would be a peaceful conversation starter!
Ok, so just to be clear: I don't honestly believe that if you start or end a statement with "no offense ", the other side cannot be offended. I guess a few people didn't catch the joke, and this thread is now a bit dumber for me having had to explain it.
I carry concealed. It's simply a final conversation ender. I avoid confrontations as much as possible, but there are a lot of bad people out there. I'm not going to fight over a scratch but will do whatever is necessary to protect my family. Approaching anyone with an aggressive tone will make them believe you are an aggressive person. Just be prepared for the worse is all I'm saying.
Well I wasn't about to do anything foolish with my wife & kids in the car. Especially not over a small scratch. I have to say that the OP showed a lot more restraint than I would have in his situation...
Hope you know I was kidding you (geesh we're all getting very touchy here aren't we?) I may not agree with your driving around with a gun, I would fight for your right to carry same. :usa2:
This past weekend I was parked and waiting in the "passenger loading and unloading" part of the mall. Then, all of a sudden an OLDER older lady and her louis vuitton purse walked right in front of my car and the metal part of her bag hit the front. I looked at her in shock, then ran out to check it.. mind you, this is my first new car.. and there was a small dent on the hood. ugh. I couldn't say anything though because she was old. Would you guys have said something?
I had a really old guy put my one and only ding in my Prius door and I got out and said something but the guy could barely walk and his wife had this sad look on her face so I just let it go. It wasn't worth the $80 to try and harass the couple to make them pay for the damage.