People, Since Prius come with all the latest gee-whiz gadgets that Toyota can throw into this hybrid, I see no problem having active noise canceling system in the package. In case I forget, we are talking about a Lexus here, aren't we ?
Oh yeah! I noticed this a few days ago when I drove it on a packed down snowy/icy road. The car sounds like it might rattle apart! A big difference from the 2008 Sonata I got rid of for this car. The 2010 Prius II makes more noise than my 2006 Scion XA! That was kind of sad when I noticed that. I drove both on the same day a few minutes apart. I took my XA to the store because the remote starter kept the car running the whole time I was in the store & I felt like being warm If I keep this car for a few more years I might sound mat the entire vehicle to see if that improves any rattling.
I have to disagree. In my on-going experience my dealer has been trying as best they can to resolve the problem. They replaced the center console which seemed to help. When I said the glove box area is still a problem they have offered to have the Toyota Rep look at the car, which I will do later this week. My audio shop looked at the glove box and felt it was defective. They were more than happy to speak with my local Toyota dealer's customer service writer and the writer did speak with them. So I hope to be chipping away at the rattles. In another Rattle thread I posted the direct phone number of the national Toyota customer service representative with whom I have had several conversations about my rattle. Perhaps PriusChat folks will wish to contact him. The problem is not yet resolved, but in my past (and current) experience with my 2001 Prius, Toyota covered many issues, way after the warranty had expired.
I am pleased you are having such good luck finding your rattles. As I posted I have had no luck using local Toyota dealers at all. I remember your post of the service rep and his phone number but I can't find it. I may wish to contact him, would you please post it again. As I said I am trying to find my own rattles but the time may come when I need some help and the local dealers my need some expert advice.
OK great, I'll most likely end up giving him a try because I have a couple I don't think I can find or fix.
First of all, we are dealing with mostly the 2010 Prius. These are new cars. I think we are in a period of discovery. Basicly, you discover rattles or squeaks in your new automobile that you otherwise like, and have invested into, you probably DON'T drop the automobile or Toyota in a hearbeat. But I think you have every right to complain and be disappointed and upset. Infact to initiate any type of change or potential recall owners better be upset. If everyone just takes the attitude that this is just something you get when you buy a Prius, then over all quality drops. I think a solid, relatively squeak free interior on a vehicle that ranges from 22,000+ to 32,000+ is not being too demanding or picky. Evidently, from many that owned 2nd generation and upgraded this is "worse" on the 3rd it's beyond the expectations of just what you would get with a Prius. I can say my 17 year old Honda is near squeak free. I'd expect in 2009 automakers could build dashes that aproached the marvel of 1993. If this problem can't be fixed or adressed I'd imagine some people will rapidly change vehicles, but most might keep the Prius for a year or so, but overall if the rattles and squeaks get worse or are as bad as some are saying, you'd have to expect that a lot of people might give up on Prius Ownership a lot sooner and be dissatisfied with the experience. If that is immediately, or in 1, 2, years it makes no difference. Rattles in the dash are a fit and finish quality problem and owners have a right to complain and Toyota should want to know about it and fix it. "Buying a Prius should not be like a Box of Chocolates, You should know what you are going to get." -Prius Gump
My Prius V doesn't rattle. I was really afraid it would, but it doesn't. occasional creaks over big bumps, but no rattles. I am very glad. Very big smile glad, happy. Good, no rattle.
I've got a few rattles in mine: Driver's door (might be from when they opened it up to work on a Whistling sound that started on day 1), something in the right side of the dash, something in the trunk area, and a few others. I'm quite disappointed since I don't think I had these issues with my 1999 Corolla (that I just traded in for this brand new 2010 Prius). It's also disappointing since the vehicle is manufactured in Japan where the quality should be the best it's ever going to get. I mainly bought the vehicle because of all the technology they cram into a car at this price point, and I'm mostly happy with it. So I don't plan on dumping it any time soon. But there's a very good chance that my next vehicle will not be a Toyota. In a few years (hopefully that long), someone will need to convince me that Toyota's overall quality (fit & finish and software programing) have improved significantly before I'll buy another one.
