Don't daydream and drive, it could cost you your life

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by pilotgrrl, Apr 11, 2018.

  1. Stevewoods

    Stevewoods Senior Member

    Jun 10, 2014
    Seattle, WA
    2008 Prius
    From NPR, miss tom and ray, although I still catch the car talk column in the Saturday paper. Doubt Ray really writes it, but last Saturday it actually mentions "his beloved, late brother."

    Yep, Morning Edition and Wait, Wait Don't Tell me are about all I tune in any more. Used to like Science Friday, but more and more it seems as if it has silly topics.
  2. AzWxGuy

    AzWxGuy Weather Guy

    May 22, 2011
    Tucson, AZ
    2021 Prius
    I wouldn't call it day dreaming, but I often, mainly on good weather days/nights, remember getting started on my 70 mile commute and the next thing I remember I'm getting out of my car at work. There are periods of lucidity in between, when accosted by traffic nonsense and such. But mostly I become a driving machine intimately connected with my driven machine. This level of development has taken me 8 years to accomplish. What I am mostly doing during that time is working out the weather details for the day and week ahead. I fill my head full of all kinds of numbers and graphic time progression forecasts for various atmospheric parameters before I leave, then I cogitate on pattern recognition and probability of outcome. By the time I'm arriving I've figured it all out. The ride home isn't nearly as automatic. Audio entertainment for me consists of FM radio here and there (yes, always NPR) and various podcast episodes from 24 programs played on my one and only Apple device, an iPod Nano 7th generation. Used to use Bluetooth but switched to the USB/Lightning cable due to battery life of the iPod and connection reliability (not).