as us harley guys say, "ride it like you stole it". dont waste time, effort and back pressure on b. the car will break itself in no sweat. on the other hand dont flog the heck out of it. this is not a car built in the 60's. just asking your question indicates that it will be broken in just fine. fred from nashville
you can ive been doing it. its going to seat in anyway no matter what you do or how you do it. even if you stand on it, its going to break in just fine. these components, are all top quality and made for long life, it would be impossible to break this car in wrong that would effect its engine life. I can find you a hundreds of mechanics and racers [me included] that find break in to be alot more myth then reality. yes the rings do need to seat and doing everything stated in this thread from the beginning can help seat them, but they will seat on their own. I would not step to hard on the brakes, and I wouldnt race it the whole time for the first 500. [but who does race a prius everywhere] a occasional flooring will not hurt this car at all. I have beat and raced most of my vehicles from day one while just not red lining the first week or two, all of my vehicles are well taken care of and have outlasted most people's rides I know. Not one prius has ever come in the shop with washed out rings under 300,000 miles. break in is a non issue other then waiting for the fuel economy to improve
I settled in at 51.6 MPG on my first tank hand calculated, with a MID showing I think it was, 53.4 MPG, I have it on my account (n9qgs). but I am just going to say I am very happy coming from a Yaris that did well, on good tanks I pulled over 400 miles on a tank, 420 was really good, and usually little over 10 gallons put in, well I ran the think well beyond 0 cruising miles remaining and had over 440 miles, and still only took 8.667 gallons, so I am happy with my purchase... there just is also the fun factor as well.