Purchased this Prius in September 2007. Loved it until two rattles began at about 3,000 miles on the passenger side dash area and near the center display. Brought it in for Toyota servicing but it's still rattling. Then at about 5,500 miles, another rattle near the right side column between the doors began. Also the left rear window rattles when it is open from 1/2" to 5". Brought it...but the rattles persist. Today (with 13,000 miles on it) I brought it back for the forth time to Toyota servicing to see if this time around they could fix any or all. No luck. I guess I'm going to have to live with it. It's funny that my previous car was a 1989 Honda Civic DX hatchback and for all 19 years and 242,000 miles not once was there a single rattle.
So far, no rattle(s) in my IV. Bought in July 09, has 6,000 miles. I hate writing this because you know what happens next.
I don't have a lot of rattles but do have one which is very peculiar. If I am driving the rattle seems to come fro the passenger side of the car near the far side vent. But, when I asked a passenger to help me find it, he said it was coming from my side. I tried leaning over track it down and, as soon as my head crossed the center console the sound seemed to come from the driver's side vent. Has anybody tracked this down?
I think I have the same rattle. Unfortunately I haven't found it yet but when/if I do I'll post the answer, you do the same and good luck.
Have you guys tried pulling up on the floating console when you hear the noise. It seems most cars have a rattle creaking noise comming from where the center console attaches to the floating console.
Adamace1, Just put a little pressure on the console where the cupholder is and you will find it stops. I have it on occasion and it's not a show stopper....And it's cold here it's not bad at all...
I have but I'll try it again today, thanks. My center console (the arm rest part) rattles but the front part where the shifter is seems quiet. The one Robert N. was talking about is different, at least in my car. I'll give that a try also Bob.
I already called Toyota Customer Service and reported my problems. A case number was provided and a copy was forwarded to the seller's customer relations dept. I'm now waiting for a call from the aforesaid dept. to schedule an appointment with the service guys to address my vehicle's issues. Question, I scheduled my car to be tinted (all windows except front windshield) tomorrow, but I'm not sure if the dealer is going to use that as an excuse to avoid addressing rattles stemming from the front passenger door. What do you guys think? Should I postpone my tint for post-dealership visit? Current problems reported: -DVD disc noise (audible disc reading 24/7 - annoying) -front-right passenger side rattles when music is played at a moderate volume level between 15 and 20 @ default settings... -rear-right side seat and/or area making movement noises, as if something is not tightened. Think of a door hinge that isn't lubed...the annoying sound it makes when moved slowly...OR, going down wooden stairs to the basement...the crickety sound it makes when you take a step?? Bottom line: it's annoying...(lol!) The Prius is still a great car...could be better w/o the annoyances.
That's a good question, I would be tempted to call them and ask. It certainly shouldn't but you never know how their minds work. Be sure to post what they find in the doors, I may have at least one rattle in my door as well.
People like that are not worth our time. Wait till he has problems with his Prius, we should just all ignore him tell him to sell his car after depreciation. Yes I wanted to sell my car and get the car I really want but I just doesn't have the money at the moment and I don't want to lose moeny selling this car. Get it?
Ok guys I probably have all the rattling in all the places imaginable and after reading some long long theards here I have gone out to try to stop the rattling. After taking the lower glove compartment off I realized that there are 3 hinges, one had foam the two other ones none. Why? I can only guess really lazy work here. So I foamed the other two up. Needed to install DAB radio (because the one come with it doesn't funtion properly) so had my brother to install it. Right hand side colum all stripped out, centre console also stripped out and all lower side of the glove box compartment. The Right hand colum trim (felt ones) had quite a bit of foam on them but surprsingly some had a film of plastic on the foam (which should be taken off) still left on the foam! So took all those off and then padded it with more foam. Made sure that all centre wiring after DAB installation are totally insualted and I have used up probably 3 bag full of Toyota foams. Does the car still rattle?! YES!! But after the foaming up the rattling died away totally for about a week but now two have surfaced. This saturday going in for chaning of back lights since they were both collecting condensation so it will be replaced under warrant. Actually I am not too happy about that because never had I owned a car that had condensation in the lights, worst still this is a new car and BOTH back lights need to be changed. But even if they did change it I probably have to change it again next winter because it will collect condensation again because of poor quality. Going off the topic there. So this Saturday I am going to foam up the centre console contact with the cup holder place and then foam up the top glove box compartment and then we will see if it rattles or not. Summer is coming so I think the rattling issue will tend to die down but wait till next winter. But Personally, if they (toyota) don't do something about this rattling soon I will probably go to the media because since reporting to them is like dropping a coin in the sea with no ripples at all.